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She felt their eyes on her filled with concern as she walked into the kitchen , she noticed MM , mia and janine were gone. She stood looking at him , eyes locked on him looking to see if he was just as shocked as she was but the information was not new to his ears , she knew he could hear it all. " We need to talk , don't you think?" she stood arms crossed almost staring him down . " I think we do," he agreed, standing before her before lifting her up and they were gone. "Where the fuck did they go" frenchie jumped up . " What is going on?" kimiko asked . " Is she ok with him?" Annie asked Butcher and Hughie as they walked in . " Is he safe with her is the more important question" Butcher hand slammed on the counter . He was sick of the dirty dealing of vought , he was sick of seeing people being destroyed by the organisation apparently there to keep the world safe. They seemed to destroy more than save and they gave no shit unless it meant a bad reputation. Now another woman loves being their target .

He placed her down two surrounded by the wooded area , not too far from the house but far enough. He watched her pacing all the emotions spreading across her face . A moment he felt coming along with the slap she hit him across his face. " that actually stung" he looked at her. " No time for jokes, how long have you known?" she asked. " when mind fucker told me i had kids, twins , then your uncle approached me , he wanted to introduce us but well he died , i went to look for you myself but well that was almost mission impossible" he laughed . " yeah well i like to be safe" she huffed still pacing . " I didn't know it was you til i walked around the joint , saw the picture of the old guy and it clicked" he sighed . " what didn't occur to you to be like hey i'm your grandfather" she threw her hands up . " I mean i did but the way you and hughie was i thought i could gain your trust first so it wouldn't matter" . " You don't wanna mess up again , you said you weren't messing up again, that was about me being your family wasn't it" she paused, almost reliving their conversations . " Is this Why you got so protective of me?" she added . " I mean grandkids are like kids but better," he joked, earning a glare in return. " this is so fucked , no there fucked and then theres this what the hell is my life" she laughed dryly . "look i get your pissed i mean i'm pissed too , imagine finding out both of your kids were a waste of semen , greedy attention seeking pussies then i met you , seeing you were more than that , god i'm going to sound like that pansy ass pussy whipped hallmark shit again, but seeing you were nothing like the demon spawn that came from my nutsack , even pissed off and hurt you still helped us out, put aside your own problem to be there for us and then there's that spitfire attitude" he smile proudly. "No you can just say nice shit and expect me not to be mad" she huffed while sitting on the ground. " you know more fucked up you packed my case that's fucked up" she scrunched her face up in disgust. " that was to appear normal it wasn't a walk in the park for me either angel" he agreed. " When were you going to tell me?" she finally asked, looking up at him . " when i knew you liked me that much it wouldn't have mattered" he admitted. " I gotta still be in that coma, this shit is so wild" she laughed . " Look, I can leave if it's too much, ok i know this is a lot" he said. " no don't I mean supe shit i apparently have and i'm all about family now except homelander ... my uncle ew" she grimaced. " that i'm surprised you or no one else noticed i mean you heal fast and reflex on par , strength we just don't know what else you can do" he winked . " I don't want to hear about who you've banged. I mean it was disturbing before but it's worse now" she stood. " hey it's nice to know gramps still got it no?" he laughed . " Nah, knowing your grandfather is a slut isn't usually a normal piece of information to have" she looked away from his face. " i think i'm more pissed i'm related to Homelander than i am you" she finally admitted . " I wish i was there i mean when you were growing up i wouldn't have let the shit that happened" she could see his jaw clench. " you mean with grace and katie ?" she asked. " I would have kept you all safe". " Can we go back home?" she finally asked. " yeah come on before star tits starts searching for us" he lifted her up.

The team stood watching , waiting for a sign it was ok to talk . the two stood almost ok in a way , she still looked shaken up but finding out your mother was the spawn of soldier boy , sister to homelander and orchestration a family genocide . " Are you ok?" Annie asked softly. " I mean it is not ideal , but this part I'm actually ok with the rest makes my head hurt" she sat on the steps. " i was right , i mean i didn't expect him to be your grandfather , i thought he was secretly in love with you" frenchie jumped up . "we can work with you to find out your powers if you want" . " Star tits is right, we can find out what you can do and help train it" Ben smiled. " I mean how do we even trigger it?" she asked. " number of ways but we can go over that a different day , i think today you need to rest"." Come sweetheart" Butcher led her back into the house . " well hi grandpa" hughie joked awkwardly . " fuck off we're not related" soldier boy shook his head before heading in himself.

She felt herself hit her bed but it was like an out body experience , trying to make sense of it all . How could she do it , how could she agree to the death of her kids. All the why , buts , ands ran through her head like a rolodex. She felt the bed shift and strong arms grip around her waist . the head on her shoulder, no words spoken , just an overrun of emotion, a dam breaking . the overwhelming feeling of her life being one cruel joke after another , everytime happiness came a bomb would hit . the feeling of a life she could have had if she had normal parents , the loss of her sisters and the night pulsating in her head pushing every single fibre and nerve of her core system. That anger of how a person could not value their own child could feel the angry red hot tears streaming down her face. How her skin felt on fire wanting them all to pay , watch them all crash and burn. " fuck fuck" was all she heard snapping out of her own feeling seeing Butcher looking across the expanse of the now burnt bed flames around her yet she felt untouched. " think of something else that isn't well causing these" he called trying to put the fire out. She looked and thought of everyone else , the happier times , how she wasn't alone now. " That's it" he called, seeing the flames dying away . she thought of him and how he made her happy like she never felt that way about anyone . " fucking ell you scared the fuck out me you ok" he checked her over the tears drying instantly on her cheek . " I think I know how to trigger my abilities," she sniffled . " I think you're right on that one" he laughed looking at the now charred remains that was her bed. He could see it in her. She was terrified although she was trying to hide it , she avoid his eyes almost waiting for something to happen. " I ain't going anyway , i'm not leaving" he told her, seeing an almost surprised expression over her face . " Nah I just started feeling alive again , this still doesn't stop the most mental thing ever to happen so get that thought out of your head , i've dealt with your grandfather of a supe out there too" he chuckled hold her face in his hands feeling them cool down completely . " i may have lied slightly we will have to leave but just this room that beds fuck" he winked making her eyes widen when she actually turned and saw it . " hey look at me it's ok we can get a flame retardant one" he joked . " you think now the sex will be hotter" he asked as the stood up . 

" what the fuck happened in here  the alarm sent an alert the room was on fire" hughie burst into the room holding a fire extinguisher , looking completely. " nah your sisters that hot she quite literally set the place on fire" . " i triggered my power" she rolled her eyes.  " how you get it to stop" he looked at the black soot around  what was left of the bed. " i just thought of how much i love you all as fairytale and cliche that is" looked between then looking at Butcher a little longer til he looked back she shot her head back to her brother. " your sisters a little fire starter" he chuckled as they walked out of the room . " well i mean only start , she down as a serious strength in her blood" hughie agreed. " lava hot" she mused. " i guess i never thought i'd have to use it" she remember running ahead. " what she on about" .  

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