Their Priority

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"Harry, my birthday boy! Aren't you are turning 4! This huge party is just for you..all your friends are here..and you've got so many gifts! Are you happy?" Remus asked, kneeling down to face Harry.

"Yes." The boy answered, his head hung low.

Remus looked at him and decided he not press for details and remedy the situation.

He gathered all of Harry's friends and arranged a game. Harry laughed and played for a while but he eventually sat down quietly.

He opened a big book with lots of 3d pictures and started reading it to Harry.

Harry listened attentively and clapped hands for some lines but his mood didn't improve one bit.

He signalled to Snape across the hall to come and talk to Harry. It was a very amusing moment, going with Harry to invite Snape to the party. The daggers Snape and Sirius shot each other out of their eyes was a delight to watch for Remus.

"Harry! A huge chocolate monster is here. You want to fight him? You can eat him after he falls down" Snape whispered to Harry after settling him on his arms.

"Hehe" Harry said and put his head on Snape's shoulder but showed no excitement.

"Are you tired, Harry? You want to sleep?" He cooed and rocked the boy.

"What did you and your idiot friend do to make him this sad?" Snape hissed at Remus.

"Relax, Snape. We just wished him happy birthday and Sirius left to take care of something. I am already irritated the idiot isn't home on Harry's birthday, you don't have to spoil my mood further" Remus whispered back.

"He didn't tell you where he is going?"

"When does he ever?"

It was becoming difficult when guests started asking if Harry is all right, when they don't know the answer themselves.

It was time to cut the cake. They decided not to wait for Sirius when he didn't answer any of the calls.

Eventually cake was cut and the guests sang the birthday song and all the while Harry just nodded and gave a rare few smiles.

Remus and Snape carried him to the large pile of gifts and made him open one by one, everyone sitting around to watch his reaction.

After a few minutes, a sound could be heard from the other end of the house and people turned to look who had joined the party that late.

Right that moment, Harry sprang up, jumped right across the pile and sprinted as fast as his little legs would carry him, in the direction of the sound.

Remus and Snape followed him.

"Hey Prongslet!" Sirius Black shouted happily when he saw Harry running towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug before lifting him high above his head, causing Harry to giggle excitedly.

He settled Harry in his arms and the boy threw his hands on Sirius' shoulders and settled his head on the crook of his godfather's neck.

"Did you have a nice party, Harry?" He asked, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Mmmm" the boy mumbled into his shirt and Sirius could swear his voice was starting to break.

He signalled to Remus asking what's wrong. His friend simply shook his head.

" little hero aren't you" he said in a soothing voice.

Harry sniffled, holding Sirius even tighter.

He mouthed Remus to "wrap it up". Remus nodded and left with Snape to thank everyone and clean up the area.

Sirius climbed upto the terrace and settled Harry on his lap.

Harry hugged his godfather harder, placing his face on Sirius' chest, sobbing silently.

Sirius held him close. "I am right here, kiddo..shh..i am right here" he rubbed his back.

"Ee mish oo" Harry mumbled incoherently.

But Sirius understood. He mentally slapped himself, he knew Harry would miss him but he still couldn't avoid the appointment.

"I am a fool Harry, will you forgive me?" He asked, closing his eyes.

Harry looked up to see his Godfather. "Why did you leave me?" He managed to ask, controlling his tears.

His heart just about broke in two. He was a jerk, making his precious godson think he would leave him on his birthday.

Sirius opened his eyes and kissed Harry's cheek. "I didn't leave you, kiddo. I would never leave you! I had to take care of something very important. I am so sorry!" He pleaded.

"More important than me?" His voice was still low.

"Ofcourse not, kiddo! You know nothing is more important than you! Um..the reason I went that.."

He debated as to what should he say but finally decided to tell him the truth. Nothing else could convince him.

"Harry, do you remember, I told you there is a ministry which makes all rules and regulations in Hogwarts?"

"Yes." The boy nodded solemnly.

"They suddenly said Remus and I you" He waited, sensing Harry's reaction.

"Because you are not my real parents?"

Sirius was shocked.

"Yes, Harry. So there was a case after which they will decide if we can have you"

"Did we win?" Harry asked tentatively.

"Ofcourse we won, buddy! That's why I was out today. To speak in front of the entire ministry that we can take care of you." His eyes were tearing up.

Harry wiped the single tear from Sirius' face and his face broke into a full wide smile.

"Wow! I wanted to see him smile like this but you cry and he smiles?" Remus walked up to them, shaking his head.

Sirius laughed a little and asked Harry. "Did you miss me that much, Harry?"

"This much!" Harry stretched his little arms to the sides as wide as he could.

"Nobody will ever take you from me, kiddo. I will not let them" Sirius said, more to himself, and stood up, holding Harry into his arms.

"Harry, do you want to play a board game?" Remus said, mainly to lighten up the situation. Harry's had enough seriousness for the day.

When Harry didn't respond, Remus motioned Sirius to do something.

"Do you want to watch a movie, bud? I will make popcorn!" He grinned widely.

Harry's head promptly fell on his shoulders and his breathing became even.

"He is nodding off" Sirius whispered to Remus before settling Harry on his chest and putting his legs around his waist.

" did you know about what I was doing today?" Sirius asked his friend after making sure Harry was in deep sleep.


"That man! Sorry Remi, I didn't know they would not allow you to speak on the case."

Remus simply smiled. He didn't care, as long as he and Sirius get to raise Harry. That was his priority. Their priority.

Hogwarts Happenings - A Collection Of HP Oneshots (Mostly Baby Harry Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now