''What should I call you?''

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6 yr old Harry was curiously looking at the new lady in front of him who just appeared in his front lawn.

McGonagall wanted to see how he  reacts to a new guest, so she didn't say a word except to meet his stance. The boy just kept staring, adjusting his spectacles every now and then.

He had his little hands perched on his hips, head raised to look at her, with a somewhat stern look in his eyes.

Any witch or wizard would have atleast slightly quivered on meeting her stance. But she might have just met her match in this brave little boy. She chuckled.

"Who might you be, young man?"

"Harry. Harry Potter. And who are you?"

"I am Minerva. Aren't you going to offer me a chair?"


"I am a guest. You must learn the proper etiquette. Didn't your parents teach you anything?"

"They taught me not to trust strangers before knowing about them. Can you tell me why you are here?"

"Actually I am here to see Sirius. Is he home?"

"Yes. Does he know you?"

"Everybody knows her, Harry. Welcome, Minerva! Please take a seat. How's Hogwarts without it's brightest students?" Sirius just walked in from his afternoon nap, clearly amused by the sight in front of him. He conjured tea and biscuits.

"It is great, better than before, might I add. Just came in to check on you. How are things in the household?"

"I am not easily fooled, Minerva. You came in to see how my wonderful godson is doing. And I assure you, he is shaping up to be quite a gentleman like me..aren't you, my boy?"

"He he, yes! Who is she, Siri?"

"This lady, Harry, is why I lost my sleep everyday during school. She haunted my dreams with threats of detention!" He sat down on a chair, settling Harry on his lap.

"And yet it didn't stop you from pulling a stupid prank every single day. Don't ever grow up to be like him, ok, Harry?" She smiled a little.

"No! Sirius is the bestest dad in the whole wide world."

"That he is!" He tickled his godson, making him giggle. "And didn't I see my boy in a staring contest with you? Where do you think he gets the boldness from?" He asked McGonagall proudly.

"That he most definitely got from Remus. Speaking of, where is he?"

"On a date with Nymphadora. She is proving to be quite a match to our Remi."

"She is lovely! And what about you, Sirius? Anyone special in your life?"

"Me!" Piped in, Harry.

"Oh yes you are, Prongslet!" He gently kissed Harry on the head, whose face turned bright red.

"Oh, Sirius! We agreed..no kisses in front of girls!" He bowed his head.

Minerva chuckled. Sirius smiled.

"Oh but you are so adorable! I cannot control myself!" He knew he was embarrassing Harry, but he didn't care..

"No! I am a man! I am not adorable..I am handsome. " Harry huffed.

"Oh yes, you are. Come here, Harry. I have brought something for you" Minerva opened a box from her bag.

Harry looked at Sirius, asking approval. Sirius just nodded. Harry got down from his godfather's lap and went slowly towards McGonagall.

"Now, Harry! These are my very special cookies. Nobody knows the recipe, Shh! Brought them just for you! Don't share ok? Have one everyday."

Harry was obviously delighted,but turned to Sirius anyway.

"Go on, Harry! You are a lucky boy! We never got to taste them when we were at school"

"Thank you.,.um.. What should I call you?" Harry asked her.

"Anything you want!"

"Ohh..!" He thought so seriously for a moment, then he chirped, "Consuela"

"Consuela?!" She raised her eyebrows at Sirius. He smiled knowingly.

"Harry, there are lots of pictures of Sirius and Remus back at my place. I will show them to you one day. You will love it."

"Oh! How do you have those pictures?"

"Because I was a teacher at your godfathers' school, Hogwarts. Didn't they tell you?" She looked at Sirius.

"Ofcourse we have, professor. Harry, do you remember what we told about the professor who can turn into a cat?"

"Oh yeah! Is that you? Can you turn into a cat for me, please? Pretty please!" Harry was excitedly looking from Sirius to McGonagall.

She found it very hard not to transform right then and there. "Another day, Harry. What else have you told about me?" She asked Sirius.

"That you are the best professor they had. And you helped my mom and dad a lot when I was born. And I must always try to make you proud." Harry spoke so full of energy she had to hold her smile.

"That's all Remus ofcourse. I told him you can turn into a cat! " Sirius laughed a little.

"Yes!" Harry placed the box of cookies on a nearby table, ran back to his godfather and whispered into his ear,"And you can turn into a dog, he he"

Sirius whispered back,"That I can. Nobody can ever know about padfoot. Shh!"

"Shh!" Harry said back.

McGonagall very well knew what was going on, but chose to remain silent. She smiled to herself.

She wanted to come and see how Harry is doing as she was hesitant to leave him with Sirius and Remus. She knew they loved him ofcourse. But she was worried how they would be responsible adults to raise a boy properly. But everything today has proven her doubts wrong. Harry was healthy, well behaved and clearly happy to be living with his godfathers.

"Minerva, would you like to join us for dinner? We have a wonderful menu planned!" Sirius asked, breaking her thoughts.

"Oh no, I must get going. I just came to see how you all doing. And I can trust you will take care of things here,yes?'

"Oh don't worry, Minerva. Remus hardly ever lets me be myself. It's only when he is out we get to have any little fun, isn't it, Harry?"

Harry simply giggled and nodded his head.

"I will be sure to pass it on to Remus, then."

"And I will pass it on to whole of Hogwarts that your smile muscles are indeed working and your cookies are not just a rumor" Sirius challenged her.

"We wouldn't..we don't want that now, Mr.Black!"

Sirius laughed and shook his head. "On a serious note, Minerva..thank you for visiting us. We would be delighted to have you this weekend at the weasleys for lunch."

"I will try. Thank you for inviting me. And be good, Potter. Any trouble from this man, just send a word and I will make him eat slugs" She said and stood up.

Harry laughed. He seemed to think for a moment and went ahead to hug her legs. She definitely didn't expect that. She gently ruffled the boy's hair. He then walked over to Sirius, hel his hand and smiled at her.

She nodded at Sirius and was just about to leave when Sirius walked over to her and whispered, "Just so you know, Consuela is a fairy that comes to shower the kingdom with gifts and blessings whenever the people behaved well. It's from one of the stories we tell him every day."

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