Chapter 19: Betrayal

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Gwen's P.O.V.

I woke up in Loki's office.I felt so terrible on the inside, but I didn't want Loki to worry about me. I wanted to be happy, but I knew that there was no way I was going to be happy without my babies. I just wanted to forget the pain of losing them. There funeral was tommorow and I didn't want to face it. It was like confirmation that they were gone for real. I wanted all of this to be a dream and when I wakeup my babies will still be in my belly or in my arms. I wanted to hurt the person that rammed into me. Now that we are on that topic I wanted to know who did it. I looked up and saw Loki sitting at his desk with his hands in his face. I felt his pain through our link and I wanted to make him feel a little bit better. Maybe we both just needed release. To forget for a while. I walked over to him and took his hands off his face. I straddled his waist and kissed him on the lips. I felt his erection and I started grinding against it. He put his hands on my hips as I grabbed his face and kissed him harder. Loki started kissing me back with the same force.

''I need you.'', I gasp out between the kisses. He ripped of my jeans as I took of his shirt. I started kissing down his neck, down his chest, and to his abs. I was down on my knees now and I pulled down his pants and boxers. I took his tip into my mouth slowly, savouring the taste of pre-cum that was leaking out of it.

''Oh baby.", Loki groaned, tangling his fingers into my hair. I heard the door open, but I didn't stop. I saw Loki look up, trying to keep a straight face.

''Alpha, we have him here.", I heard Jonas say. I started sucking on Loki's tip again and I heard him groan softly again. I took more of him into my mouth, sucking on him slowly. I saw his face scrunch up in pleasure.

''Alpha are you okay?", Jonas asked worried. I wanted to laugh right now, but my mouth was full. I took Loki out of my mouth and started licking up and down his shaft slowly, stopping every once in a while to suck in him.

''Y-yeah.", he stuttered, answering Jonas. I took him into my mouth again and started massaging his balls gently. He groaned again.

''Where did the Luna go?", Jonas asked curiously. I started sucking on him faster, taking more and more of him into my mouth. Now I was basically deep-throating him. I sucked on him harder and I started to feel some of his cum go down my throat. But I didn't want some, I wanted all of it. I released some of him out of my mouth and started sucking on him slow but hard.

''The L-L-Luna.", I heard Loki stutter. I started sucking on him faster. ''The Luna is -Fuck!", I heard Loki say. He grabbed my head and pushed it down as he came. I swallowed up all of his cum and released him out of my mouth.

''I'll just leave.", Jonas said sounding scared. I heard the door close and lock. Well I guess he knew what was going on. I lifted up from his desk and sat on his lap. I felt him get hard again.

''That wasn't nice.", Loki said, looking up at me.

''Well you seemed to enjoy it.", I said, smirking. Before I knew it Loki threw me down on his desk, spread my legs, and started licking away at my sex.

''Loki.", I moaned, tangling my hands in his hair. He took my clit into his mouth and started sucking on it. Then he licked up and down my sex, before plunging his tongue inside of me.

''Oh Loki.", I moaned as he started thrusting his tongue in and out of me faster. I felt my orgasm approaching and Loki started thumbing my clit. I lost it. I came hard yelling Loki's name in the process. He slurped up all of my juices, making sure not to miss a drop. He sat up and turned me around so that I was bent over his desk.

''Spread your legs, baby.", Loki said. I spread my legs and I felt so exposed. I felt him start to rub my ass before he smacked my bum. I moaned slightly.

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