Chapter 21: Oh Shit

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I barely got any sleep last night. The triplets kept crying all through out the night. I changed their diapers for the first time. Not a pretty experience. Right now I was laying down on Loki's chest. I had just gotten the babies asleep again. I sighed quietly and fell back asleep.

Loki's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw that Gwen was still asleep. I stroked her face softly and saw her eyes flutter open.

''Good morning, baby.", I said, stroking her face. She groaned softly and just hid into my chest.

''Gwen.", I said, shaking her gently. I wanted to talk to her.

''I'm sleepy, Loki.", she mumbled, snuggling into my chest. I frowned slightly, but I just rubbed her back up and down, so she could go to sleep. I chuckled when I heard her snore. I got up and went downstairs to make some breakfast. I got out the pancake mix, some eggs, and milk. I stirred all of those together and made my pancakes on the pan. After about 15 minutes I was done. I grabbed a plate and put Gwen's pancakes on it, I made sure to put some banana and strawberry slices on the side. I also put some bacon and eggs on the side, with a glass of orange juice. I brought it upstairs on a tray, I saw that she was awake and flipping through the channels.

''I made you breakfast.'', I said, laying the tray on the bed.

''Thank you, Loki.'', she said, leaning up and giving me a kiss. I kissed her back and watched her eat. I know it sounded creepy, but I was completely obsessed with her.

''How does it taste?'', I asked. Her eyes widened and then she ran into the bathroom. I followed her in and held her hair as she threw up. She finished and started brushing her teeth.

''Was it that bad?'', I asked.

''No, I think I might have a stomach virus or something.'', she said, wiping her mouth.

''Well then let's go to the doctor.'', I said.

''You need to stay here with the babies. I'll go by myself.'', she said, taking off her clothes and going into the shower. Damn she looked hot. I took off my clothes and went into the shower too. I went behind her and started kissing and nibbling on her mark.

''Loki.'', she moaned, leaning back against me. I turned her around and wrapped her legs around my waist. She held onto me as I thrusted into her. She was so tight. I thrusted into her again, going deeper. I felt her head lean on my shoulder as she moaned softly. I started kissing and sucking on her mark. I started going faster and I felt her clench around me.

''Ah, Gwen.'', I moaned fucking her harder. I felt her nails start to scratch at my back.

''Oh, Loki.'', she moaned as she came. Her walls clenched tightly around me, causing me to cum too.

''I was supposed to be getting clean, not dirty.'', she said, smacking my chest lightly.

''You loved it.'', I said, pecking her lips.

''I can't help it. You fuck me so good.'', she said.

''If you keep talking like that. I won't be able to control myself.", I said, grabbing her waist and bringing her closer to me.

''Really?", she asked, raising her eyebrow suggestively.

''Really.", I said, looking down at her. She leaned up and started kissing me again.

Gwen's P.O.V.

After I took my 'shower', I actually cleaned up and got dressed. However I started throwing up again so Loki just told me to lay down. I was in bed and I felt like I was about to die. I was so nauseated, the room was spinning. Loki had gotten some formula for the babies, since we didn't know whether I was sick or not. I could hear that Loki Jr. was awake, I heard him giggling in the other room. I really wanted to hold them. I heard Loki talking to them and changing their diapers. He is a really good dad.

''You feeling okay, baby?", he asked coming into the room.

''My stomach feels better, but I am still a little nauseated.", I said, looking over at him.

''Well I'm going to stay here and my mom is outside waiting to take you to the pack doctor's office.'', he said, coming over to me and touching my forehead. The weird thing is that my forehead wasn't hot. I nodded my head and got up. I slipped on some shoes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I left out the house and got in the car with Loki's mom. We drove toward the pack doctor's office.

''So are you enjoying motherhood.", she asked.

''Yeah it's a little tiring though, but I wouldn't have it any other way.", I said.

''That's good. So why do you need to go to the doctor, if you don't mind me asking. ''

''I've been throwing up a lot lately. I just feel really sick.", I said.

''Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully we can find out what's wrong.", she said as we pulled up at the pack doctor's office. We got out the car and the pack doctor, Phil, was waiting for us. He showed us into his room and I wait down on the seat thingy.

''So what seems to be the problem?'', he asked, closing the door.

''I have been throwing up a lot lately.'', I said.

''Have you been having sex recently?'', he asked.

''Yes.'', I said, blushing. I didn't want Loki's mom to know that.

''Is there any chance that you might be pregnant?", he asked.

''Possibly, I guess.'', I said. I was hoping that I was not because I already had 3 kids, I could not deal with 1 more.

''Okay well we are going to do an ultrasound and we'll see.'', he said. I pulled up my shirt and he put the jelly on my belly. He got the ultrasound thingy and moved it around on my stomach. I looked at the screen and I couldn't see much. He moved around some more and I heard heartbeats. Oh shit! Please just let that be my imagination.

''Well it appears that you are indeed pregnant, Mrs.Adams.'', he said. I nodded my head slowly.

''And judging from the heartbeats and the picture, you are having twins. Come back in about a month and a half and I'll be able to tell you the gender.'', he said.

''Congrats. I'll leave you two alone.'', he said, leaving the room. I looked back at Loki's mom and she looked just as horrified as I felt.

''We'll babysit for you.'', she said, trying to lighten the mood.

Gwen's knocked up again. *shakes head* When will they ever learn to use a condom? Omg I know this is off topic, but have any of you been watching the King Tut movie premiere. That shit is the bomb, the last part comes on tonight and I'm excited. I hope that girl didn't die in the fire. Moving back to topic, How did you guys like the chapter? What gender do you think the babies should be? What about their names? (For their names it has to start with an L and be only 4 letters long) Give me some ideas, please. And as always vote, comment, and follow me.
Oh and before I forget I would like to thank emilym1570 for voting and commenting. Thank you, girl. I really appreciate it.

Yours Truly,


Uploaded: July 21, 2015 @ 2:10 p.m.

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