Chapter 24: Surprise

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I woke up at 3:00 a.m. to Luke crying. I hurried up and went into the room. I put on some germ-x before picking him up.

''Sshh.", I mumbled rocking him gently. I went over to the changing table and changed his diaper. I was about to put him back in his crib, but he kept crying. I picked him up again and he started gripping my left breast. I started breastfeeding him. He gripped my breast hard, trying to get all of the milk out. When he was done I burped him before laying him down on the bed. I was walking out the room when I heard him cry again. I went back in and held him, he quieted down immediately. I sat in the rocking chair and rocked him back and forth. After about 10 minutes he finally fell asleep. I put him in his crib and looked over at the other babies. Loki and Lola were my perfect little angels. Luke was definitely going to be the trouble child. I could tell, I was like him when I was a baby. Sighing I went into my room and laid down on the bed. I was finally about to fall asleep, but then I heard crying. Looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

*9:00 a.m.*

Loki's mom woke me up for breakfast. I wanted to kill her just for doing that. I didn't go to sleep until like 6:00 a.m. I went downstairs and sat at the table.

''You look like hell.", Loki's grandma said.

''Thanks.", I mumbled, rolling my eyes and taking a sip of my orange juice. Loki's mom put a plate of pancakes, sausage, and eggs in front of me. It looked so delicious.

''Thank you.", I said. I said my prayers before digging in. Gosh this taste so amazing. After I finished my food, I rinsed out my plate and went upstairs. I needed a nice, relaxing bath. I ran my bath and put in some bath beads and bubble bath stuff. When that was done I got into the bath tub and got on my phone. It started ringing and I answered it.

''Hello.", I said, gloomily. All I wanted to do was relax.

''You could sound more excited.", Loki said.

''I'm sorry. The babies kept me up all night.", I said.

''Oh. Do you want me to call you later, so you can rest?", he asked.

''No it's okay. Your mom already woke me up anyway.", I said.

''Oh, I'm sorry about that, baby. What are you doing?'', he asked.

''Taking a bath. Are you guys still helping Alpha Tenson?", I asked.

''That's what I wanted to call you about. I'm coming home earlier, we finished all the work last night.", he said.

''Oh at what time?", I asked.

''I'll be there in about 10 minutes.", he said. I started panicking.

''Loki, you have to take a little longer because I look like crap. I need time to make myself look beautiful.", I said.

''Baby, your always beautiful to me. You don't need to try, I'll be there soon. Have that pussy ready for me.", he said, hanging up. Bastard. I hurried up and cleaned up. I made sure to shave everywhere. Then I used a cleansing conditioner to wash my hair. After that I blow dried it and then I brushed my teeth. I only had 2 minutes left, I put some concealer under my eyes and then I put on some ChapStick. One minute left. I didn't have time to get dressed appropriately, so I just put on one of Loki's dress shirts. I was fidgeting with the button, but I didnt have time for that. I just left it unbuttoned and I slipped on some underwear.

''Honey, I'm home.", I heard Loki say. I went down the stairs and greeted him.

''Hey baby.'', I said, leaning up and kissing him. He squeezed my ass in his hands before kissing me again.

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