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the first couple of days of  being awake were frustrating to say the least for y/n . still trying to wrap her head around everything from the fact she now had a full house which she was liking but that part of it the house was far too lonely .  Ben on other hand was hovering over her like she would some how hurt herself breathing , he was being total opposite of what she was told of him although the shit that came out of his  mouth remained the same .  Hughie was the same  except he was expressive his concerns where as soldier boy ben well he used a half ass insult to cover the fact he care for her.   the rest found it both amusing and strange at his sort of softness well soft for him that was for sure.  Annie had filled her in on the whole flirtationship between MM and Mia  she couldn't help giggle at the two it was adorable .  She also  rang her business partners told them she was taking Mia on as her sectary and PA   which was easily agreed upon giving the ceo was mourning his son so the whole transfer was done that day .  Speaking of Todd his death  was put down to a sexapade gone wrong giving his own candid photo's , he had locked away something she even didn't know about but it didn't shock her . keeping with appearances she sent flower and her condolences left it at that .  her dad would visit for couple of hours too  constantly letting her know that well he wasn't going to leave her life and as did her brother . it was weird  and sort of had her on guard around the two  like she was happy but same time she was still protecting herself it even confused  the hell out her. 

Still  moving slowly and stiffly aggravated the hell out of her so she was no in her home gym using the treadmill . " so this is where you've been hiding " the gruff yet smooth cockney accent alerted her of his presence. " i see you learned to announce yourself " she turned to see him laughing . " well i didn't want to end up on my backside again " he came closer sitting on the bench that was near. " no bleeding knuckle this time so that's good " he teased . "  i need to get the energy back in me for that" she huffed. " take time , slept a long time think that's why soldier boy is so protective over you , he knows what it's like " . "   says the one sitting on a bench making sure i'm safe on slow walk setting " she glared at him playfully . " ok you caught me love but can't have you dying on us ,  we will need a new HQ yet again i'm sick of moving " . " yeah old bones can't take it huh? " she giggled . " says the one moving like one of soldier boy's bingo bimbo's " he short back making her laugh loudly. " ouch and bingo bimbo's nice" .  "  ok ok  ,  if you want me to get soldier boy to watch you i can  " he stood feeling brave walking over .  "  i'm sure he'll make his way in soon " head straight afraid to even look at the man in fear of falling and making a fool of herself.    " nah  he knows i gotcha " his voice had shivers down her spine . " oh do you now "  she couldn't help the internal victory her voice came out more alluring than nervous . " i think i do love" he leaned over as her breath hitched .   his hand grazed her hip making her skin set  a light at the little touch ,  only for him to hit the treadmill and turning it off . " now come on you need to eat "  his eyes locked on hers  flicking her mouth something he's done every now and again except never this close .    she could feeling him teasing her enjoying the way she flustered up so easily . " you know what i'm hungry for, like i really need right now " she move closer to him voice filled with seduction and need that had the man before her salivating  . " go on love i'm dying to know" she was revealing in his pupils dilating  showing the same want she was feeling. "  a... big mac  " she smirked pushing past him  leaving him standing now both flustered and confused. " oh fuck what am i doing " he mumble before following after . 

  She walked into the kitchen  to see everyone already there  while she went to grab the keys of her car  only for hughie to take them first . " i'm going to get food give them back or annie gonna be in a lesbian relationship " she glared at him .  " i'll go , i'll grab something for the freak in your basement " he added then stopped . " fuck i forgot he was down there" frenchie jumped up and left the room in  such a rush he nearly knocked hughie over . " think we all did " annie winced.  " i'm going to a drive thru so give me my keys " she smiled . " actually as your P.A.  i will go " Mia  hands snatched the keys out of hughie hands .  " i'll go with her text me your orders " MM waved before heading out .  " don't fuck in my car" she groaned.  " how was your workout" annie  had a shit eating grin  as butcher walked in . " she didn't fall over so i'd call it a win " he winked at her to hughies disgust.  " wait back track how did we forget about the man in the basement" she said trying to change the topic. " oh yeah cunt's probably dead " butcher snorted  . " he's not  gave him IV so he'll be hydrated and shit " frenchie walked in . " why you keeping him alive" she asked confused. " well i thought  you'd want to talk to him or whatever" he shrugged. " i don't even trust myself in the room with that fuck " she shuddered.  " well we can figure it out another time " hughie felt sick something he was never used even though it happened  a lot in there line of work .  "  oh your dad is on his way " annie told the two siblings . " yeah he text me his food order  he might take over living room and watch ... " . " remington steele  he still watches that shit" she beamed. " oh yes missed a day of it yesterday for you "  .  " well he missed my life so " she joked but the room went quiet.  " too soon " she asked as the silence filled the room .   " so does anyone want coffee"  . " i'm going to head to my office  look at some reports , an idiot fucked up  numbers on an account " she grumbled looking at her phone as the emails kept coming in . "  are you an accountant or something " ben asked confused . "  i mean yeah  and  a lawyer too  and shareholder in some of the companies " she  shrugged.  "  don't you lose money when the companies fall " . " nope  i get my money back or they either pay it back over time or go prison " she smirked . " it's in my contract as a failsafe " she winked before jumping up her eyes locked on the basement for a bit before she went  to her office.  

she took her laptop when her dad got there , wanting to spend time with him even if it was while she worked she even found her eyes flicking to the screen a couple of times .  " so  Mia's is a lovely girl , i'm happy you've a friend like that" he  cut the silence as the credit roll . " i'm lucky to have her , she's a strong one too i don't think she see's it but she has it in her and loyal too i mean that is very hard to get " she smiled brightly not  realising how much she really owed the woman . she was truly the only person that didn't really ask of anything from her only to let her help and she never gave up on her either .  " speaking of i think i might do something for her" she smiled looking up the hospital . she spent 20 minutes on the phone sorting everything out  until mia came in the room ten minute later crying  but happy tears . " you cleared the bills what the hell that is too much " she sobbed almost climbing onto her lap . " i think she got her moved to a vip suite in the hospital too" her dad smiled seeing the truth in the words before , that kindness others had talked about. " no that's too much and the care she was getting was good  , she not going to get better " mia sniffled . " well she going, sorry can't cancel and she may not get better but she will be more comfortable "Y/N Smiled. " angel  absolute angel " her dad gushed. " he's right  , i'm now calling you angel " she cooed . " get off me your getting your snots all over me " Y/N scrunched her face in both mocking and genuine disgust.  " anything you say angel " She giggled. " princess is what i called her" her dad smiled sadly. " you do realise i'm alive here right now" she looked at him .  " well sorry princess". " it's better than hughie's he called me .."  . " peanut"  he came into the room sitting beside her. " what did she call you " mia gushed . " prick " the three replied the same time . " she heard my dad call his brother it  and he stupidly  told her it was what you called your brother and well  i was prick , he told strangers she had tourettes because she wouldn't stop saying it  " hughie explained. " foul mouth sweetheart"  butcher walked in sitting in the armchair . " pot  have you met kettle " hughie snorted .   " hey kettle " butcher waved . " hey pot  how the fuck are you ?" she went along with the banter . " fucking brilliant "   he winked make her quiet and look down at the laptop again . "  actually Y/N would you like to come over tomorrow .. to my house for lunch just the two of us " her dad cut in nervously. " erm .. yeah i can come over dad"  . " great we can catch up and everything " . " what about me " hughie mockingly gasped. "  actually why don't you both come over be like old time" he smiled brightly. " i'm not spilling ice cream all over myself this time" she mused tapping away on her laptop. " it's ok hughie will probably do that for you " . " that was one time ok and i didn't mean to get it all over you " hughie defended .   " course it was prick " she sang  . " christ there's two of them now " . 

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