Chapter 30: The Two Used

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It all seemed to easy. We had both of the scrolls, and everything was going just fine. None of us were injured and everything was alright. Yeah Sora had his little fit but it was nothing that we couldn't have fixed. Now that I had thought about it, I felt something really bad was going to be coming in a very near future.

"Kiana!" I shook my head after heard Daisuke call out my name.

"Geez girl, get your head out of the clouds." Daisuke said apparently getting sick of having to pull me back into

reality time after time all

in one day.

"Don't you think we should really be getting back to the check point so we can maybe set a record. I highly doubt anyone was able to get done this fast." Daisuke said seeming eager to go as soon as he could.

"Yeah." I responded feeling the same.

It wasn't safe to wait around in the same place for to long, being that we had both of our scrolls we would be foolish to let our guard down. I had a bad feeling that something really bad was also about to happen, I didn't want to stick around to figure out just what that something was. I wanted to wonder how Sasuke and his team were faring in the exams, but that was the last thing that should have been on my mind and this was something I knew very well.

"Let's go try and find shelter and figure out our next move." I said trying to think everything through.

"But Kiana, don't you want to get to the tower so we can try and break some kind of record?" Asked Daisuke.

"Right now i'm trying to think about keeping the scrolls and our lives. I just want to try and avoid coming into contact with that other group. I know we're more than likely going to cross paths with them sometime during the chunin exams, but we're not ready. We should wait until we're stronger before we go picking a fight with the wrong kind of people." I said using logical thinking as always, though Daisuke would always refer to it as being an annoying habit.

"Kiana has a good point." Said Sora taking my side as always. "We should go and find shelter. I don't think we're going to find any cave around here but maybe there's a thick tree somewhere conveniently located where we can keep an eye on allot of area while strategies at the same time." Sora said.

"Alright, then we should make our way to the tower and see if we can find anything on the way there." I said.

The other two agreed with me, and we were off.


I didn't know that, other than the death of my clan, I would have suffered anything more terrifying in my life. Staring into her eyes was just like staring into the eyes of death itself. I stood there, with my back up against a tree, holding my hand over Sakura's mouth in order to keep her quiet. Then something hit me...what if this woman got her hands on Kiana and her team. I had to shake my head to get rid of the thought. I knew that was the last thing I should have been worried about and that I needed to worry about my own well being, and the well being of my own team before anything else. NAruto was still gone, god only knows where he could have gone off to. Everything seemed to go so slow, it was as if even time itself was afraid to move in her presence. I didn't know what I could possibly do. I was completely powerless against her. There was only one thing I could think of that would get us all out of it alive. She had an earth scroll, and we had a heaven scroll. Put two and two together and it equals survival. We would find another way to get the scrolls we needed, but at the moment all I was concerned about was staying alive.


After about thirty minutes of wandering we were able to find a rather large tree, so high up that we would notice about half way up the tree. Up near the top of the tree we sat waiting for one of us to speak up, when in reality, none of us had even the slightest clue what to say.

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