blast from the past

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The morning was wasted fixing some account which she reminded herself never to let them  make changes again giving they were fucking moran , how the company was running in the first place was beyond her.  by 12 hughie was calling her to leave for their dad's another thing that had her on edge. She wanted to say she was busy and couldn't do it and it wasn't like she was lying but same time ,she wanted to give them the chance even though she was terrified  of history repeating , getting attached only for it all to be gone and she was on her own again , that didn't  just include her family.  Then when she thought of  the morning in bed that had her completely shit scared  but yet smiling like an idiot at same time maybe just  this time it would all work out right? 

" we taking the suv or ?" hughie asked  about to walk outside . " our we can take one of the other cars " she smiled  walking the way to the  garage seeing him light up like a child on christmas .   " where you going " MM looked on curiously . " the best part of the house" she could of sworn his voice pitch went higher . " come on i never did show you guys ".  she walked up putting the code in as they look on  curiously  and the door swinging open . " fucking hell is that an aston martin DB5 ". " wow stereotypical of you to notice that " she snorted .  " hey no  even better than that the  porsche 9/11 "  . " yeah pick one we're going to be late " she said as the others walked around the luxury cars in awe and love in some cases . " the porsche obviously " hughie  jumped in his spot excitedly . "  i'll grab the keys " she walked off . " shit are we in heaven " MM asked . "  fucking hell there's at least three lambo's in ere" . " she trust you guys  , this is her way of showing that " kimiko signed happily  . "   she's not wrong this is big for her to welcome you guys properly , these cars are her babies  , most  of them are her uncles, powerful ass family  " hughie looked around . "  i've only ever bought one car and that the cherry red porsche i drive around " she came into view unlocking the car as hughie jumped in instantly. " hey is it cool if brought janine here it's my weekend " MM stood dancing foot to foot . " course  kimiko you and annie could grab some kid stuff  while MM  collects her right" she asked  handing the woman her card ." course ". " no you don't need to do that ". " i can and will  keeps the mom happy report and ben pg filter kid around " she warned before waving them off  driving out as hughie cheered like a fucking child . "  you fuck up with her and i can dibs " MM pushed butcher  jokingly. " i called dibs first "  kimiko told them easily . " she did " frenchie sighed  like it was a debated subject he had lost long again .    "  i have to bring her out first and your already praying on my downfall " he  arched his brow .   " i mean she's hot as fuck , kind as fuck , sweetheart but a spitfire and rich as hell  Just saying man you hit the lottery there " MM winked . " money means fuck all man she more than that , fuck she could be broke and i'd be still a  lucky cunt  " he smiled brightly . they turn to see mia standing looking at MM sad at his words hearing it all . " hey i  seeing if kimiko was ready " she held her phone to see that Y/N text her. " hey i was just .." . " yeah  i heard , you ready " she turned looking away pretending her didn't exist.   

Pulling up she had phased out hughies fan girl moment of her car .  she looked up the house she spent some time in her childhood before it stopped it confused her then little did she know the truth but she always wondered why it all stopped.  slowly she walked out of the car looking at the front door. feeling like that  a little girl  walking up the path way  as her dad stood delighted with life standing in the doorway saying something but she didn't catch a single letter of it . "sorry ?" . " oh i just saying i'm happy  your here" he hugged her  cautiously. " it's surreal " she looked around as they stepped in , a  few changes here and there but it still looked like a moment stuck in time . " this place barely changed " she smiled sadly . "  right?  always been home... shit i mean " hughie stuttered and stumbled realising how it sounded. " no it's fine  so what's for lunch" she turned to her dad . " well i got food from that diner we used to go to when you were smaller thought be nice to .. was bad idea wasn't it " . " no no come on just lets eat i'm starving " she smiled weakly thinking maybe it was a bad idea to come .  she told them about some of her adventure places she'd visited and they told her some of there adventure  like the cia protection and how hughie came to be with the boys .  conversations flowing   and her  guard slowly coming down a little .  " i missed this so much " he said suddenly. " why did it end ?" she asked softly stopping any irritation from adding on . " when you were 8 , your mom rang and told me  you wouldn't be coming anymore ,  i fought that whole night with her and next day i went to see a lawyer and she well either her or your step dad did the same way before , we went to a meeting  me and  my one public defender sat in a room with all this high class attorney's with signed letter to say my visitation was to stopped  and some bogus claim i was a danger to you , they even  paid off the judge and every time i tried to fight  it never worked.  so i bowed down waited til you were old enough thinking i could tell you instead i should of kept fighting but i was fighting a losing battle  but the longer i wait the more i thought you were better off , new guy had more money to  provide even thought it killed me i thought it was good thing to do   ,  i took the cowards way out like i always did " he smiled sadly eyes looking straight into hers. "  you have every right to be angry with me btw i mean if you wanna throw that milkshake at me do it " . "   no weirdly i'm not i mean i should , you gave up too easily but then again i know what he was like , he fought dirty and my mother well she was cold hearted bitch i mean i love her, she my mom  but it the truth  i would of been better if she just left .. shit i didn't mean that "  .  " no it's ok and  well this time we are sticking around even if we fight or anything this time we're fighting " hughie wrapped his arms around there shoulders .  

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