Prongslet meets Padfoot

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"Remus, come on let's play!" Whined 4yo Harry.

"I am tired, bud! We can play lots of games after I take a nap..ok?"

"You say that but you won't yesterday" Harry scrunched his face.

Remus couldn't face the boy, he was so ashamed he had to hide as it was the full moon in a few days. But disappointment was ok, as long as Harry was safe.

"Sorry, Harry. Please play with Sirius." He pleaded and called his friend.

"Come here, buddy" Sirius smiled at his grumpy godson.

Harry walked over to his godfather. Sirius kneeled down to face him.

"Harry, you know we learnt magic at Hogwarts, right?"

"Sirius, not now. He is not ready" Remus shook his head, knowing what his friend was going to talk about.

"It's ok, Remus. I don't want him getting any wrong understanding about you" Sirius gave an assuring smile before turning to Harry.

"Harry, there are lots of different kinds of magic, you agree?"

"Yes. You said I will learn everything when I go to Hogwarts" Harry beamed.

"That's right. There is a magic which makes humans turn into animals"

"Wow! Then I will learn that magic and be a dog!" Harry clapped his hands in glee.

Sirius laughed before continuing. "You can be anything you want. But some people don't have the choice, they have to become wolves every month"

Harry raised his brows, listening intently.

"They are called warewolves. Our Remus is also a warewolf"

Harry ran to Remus and asked, "Really?"

Remus looked at Sirius who signalled to go on. Remus nodded at Harry.

"Whenever I am going to become a wolf, I get very weak and tired. That is why I couldn't play with you, Harry. You understand, right?" Remus asked.

"Sorry, Remus. I didn't know" Harry hugged his godfather's legs.

He ruffled his godson's hair. "It's ok kiddo. I would never refuse a chance to play with you, ever!" He smiled.

Harry nodded. "Can I see you when you become a wolf, please?"

"Ah, forgive me again, Harry, but you cannot see me during that time"

"Why not?" Harry furrowed his brows.

"Because he will not be our Remus, Harry. He will become a bit crazy, we don't want that, do we?" Sirius tried a different tactic to convince him. If he tried the usual "it's for your safety", it won't work.

"I wanna see!" Harry still whined.

"Ok, how about this. You can't see him but you get a dog, deal?" Sirius said, winking at Remus.

"Yay! You are gonna get me a dog?" Harry jumped up and down in joy.

Remus laughed. His friend decided to give early Christmas present to Harry after all.

"Um..actually..oh never mind" Sirius decided to show him!

In an instant, he transformed himself to Padfoot, the shaggy black dog and stood before Harry, wagging his tail.

Harry's mouth was still open after many minutes. He laughed and played and gave him belly rubs.

Sirius transformed back and Harry hugged him.

Remus patted Harry, now settled in Sirius' arms.

"How's that for a surprise"

"So..You had fun?" Sirius asked.

"So much! Do it again! Do it again!" He squealed.

That was the beginning of so many adventures between Prongslet and Padfoot.

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