Harry is Angry

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It's been more than fifteen minutes since Sirius got to the location and just now he has seen Harry. The boy looks upset and annoyed and mostly angry.

He mutters apologies to people along the way and reaches his son.
"Go away."

"I am sorry." Sirius pleads. "I really am. I just came back from my work trip so I didn't know this arrangement."

Harry tries to fight it but a few tears escape. "I don't wanna talk to you."

Sirius cups his face in his hands. "If I had known Remus would agree to this, I would have stopped it. You know me, right?"

Harry nods weakly.

"Did someone hurt you?"

"Was anyone mean to you?"

"But you still don't like to be here."
"Yes, I don't know anybody here. They keep pinching my cheek and say I am cute."

Sirius chuckles. "You are cute, kiddo."

Harry pouts. Sirius sighs and lifts the boy into his arms. "I know you said you didn't wanna come to this party, Harry. I still remember your face when they came to invite us. I thought Remus won't bring you here."

Harry nods. "He said it is important I learn how to be in public."

That idiot. Sirius ruffles the boy's hair. "I shouldn't have gone on this trip. Alright, what do you say we make a run for it?"

Harry claps his hand in glee. "Yay!"

Sirius kisses his son's temple. "Let's rescue Remus too. Where is he?"

"In the kitchen. He's helping the cooks."


Sirius marches into the kitchen. "I was gone two days and look what you did to my son."

Remus pauses from his kneading task and turns to his friend. "What did you just say to me?"

Sirius purses his lips. "Okay. Our son. He told us clearly that he doesn't want to come. Why would you bring him here?"

"There is no specific reason. And I personally checked, everyone here is kind and respectful to him. So what's the problem?"

"They are cooing at him!"

Remus rolls his eyes. "Some people do that. I was there with him the whole time, it didn't get out of hand. And wait- where is he now?"

"In my car. Waiting for us."

"Of course he is. Sirius, when are you going to understand that you can't keep saving him from every minor inconvenience? He has to learn to adjust and adapt."

"He is six, you moron!"

"I want him to have a social life. A life outside you and me."

"He does." Sirius protests. "We get along great with the Weasleys and Hagrid and Dumbledore and Minerva!"

"In other words, people who love him and treasure him like he is the best thing in the world."

"He is!"

Remus smiles, despite himself. "Darling, Harry needs to know that not everyone will love him. Children need to know that love and kindness is not to be taken advantage of. It is earned."

Sirius facepalms. "Remus, my idiotic friend, he is six. He has time to learn these things."

"I don't want people to think we spoiled him too much, Siri."

Sirius hugs him. "I know you feel like we have to match up with James and Lily. You're a great dad, Remi. Harry loves you. And you and I both know he's not arrogant or selfish. He values people, every single one of them. It's okay if he doesn't learn big values immediately. Let's give him more time, shall we?"

Remus blinks in understanding. "That's pretty sound advice, Black. For once, you're the better parent."

"Look at that," Sirius laughs. "You've rubbed off on me."

"Let's go home."


On their way home.

Harry nudges Sirius. Sirius shakes his head.

Remus looks at them amused. "What is it, kiddo?"

"I want icecream."

"I see. How about a pizza too?"


"Really?" This is Sirius.

Remus laughs. "Yeah, why not. I am sorry, kiddo. I just wanted to teach you some social skills."

"I know, Remi." Harry smiles, climbing into his lap. "I was able to act as if I like everybody. Sirius says it's a great social skill."

"He said that, did he?"

"Harry, you fool." Sirius scolds, making the boy laugh aloud.

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