Chapter 356 Fortune and Misfortune Intertwined

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Fifteen minutes later, Han Li leisurely walked out of the Starry Dust Pavilion.

He glanced back at the towering building, a mysterious smile playing on his lips, then strode away.

In Han Li's storage pouch were the set of "Red Line Escaping Light Needles" and the jade slip containing the pill formula, all safely tucked inside.

Not long ago, after casually inquiring about the price of millennium spirit medicines with the girl, he hadn't shown her any spirit grass. Instead, he handed her two "Complexion Stabilizing Pills" containing millennium spirit medicine ingredients.

Han Li vividly remembered the drastic change in the indifferent girl's expression when she realized the miraculous effects of the "Complexion Stabilizing Pills." Her transformation from extreme indifference to fanaticism surprised him.

The girl immediately summoned an alchemist from the Starry Dust Pavilion to verify the widely rumored, but rarely crafted, pills. After confirming the authenticity and the miraculous effects of the pills, the girl nervously called Lady Lan from the fifth floor.

After a brief exchange of whispers between the two women, Han Li exchanged the pill formula and artifacts for the two "Complexion Stabilizing Pills" and one thousand spirit stones.

Thinking back on it now, Han Li found it somewhat amusing.

The temptation of everlasting beauty was irresistible to women, no matter how shrewd or powerful they were. Even Lady Lan, with her deep scheming and profound cultivation, showed the same eager gaze as the girl upon hearing about the "Complexion Stabilizing Pills." It gave Han Li a thorough understanding of women's concern for their appearance.

However, the price he paid for the pills far exceeded his expectations.

He had initially thought he could exchange them for at most two thousand spirit stones. But when the two women named their price, Han Li was pleasantly surprised and didn't dare to haggle further. He realized that it was fortunate that the proprietors of this shop were women; if it were a male proprietor, he might have only received a few hundred spirit stones.

After the transaction, Lady Lan, who had sobered up slightly from her excitement, couldn't help but ask about the origin of the pills. Han Li casually dismissed her inquiries with a casual "found them by chance."

As Han Li left the Starry Dust Pavilion, he felt a twinge of reluctance.

He knew that with the ease the Starry Dust Pavilion produced such rare items as the "Red Line Escaping Light Needles" and the pill formula, there must be even more precious items available. But unfortunately, he couldn't offer any more pills or spirit grass in exchange. Otherwise, the consequences of exposing his wealth were too dangerous for him to imagine.

With a sense of regret, Han Li found an inn in the bustling market area and settled in for the night.

For the remaining time, he began cultivating and meditating, preparing to visit the shopkeeper Xu the next day to have some artifacts crafted.

The next morning, Han Li arrived at the crafting shop as promised.

The shopkeeper Xu had been waiting for a long time and greeted Han Li eagerly, leading him to the backyard. Han Li smiled faintly and followed him inside...

Two weeks later, Han Li finally emerged from the shop.

Contrary to his demeanor when he entered, he now wore a dark expression, indicating his mood was far from good.

Following behind him, the embarrassed shopkeeper Xu incessantly muttered something. Han Li sighed, feeling a bit better, and exchanged a few words with the shopkeeper before slowly making his way out of the market area, leaving the bewildered old man behind.

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