Chapter 11~Macho Monday Part 2

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A/N: Just wanted to give a thanks to kelly7blessed, spiderman_love55, and emilym1570 for voting. I dedicate this chapter to you guys. And as always comments are appreciated. So thanks emilym1570 for commenting.

When we walked back into the pack house Alpha Tenson's pack was there.

''They're early.", Loki said, looking at them waiting by the door.

''Yeah.", I said.

"Well let's go greet them.", he said, pulling me along.

"Hello I'm Alpha Loki Adams and this is my beautiful mate Gweneth Adams.", Loki said,greeting everyone. Everyone nodded and said a quick hello.

"Thanks man. We really appreciate it.", Alpha Tenson said, doing the man hug thing with him.

''No problem. Make yourselves at home.", Loki said, opening the door. They all said a quick thank you and went in.

''They seem nice.", I said, watching them go inside. I looked over at Loki and I guessed he was being mind-linked. He went inside the pack house and motioned for me to follow. I saw everyone sitting in the living room, dining room, and kitchen.

''I need all the women with kids to report to the safe room. Beta Thomas please guide them. My fighters and warriors please come with me.", Loki said, calmly.

''I'll see you later,baby. I love you.", Loki said, kissing me on the lips.

''I love you too. What's going on?", I asked.

''Rouges. Go to the safe room", Loki said. I kissed him one more time and went into the safe room with the women and kids. Everyone was surprisingly very calm. When I went in they bowed and said hello.

''Hi you guys.", I said, sitting on one of the sofas. This room was very spacious.

"Luna, do you know what's going on?", one of the mothers asked me.

"There is a rouge situation that is being taken care off.", I said calmly, even though on the inside I was nervous as hell. I was so worried about Loki.I hoped he was okay. Everyone started chattering loudly and some of the little girls were crying.

"Everything is going to be alright. You guys just need to ca-

We all heard a bang on the door. I tried to mind-link Loki but he was blocked. I listened again and I didn't hear anything then all of a sudden a big brown wolf barges in with red crazy eyes. Everyone started to scream. I knew it was a rouge.

I shifted into my wolf. I jumped on the rouge and started biting him. In felt his teeth pierce my back and I whelped. He took that as an opportunity to pin me down.

He was about to bite me when another brown wolf pushed him off. I recognized that as Loki's mom. We both started walking over to him. He was in the corner looking scared. I gave Loki's mom a Wolfy grin and we both pounced on him, tearing him to shreds. We both shifted back and one of the women offered me a jacket.

"Thanks....", I said, gesturing for her name.

"Oh my name is Jezebel. What you guys did was so bad ass.", she said excitedly.

"Well thanks, Jezebel.", I said, smiling. All of a sudden my back started hurting. I forgot all about that. I rubbed my back and blood came on my fingers. I knew it would heal so I wasn't worried about it. I looked up and saw Loki's mom putting her hand up and a metal door magically appeared.

"How did you do that?", I asked.

"I'm a witch.'', she told me smiling.

"Oh, so that means Loki is half werewolf , half witch. That's cool.", I said.

"Yeah he's a very special boy. Is everything all right with the baby?", she asked.

"Yeah, the rouge just bit me on my back. Thanks for helping me.It's healed now.", I said.

"No problem.Have you guys thought of any names?", she asked.

''Kind of, but not really.", I said.

"Oh. If it's a boy you could name him after Loki. Loki's named after his father, we could start a tradition.", she said.

"Yeah that would be cool. I'll talk to Loki about it after all of this. Have you seen my family anywhere?", I asked.

"I saw your mom, dad, and brother earlier but now it's just like they disappeared.", she said, frowning.

"Well I know my dad is probably out fighting, but I wonder were they went. I hope they're okay."

"I'm pretty sure they are, but don't worry about it to much. Stress isn't good for the baby.", she said, patting my belly.

"I won't.", I said, going back and laying down on the couch. Everyone was calm again and some people were sleeping.

"Is everything, alright?", Loki mind-linked me.

''Yeah we just had a small problem, but it was fixed.",I mind-linked him back.

"The rouges are all dead.", Loki mind-linked me.

"Was any of our or Alpha Tenson's pack injured?", I asked him.

"Just a few small casualties, but nothing that won't heal. You guys can come out now.", he said, well mind-linked.

"Everything is solved. Everyone can leave now.", I said, to all the people. Everyone got up and left out the room. I followed after them. I looked all around and didn't see Loki. I went upstairs to his office. The door was peeped open and I saw Rena with her hands on Loki's chest.

"Forget about her. It can just be me and you.", I heard Rena say.

"Leave me alone or I'm going to kill you.", I heard Loki say.

''Not If I do first.", I said, walking in.Rena's eyes got wide.

"Get your hands off my man.", I said.

"Make me.", she said. Loki pulled her off and she frowned. This birch was really getting on my nerves. I felt my claws retract. I walked towards her. I grabbed her neck and snapped it. I dropped her and she fell to the floor dead.

''Gwen you can't just kill people.", I heard Loki said.

"She should have never touched you and disrespected me. If you don't remember disrespecting the Alpha or Luna is punishable by death.", I said.

''Wow someone actually paid attention in class.", Loki said, shocked.

"You act like I never did anything in school.", I said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, or I'm going to spank that cute, little ass of yours.", he said, looking at me with lust. He was so bipolar.

"My ass isn't little.", I said, rolling my eyes again.

"Your right.", he said, smacking my ass. He picked me up and we went inside his room.

"How's my baby doing?'', he asked rubbing my belly as he laid me down on the bed.

''OUR baby is doing good.", I said emphasizing the our part.

"Good. Let's go.", he said.

"Where?'', I asked him.

''It's a surprise.", he said.

''I hate surprises.", I said, getting up.

''Well your going to love this one.'', he said smiling.

What do you guys think the surprise is?

Also do you want the baby to be a boy or girl?

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