Chapter 20: Call me Alpha

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After we found out the babies were alive Loki and I took them back to our house. I still couldn't believe they were here with me, it was like a dream come true. I looked down at my babies, they were laying down on Loki and I's bed right now, while I was watching over them. They were sleeping, while Loki went to go get all of the baby stuff that we needed. Thank God someone from the pack had some diapers we could use for them. I kept looking at them I felt like I could cry right now. They were so cute. Loki Jr. moved around a lot in his sleep, Luke liked to suck on his thumb and Lola just sleep peacefully like an angel. Luke started crying and I hurried up and took him out the room so he wouldn't wake up the other two. I rocked him in my arms and he was still crying. I felt his hands gripped onto my left breast. I guess he wanted milk. I pulled the top of my dress down and he latched his mouth onto my breast as his little hands gripped my breast. I walked back into the room thank god Loki Jr. and Lola were still asleep. What if they all wokeup wanting milk, I do not have 3 breast. I looked down at Luke, it was kind of cool how the body makes milk. Luke pulled away from my breast and started sucking on his thumb again. I kept rocking him back and forth until he felt asleep again. I laid him back down on the bed and I pulled my dress back up. I didn't really know what to do, so I just continued watching them, I felt like a creepy stalker. I heard the door open and I heard Loki yell that he was home. He came upstairs and I motioned for him to be quiet. He came into the room and looked at the babies.

''I can't believe they are actually here.", Loki said, looking at them with awe.

''I know. I was just breastfeeding Luke a couple of minutes ago.'' , I said, looking at them too.

''Really. I'm going to go fix up their room so they can be comfortable.'', Loki said, kissing me on the lips.

''Okay, baby.", I said, kissing him back. He left out the room and I sat down in a chair. I was to scared to move or make any sound. I didn't want to disrupt any of their sleep. I was still in shock. I heard a bang in the other room and the babies started crying. Loki came inside the room and picked up Lola, while I picked up Luke and Loki Jr. I rocked them back and forth slowly and they stopped crying. I tried to lay them back down on the bed, but they started crying again, so I picked them back up. I kept rocking them back and forth, but they still were crying. I sat back down on the bed and continued to rock them.

''Can you pull down my dress?", I asked Loki. He held Lola with one arm and pulled down the straps on my desk. I guided the babies faces to my breast and they began to suck on them. I guess they were hungry.

''How's the room coming along?", I asked.

''I just have to set up the changing table, but that's basically it, the beds and everything are all set up.", he said, sitting down on one of the chairs. He looked so cute with Lola. He was such a D.I.L.F. I felt Luke grip onto my breast, trying to push more milk out. That child had a strong ass grip, it felt like he was trying to take my boob off my chest. Loki Jr. Was just messing with my hair, while his other hand was gripping on to my breast too. They detached themselves from my breast.

''Do I burp them now?'', I asked Loki. Hopefully he knew this because I had no idea what the hell I was doing.

''Yeah, baby.", Loki replied. I looked at him puzzled. How the hell was I supposed to do this.

''I'll show you how to do it, but I'm going to go lay Lola down.", he said, walking out the room. I'm so glad I'm not a single mother, my babies would probably grow up with so many problems. Loki came back in with 2 clothes on his shoulders. He grabbed Loki Jr. out of my hands and rested Loki's chin on his shoulders. He held Loki Jr. with one hand and patted his back with the other hand. He patted him on his back for a few minutes before he spit up. He did the same with Luke and after that he laid them down in their cribs. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Today had been a long day and in all honesty I was scared as hell. I was so excited to have my babies with me, but I was nervous about doing something wrong. I knew Loki would be starting up college again in a few weeks, which means I would have to be here alone with the babies. Times like this I wish I had my mother, but I would never let her anywhere near my babies. After all she tried to kill them. I could ask my grandmother to come down here. Omg! How could I forget I needed to tell her that the babies survived. I guess I would call her tomorrow to let her know. I grabbed a washcloth and hopped in the shower. I started cleansing myself with my vanilla scented body wash. It smelt delicious. After I was done with that I washed and conditioned my hair. I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I went to the sink and washed my face then brushed my teeth. I left out the bathroom and went into my closet. I put on that red lace bra and panty set Loki bought for me. My boobs were a little to big for it, but they managed to fit. I then put on some sleeping shorts and went out the room. I saw Loki laying down on the bed just in his briefs. He looked up at me and his eyes turned black. His wolf was out again and I guess he wanted to play.

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