Research into the past

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They walked in all shocked as she placed the dishes down on the table, a spread of foods she spent most of the afternoon preparing not letting anyone into the kitchen for longer than a couple of minutes. " holy fuck this looks amazing" butcher came to her side kissing her head. " hey look sloppy joes" Ben and janine called at the same time. " proof you're a child" Annie smirked. " Nah kids just got good taste is all" he smirked letting Janine take one first before he filled his plate putting a couple more on the little girls plate . " I swear you broke him" frenchie shook his head walking around the table picking up bits of everything and piling it on his plate. " i got good green, greens" she corrected herself as MM shot her a look . " And she is not a pussy ... cat" Ben smiled. " lets just eat"MM sighed wondering where he could get ear plugs knowing none of them could keep it pg and he would have a lot of explaining to do once she went home. " hey are these the green" janine asked as MM glared at her. " Sure are kid," Ben winked . " sorry" she mouthed rushing around the table to get some food herself.

The conversation around the table was more tame as they talked about bits and pieces being finally conscious of the child sitting there. Ben and Hughie both had her laughing and joking with them although it was back to teasing they were mentally same age. " Angel, thank you for letting me stay here" she smiled brightly. " hey it's all your dad , i mean after he said how cool and beautiful you were well it was no brainer " she smiled softly. " It's so cool you live here" she gushed. " Well we all do , we share it so it means your dads too" she shrugged bigging the man up making him give her an appreciative smile . " mom didn't believe that you lived here". " Well now she will see i do and things will be better with us" he sighed softly. " hey dessert time" y/n called seeing the tension throughout the room. " She really is an angel," Janine giggled. " That is not leaving is it?" she asked . " nope" they all yelled.

" Ok so I didn't make these because well i didn't have time but i got them from nice places so enjoy" she placed the pies on the table before rushing back to the kitchen returning with other baked goods. " I might marry you" kimiko signed excitedly. " we can hit vegas when they're asleep" she winked. " Whatever is not eaten, me and Benjamin will eat after our greens later," she laughed dodging the bread roll coming towards her. " Your reflexes are so good," Annie praised. " I mean i was training in many fighting styles i would hope they are". " fighting like martial arts," Janine asked . " She joined karate last month so it's her new favourite," MM explained. " ooh i could show you some moves during the week , you'll impress your instructors" she smiled as the girl nodded excitedly. " ok come on movie time then bed it's been long day" MM stood leading her out of the room . " Leave the office til tomorrow" Ben warned her before heading off to do his own thing. " I might check off the files in the attic then " she stood while Annie and Mia began cleaning off the table. " us too" hughie and the two men stood following her she led them up the stairs and to a door down the bottom of the hall walking up another staircase . She hit the lights as rows upon rows of boxes were all on shelves and piled on the floor.

They followed her as she stopped her hands grazing over boxes softly as they could physically feel the shift in her emotion . " Who's Grace and Katie," Frenchie whispered. " my little sisters" she barely could get the words out of her mouth even after all the years it still felt so raw. " beautiful names" he added soberly, regretting asking in the first place. " the boxes we need are down here" she walked ahead only to feel a hand holding hers. " let's check em out" Butcher rubbed his thumb over her palm , his way of letting her know she wasn't alone not only in the search but in general . they pulled out the copious amount of boxes , checking them all for anything even the clothes ones leaving nothing left untouched. Hours of looking and they weren't even halfway done , She read through the files most wanting to blow her brains out due to the boredom. " I'm going cross eyed here c'mon love we look through them tomorrow with fresher eyes" Butcher pulled her off the ground. " for once i agree" she yawned, feeling the sleepiness take over. " Go on soldier boy is waiting" he patted her behind making her walk faster. " I hate your dating my sister" hughie groaned . " I find it amazing , keep me young,"Butcher laughed .

" bout time" he called holding the joint in his hand already to get the session started. " ok ok my bad" she rolled her eyes . " find what you were looking for" voice slightly muffled as he lit the joint between his lips . " not yet if it's even up there so much , i mean i don't even know what i'm looking for" she laughed dryly . " What was your mom like?" he asked abruptly. " Not a mom , she never was , I never had that take you to bed and tell you there were no monsters under your bed unless there was an outsider about and even that was minimal" she said softly. " shit kid how are you not a cold hating bastard , i mean even when you try not really" he passed it over. " because my uncle I mean I know he wasn't blood but that man treated me better than any blood related relative did" she smiled taking a long drag and just as her eyes closed she could see the man . " why you so interested in my family" she chuckled. " because as a best friend i need to be" he winked . " I mean you are, it doesn't matter about time length, it is about you being there" she smiled softly. " pussy" he chuckled but she could see the appreciative smile he gave her. " You know I don't think I've ever had a friend let alone a real best friend" he mused. " So get used to it," she winked . " you know i'll keep you safe from Homelander , I won't ever let him hurt you again" he spoke soberly , meaning to the promise deep within his words . " I won't let him hurt any of you either , ok this is getting way too deep" she said laughing looking up at the stars what she didn't notice was the supes eyes locked on her . Nothing but admiration in his eyes as he took her in , how the world hurt her so much and yet she could still open her heart to them all , not that he would ever tell her or maybe he would.

The next morning Butcher woke to the empty bed , feeling the spot she usually was in was cold meaning she was gone a while . It didn't take a genius to know where she was. With a grunt and groan he walked out the room , only to see hughie headed towards the attic as well . " Annie saw her going up at like 4 am" he mumbled. " She is not going to stop, I mean whatever the blonde cunt says has her on edge" Butcher almost growled . " you think there was more to his words". " I think there is more to all of this, She smart and a gut for these thing so i  believe her that there's more " he nodded . " when Homelander and vought is involved it's never good" hughies pulled the door open .    They just got to the end of the stair only to hear stuff being thrown across the room and her anger screams . rushing up the stairs they saw her shred the clothes , smash whatever was there only the box wasn't her stepfathers. They walked closer to the staff's womens clothes shredded beyond repair pictures ripped up . " hey hey" he wrapped his arms around her as instantly broke . " What's wrong, what did you find?" Hughie held her face looking at him and all he got was a broken soul looking back . " She was vought , she set us up, she wanted them to kill them all , how could she do that ... her own children " she broke into sobs as the men looked around at the destruction to see the papers dropped in one spot , free of the chaos . Hughie lifted it up seeing everything the woman was on payroll and projects she was working on . " she was going to sell you to vought" he said as Butcher pulled her tighter in his arms. " check the other things because selling didn't really cut it all i was already sold " she sniffled. " fuck it's gonna be ok" he sighed. " What is it?" Butcher asked. " she is shown , it means she's a supe of some kind" he rubbed his face wishing he could punch her mother. " explain a lot," he mused . " I know you hate supes.." she began . " i think i changed my opinion on them" he kissed the top of her head. " It's not all i need to talk to ben" she pulled back looking at both men sadly. " why?" they both asked at the same time. " because he ties into this" she pulled back and walked off . " ohh shit" hughie eyes widened as dropping the paper before running after her. 

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