Chapter 17: A Date With Destiny

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"S-sakura?" I asked in a confused voice.

"Kiana?" She asked returning the glare I gave her the second I layed eyes on her big oh forehead.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I leaned up against my door frame crossing my arms.

"I should ask you the same thing." She said crossing her arms and pouting her lips.

"I happen to live here." I said abou obviously angry with her being at the enat I was obviously angry with her being at the enat I was obviously angry with her being at the entrance. 

So, being Sakura she decided that she was going to use my uncontrolable anger against me. 

"So Kiana, I take it you're not all that happy to see me, are you kiki-chan?" She asked me in that annoying little high pitched tone of hers.

That little nick name always held bad memories for me. Every since I was younger and It’s followed me up until now. 

(flash back) 

“What’s the matter kiki-chan?”

“Don’t you want to play?” 

“You scared little freak?”

The mocking voices of the boys echoed through out my ears as I was being pushed around in between the three of them who had formed a circle around me and were now pushing back and forth amongst themselves. 

I don’t know what I did to make these boys angry. I was just sitting by myself on the other side of the park when they came over and started hitting me. Why didn’t I hit them back? Well because my mom had always told me that violence wasn’t always the answer. But in this case I was starting to wonder if this may be one of the many cases in my life that truly involved violence. 

Right as I was about to pull back my fist and hit one of them square in the face…


Everything froze as all the boys turned towards where we all had heard the shout come from. 

“Leave her alone!” Sasuke yelled running over to the three of them. 

Jumping into the air he brought in his foot and let it spring out kicking one of the boys in the face. He went flying back and the other two glared at him. Sasuke landed on the ground standing up straight glaring the two of them dead in the eye looking like death himself. The two boys stumbled backwards and ran away picking up their friend on the way. 

Sasuke let out a heavy sigh as he turned to me looking at me with eyes full of concern. He grabbed my hand and gently helped me off the ground but then pulled me into his arms and wrapped his warm loving arms around me. 

“Are you ok? What am I saying of course you’re not ok…Kiana…I’m so sorry” He said. 

I smiled a bit and wrapped my arms around him. 

“It’s ok. “ I said trying to comfort him. 

He pulled back and held onto my shoulders. 

“no it’s not. Stop saying that. It’s not ok and it never will be ok.” he said in an angered tone. 

But all I did in response was smile. I didn’t know what else to do. But he saw right through it. 

(end of flash back) 


Looking at a picture of times we had back then, I couldn’t help but notice how she was always smiling. Even though everything was all going down hill at the time, she always wore that same bright smile. Even now, she still….I couldn’t explain it.

“How do you manage…to keep smiling after all you’ve been through?” I asked myself as I heard Kiana coming into the room. 

I quickly shoved the picture back into my pocket as she came smashing in through the door. 

“your date’s here” she said in an angry voice. I could clearly tell that she was upset, even so I walked over to Sakura and wrapped my arm around her. 

“bye kiki-chan” Sakura said in a teasing sort of way and pulled me off with her. 

Did I try to stop her or correct her? No. I didn’t. Why? Well that’s a mystery to even me. 


I let out a heavy sigh and closed the door behind the two. Looking up at the ceiling I leaned my back against my door and slowly slid down it. Now it really felt like the whole world was against me. Well at least that’s what I thought until I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and smiled at Naruto who stood at my door step. His jaw dropped as he tried his best to keep himself composed. 

“Wow…you look….amazing!” He said with a huge smile on his face. 

I smiled back as a way of thanking him for his flattering complement. 

“Oh that reminds me I brought something for you” He said pulling out a glass case with a beautiful blue rose in it. 

It was beautiful, I don’t even know how he knew that this was my favorite flower. 

He took it out of the case and walked up to me and tucked it into my hair behind my ear. 

“Beautiful” He said taking a strand of my long hair and leading it down. 

Naruto wasn’t being his usual self. He was actually serious. Serious about that date. Serious about wanting to be with me. Everything. I thought this would just be another one of his selfish tricks. At this point I had felt really bad for thinking that now. 

I can’t ever remember having to look up at Naruto. But now that he was standing in front of me, I had realized that he had grown. Witch made me kind of pissed that I was shorter than he was. But this made me wonder how much was I missing. I was always focused on the task at hand that I never really took the time to notice that everything around me had been changing. Naruto grabbed my hand and smiled at me in that goofy way of his. 

“Come on” He said pulling me off. 

“Hey Kiana. Sakura and Sasuke, they weren’t giving you any trouble were they?” Naruto asked me yet not looking me in the eyes and he continued to pace forward. 

It took me a moment to answer because I was wondering weather I should tell him the truth or try to avoid any conflict. Besides I knew that both of us just wanted to enjoy the night and getting our minds in a twist about Sasuke and Sakura wasn’t really going to do anyone any good. So I simply shook my head to show him that nothing was wrong. 

“No Naruto they weren’t bothering me. I’ve always been annoyed with the two anyways so it may be just that” I said. 

But Naruto had been my friend for so long he knew when I was lying. So he simply let go of my hand and turned to face me. Placing his hands on my shoulders he held me in place long enough to catch hold of my gaze which locked onto his. 

“Don’t be afraid to come and talk to me if anything ever goes wrong. I know I haven’t been lately, but I will always be there when you need me.” -he said taking his hand and brushing away some of the hair away from the side of my face and brushing it behind my ear. 

I wasn’t sure what to think of this. I had never really had any special feelings for Naruto. Even now, when all this was taking place right in front of me I didn’t know how to react. So I simply smiled as I always did and pulled him along. On our way to the dance we laughed and talked about random things, and I did as much as I could to keep his and my mind off the previous topic. 

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