you are not scary!

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"Hey Harr, ready to go summer shopping? We have got lots to buy..your play room decor, some books for our nerd-boy Remi and the muggle toys you asked for! Although I still believe muggle toys are boring"

"Yay! And I want Chinese food too! Soo yummy! Those toys are not will find out when we play together!"

"And that will be another one of my fantasies fulfilled" Remus said, just walking in.

"Sirius always aims to please, Remi. And what's that noise coming from the guest room?"

"Um..nothing. Can I talk to you for a the kitchen perhaps? It's about our..special guest we decided to introduce to our boy. Harry..go sit in your room for a while please" . Sirius left with Remus, understanding who was in the room.

Harry, walked over to the guest room.

"Um..who are you?"

"One of Sirius' friends. You are Harry, right?"

"Yes, Harry Potter. You went to Hogwarts with my dad too?"

"Um..kinda yes."

"Are you well? You keep knocking stuff and you are moving away" Harry's face scrunched up in concern.

" I am well. Um..aren't you scared of me?"

"Scared of you? No..I was shocked to see a fly in your hair when I entered..but it's cute! You have a chubby face" He said, his eyes lighting up

"You..are not scared of my size?"

" look like big teddy bear in my room..let me show you, will you come with me?!"

The figure just looked at the small hand extended to him, his mouth agape. He grabbed hold of it with one of his fingers.

" look"

"Like my dad James, right? That's what dad Sirius always says." He beamed.

The man now had tears in his eyes. He bowed his head, not to show his emotions.

"You need a hug? I always give the best hugs!"

"You will hug me?"

"Yes, everyone deserves a hug! That's what dad Remus said." His voice suddenly got low, he whispered to the giant. "Even, uncle Nape. But dad Sirius is always angry on him for no reason, so we keep it as secret."

The giant smiled a little and moved his hands hesitantly.

Harry hugged him hard, he was standing and the giant was sitting with his head bowed.

"I told you he would love you!" Remus walked in with Sirius, smiling at the hugging duo.

" remember we told you we had a friend back in Hogwarts who grew dragons?" Sirius asked.

"Oh yes! Hagwid! Oh..this is Hagwid? Hey Haggy! Did you bring one dragon for me?"

"Please tell me you didn't" Remus laughed.

"I didn't." Hagrid looked up, wiped his tears and blew loudly into his coat.

"You are funny!" Harry giggled.

"He thinks I am funny! " Hagrid beamed at the men.

"Remus told me you were worried about if he would like you. Rubbish, Hagrid. Do you really think our son would be judgemental?"

"No, not that. I am half giant for crying out loud. Every child is scared of me. Harry sure is one weird kid" he laughed, hiding his joyous scream going inside his head.

"Haggy..can I visit your place? I want to see Fang! Then he and I can ride your dragon together! It will be so much fun..we can make it blow fire on the neighbours and scare them" Harry was jumping up and down..clearly excited.

"And I am the proudest dad in the whole world" Sirius shook his head, laughing. He picked up Harry and they all went to eat Remus' delicious lunch.

Hogwarts Happenings - A Collection Of HP Oneshots (Mostly Baby Harry Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now