Chapter 22: They're back! Welcome Home Team 7!

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It was a long week. Meeting new people, giving Violet a tour around the village, and all the training we had to do for some odd reason. The sensei had never told us why it was he was pushing us so hard. Daisuke suggested that maybe it was just basic training. But when the sensei had us staying up for thee days straight working on chakra control and walking up trees without any rest you start to think it might be a bit more that basic training. So if it wasn’t only  basic training, then what was it? Though of course every time I asked that sensei he would just answer me with his strange riddles. The suns bright ray shined in through the window causing me to groan and throw one of my pillows over my head. 

“Hey Kiana.” I turned to see Sora sitting in the corner of my room. 

That made me wonder how long he had been sitting there. Even though Sora wasn’t that kind of guy I couldn’t help but wonder. 

“I have some news you might want to hear.” Sora said getting up out of the chair. 


It felt great to be back in the village. ‘Don’t mean to sound like a heartless bastard but Sasuke being in the hospital gives me a chance to do some catching up with Kiana.’ I thought to myself. And with that thought in mind I went on my way over to Kiana’s apartment. 


“the Chunin exams?” 


Sora responded. 

I had heard of the Chunin exams before but I had never really figured out exactly what it was. With my natural curiosity I decided to go to the library and get some research done. 

~At the Library~ 

I had searched through several sections and grabbed about ten rather large books until I was satisfied. All morning and afternoon I studied, memorizing every page, keeping it all in my mind. The Chunin exams were a series of tests presented to the ninja meant to challenge them and test their abilities to see if they qualified to become a higher ranking ninja. From what I had read the Chunin Exams were some of the toughest exams ever. Both mentally and physically. I read over the methods used in the past and each was different every time. It almost blew my mind into next Monday. (Which isn’t saying much because of the fact that it was Sunday.) I walked up to the librarians desk renting out all the books so I could take them home and make notes from it. Though they never used the same methods twice. That was one of the many things that concerned me. By the time I made it back to my apartment the sun was already starting to go down. And I had just realized, I had not eaten a thing at all today. I held my stomach as it rumbled placing my hand on the knob of my front door I was ready to go in and stuff my face with everything I had in the fridge. Until Naruto appeared in front of me. 

“Uh, hey Kiana. What a coincidence that we should meet here of all places.” Naruto said trying to appeal to me. 

“I live here.” I said pointing at the door behind him. 

“Oh…yeah. Like I said coincidence.” Naruto said scratching the back of his head nervously. 

“Ok?” I said leaning back on the railing and crossing my arms over my chest. 

“Hey…so um…do you want to grab a bowl of ramen with me?” He asked me with a sheepish voice. 

“Yeah why not? I’ve been pretty hungry anyways.” I said referring back to my grumbling stomach. 

“Great!” Naruto shouted throwing his fist up in the air excitedly. 


Even though I seemed fine when we left the village hidden in the mist I collapsed as soon as we entered the village, so I was brought to the hospital. Even though I was feeling fine All the denial in the world wasn’t stopping the burning pain my wounds were sending me. So now I just laid there looking at the white rough textured ceiling. I left the TV muted being that I really didn’t feel like paying much attention to the senseless bickering on the reality show. I looked back remembering my fight with Haku. It was one of the most challenging obstacles I had ever faced. It sent chills down my spine just thinking about his terrifying technique. I also remembered how long it had taken all the doctors to remove all those senbon needles. I held my hand up in front of me, examining it. I had died. For quite a while from what I had been told. What would I have done if I had stayed dead? I wouldn’t have been able to keep my promise. I wouldn’t have been able to kill my brother. Restore my clan, nothing. It upset me just thinking about it. Great, now I had yet something else to distract myself. I got up from the hospital bed, stumbling a bit then falling to my knees from the sudden wave of pain that swept over me.  As soon as I had regained my balance I walked out of the room having to support myself with the wall just so I wouldn’t fall over. I needed to get some fresh air into my system before I was driven to insanity. 


I was surprised. Kiana was able to keep up with me when it came to eating ramen. And unlike Sasuke she didn’t throw up. (-_- even though Naruto threw up as many times as Sasuke did.). After we both finished we set down our bowls of ramen onto the counter top. 

“That really ht the spot.” Kiana said stretching herself out. 

After she was done she stoop up and pulled out her wallet. But before she was able to pull out any money I had paid for everything setting the money on the counter. 

“Naruto!” Kiana yelled angrily as he stomped her foot onto the ground. 

I knew that she was far more than just livid with me for paying for the food. Even when we were little Kiana had just always liked to be so independent. It always seemed to just set her off in ways unimaginable to man when others fussed over her. She had always been like this. I always used to see her hide in this impenetrable shell that not even Sasuke could get into. It hurt me quite allot ot know that she simply felt the need to hide herself from others. After she was done throwing her fit, we both decided that it would be nice to take a walk through the village. While we walked I had decided to ask her about the week she had. She told me all about how she Daisuke, and Sora had shown Violet around the village. Not to mention the mad training session. Then she said…

“Chunin exams?” I asked confused. 

“Yeah. It’s an upcoming event for the Guenin.” She replied. 

Kakashi had never mention this to us before. So it must have not been all that important if he didn’t feel the need to say anything. 

“So how about you guys? How did the mission go?” Kiana asked keeping at a steady pace next to me. 

I stuck my head up proudly being that she had brought it up. 

“Well now that you mention it I do in fact now have a bridge named after me.” I said crossing my arms and pushing out my chest. 

“Is that so?” Kiana asked moving herself in front of me. 

“So I guess that means you’re some kind of legend now hu?” She asked. 

I nodded my head even though I sensed sarcasm in her question. 


I smirked turning away from Naruto and throwing my hands up in the air..

“That’s amazing! Long may the great Fish Cake Bridge stand!” I shouted jumping in place before looking back over to Naruto. 

“Yeah, the great fish…..HEY!” He shouted finally realizing what I had just said. 

“Not funny Kiana!” He said throwing his fists around in the air. 

“Really? Cause I thought it was pretty funny.” I said with a smile. 

Naruto’s face was so red that one could almost see the steam leaving his ears. 

I looked up to the clock to see that it was already going onto to ten at night. Wow it got late. And I had just realized that I hadn’t seen nor heard word from Sasuke all night. 

“So…how’s Sasuke?” I asked Naruto who came to a screeching halt. 

“uh…you know…” Naruto said. 

“Well let’s say I don’t know.” I said becoming more and more impatient by the second. 

“Well…he’s…In the hospital.” Naruto said with a quite whisper. 

Though with my sharpened senses I had heard every word of what he had just said. 

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