The Godfather

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"Harry! Do you want to taste the cake? Specially made by the great Sirius Black with a ton of chocolate and a heart full of love for his godson"  He eagerly knelt down to 5 yr old Harry's level with the cake in his hand.

"I am not hungwy" Harry said, his head bowed low.

"That's it. That's the 3rd time today you have refused food. Something wrong, Harry?"


"Come on, kiddo. You know you can tell me anything"


Sirius placed the cake aside, gently picked Harry up and kissed his forehead

"Please tell me what's bothering you..pretty please?"

"I am sorry"

What? Why is he sorry? Did he do something naughty? That would be fun! He had to control his smile and ask him.

"Why are you sorry Prongslet? What did you do?"

"I was playing with Johnson next door. He just got a new muggle bike. I asked him if I could have a ride but he said no. I told him I would ask you to get me one but he said I can't since you are not my real father. Also I am already bad because you spend money for my clothes and food and stuff."

Sirius was speechless. His precious godson..his boy.

"I am sowwy Siwius. I won't ask you anything again. Forgive me?"

"What kind of bike was it?"

"Red color, kinda big and cool and with a real muggle bike.."

"Go to your room"

There was no way Sirius was gonna disappoint his godson. If Harry wanted a bike, he might damn well be sure he would get the best of it.

And boy was he surprised. Harry couldn't contain himself. There in his room was a massive blue bike with cool attachments  to make sounds when driving and lighting so it seems magical, complete with helmet, gloves and coolers just suitable for Harry. He was jumping up and down with tears of happiness. He ran to Sirius and climbed on his arms

"Thank you Siwi. But it is costly..right? Why did you get me?"

"Harry, you know what a godfather is?"

Harry looked keenly into his eyes.

"Godfather is no less than a father, Harry. You are my responsibility. My duty is to fulfil every single wish you get it? So the next time someone says you don't have a real dad, tell them you have Sirius. Tell them I will not let anyone make you sad. And don't ever be guilty. I love taking care of you..I love you Harry. You are the sweetest, most wonderful godson I can ever wish for"

"Weally? I am a good boy?"

"The goodest boy in the whole wide world" Sirius began tickling him mercilessly. He gently put down a laughing Harry.

He suddenly twisted his face as if something had just occurred to him.
"Do you have money? You need money to buy stuff, you know"

Sirius laughed. "I have truck load of money so we could even buy a castle if you want" he winked.

"But no I don't want a castle. I want a doggy..Siwi pwease can I get a doggy?"

"Ha ha sure thing kiddo. Tomorrow you and me. The pet palace. Now off you go"

"Way to spoil the child." Remus walked in, shaking his head.

"Well..easy for you to say he wasn't saying all those things to you. You should have looked at his face. Do you really expect me to refuse? I will spend every last dime I have to make him smile."

"I was here the entire time. He was practically giddy when you said all those nice things before giving him the bike. He just needs love, Sirius"

"And what to do with the Black family fortune? Pass it to dementors?"

Remus chuckled. "Geez, relax. I was just trying not to make Harry a spoilt kid"

"You already said he doesn't value the money more than love. Listen, I cannot be the prim and proper father figure. He has you for that. And I, will shower him with luxury. My precious he is" Sirius answered, his eyes twinkling with love.

"I am sure James agrees with you up there. And Lily." They both looked toward the sky in loving memory.

Sirius broke the silence. "Now time to sleep. Tomorrow time to introduce Harry to padfoot, don't you think?" he winked at Remus.

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