"I got a new friend!"

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"Tell me again why we are here"

"Because Snape invited Harry and it's a chance for him to make friends other than us and the Weasleys." Remus explained, for the 10th time that day.

They had come for Draco Malfoy's birthday party as 'plus two' for 5 year old Harry. He was specially invited by Snape who wanted to introduce Harry to Draco.

Snape and Harry became close from the day Snape became a caretaker during one of Remus' 'difficult' times. Snape didn't tell anyone but he always looked forward to seeing the green eyed fellow. The little tyke made him feel emotions which he thought had long gone. He felt like Harry is as much his responsibility as Sirius and Remus'. He made sure they took good care of him, without their knowledge obviously.

"Hey Harry! Sirius. Remus." Snape greeted curtly, with just a little smile he tried very hard for Harry.

"Snape" they greeted back, Sirius trying very hard not to add an insult.

Harry was excited and returned  a wide smile and raised his hands above his head asking to be picked up.

"Oh! Um..ok" Snape threw a glance at his godfathers and picked him up, noticing a slight pride inside.

Snape walked to the center of the party where a little blond boy was playing catch with a bunch of kids.

"Draco! Come meet Harry" Snape called.

Draco Malfoy turned and saw a boy in his uncle's arms. "Hey Uncle Nape! Who is he?"

Snape gently let Harry down. "Draco, this is Harry Potter. Lily's ..I mean Sirius and Remus' Godson. Harry, this is Draco Malfoy. His father is also one of the professors in Hogwarts."

Harry looked at Draco curiously. "Hi" he smiled a little.

"Hi. Do you want to play catch?"

"Sure!" And off they went, playing and laughing with the other kids. Right until the moment Lucius came in to start the party. "Draco, stop playing stupid games. Come, cut the cake. People are waiting."

"I am still waiting for some of my friends, dad. Just 5 more minutes, please?" He tried very hard not to cry.

"I have told you. Don't ever wait for anyone. It's your birthday, they must know to be on time. Come on, hurry!"

Harry was looking from Draco to Lucius and remarked. "He is rude!"

Unfortunately Lucius heard him. "What did you say?" He was shocked when he saw who spoke.

"So you are the Harry Potter everyone is talking about. Did your godfathers ever tell you it's wrong to talk back to elders?"

"Sorry sir. But you are rude. You are making my friend sad. I must help him"

"That's all right, Harry. We will wait till everyone comes. Lucius, let them play" Snape steered his friend away.

"Are we friends?" Draco asked Harry with a raised brow.

"Yes. We played together. I like you and you like me. So we are friends, right?"

"Ahh but are you rich?. My father doesn't allow me to be friends with poor people" Draco was confused.

"Really? That sounds wrong. You know, we can be friends with anybody! Rich or poor doesn't matter! Fun, right?"

"Yeah, sounds awesome. Then can we be friends with my maid's son? He knows so many games but he is very poor!"

"Ofcourse you can! Sirius says friendship is very easy to get and very hard to leave. He and Remus are best friends from school. We can be like them too!"

"Really? Can I meet them?"

"Sure! I will introduce them to you today. Tomorrow you come to my home and we can make toy trucks!"

"Sounds fun! I will bring my other friends too!"

"And I will call Ron too! He is my best friend and he knows lots of stories!"

"I can't wait! Thank you, Harry!"

"No thank yous between friends, ok?"

"Ok. But this is the most fun birthday party I've had! Every year it's the same stuff but this year I got a new friend!"

A little distance away, the proud godfathers were witnessing the scene.

"So..it seems we must welcome a Malfoy to our family now" Sirius' statement was even, bland, his expression neutral.

"It would appear so. Are you going to be all right?" Remus looked at his friend.

"Yeah! Draco seems all right. Just that we may have to face Lucius whenever he picks up and drops him."

"We can find a way around that. Anything for our godson, right?"

"Right. And don't even pretend like you're not enjoying this."

Remus smirked. "May be." He laughed. "But seriously, when did we become so mature enough to put aside our own emotions?"

"Right when we became godfathers for our greeneyed wonder right there" Sirius added with a slight smile.

Life is beautiful, indeed.

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