Chapter 7: Time

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. (Sasuke and I continued to talk for some where....but over time we just happened to grow apart from each other. I began going to the academy same as Sasuke. Same grade and everything. But we hardly ever talked. And this is how the out come of things are now.) 


I walked out of the grading room with my new head band in hand. I went back to sit at my desk in the far right back of the class. A few rows of desks in front of me sat Sasuke. A friend from a couple years back. Now days we don;t talk. We just pass each other like random strangers. He still looks the same though. So do I. Not much has changed accept for our height and attitude. I remember when Sasuke used to be this fun loving little boy. But now he's all hard and never talks to anyone...about anything. Every time I try to approach him...I find one reason or another to get side tracked. Either that...or I just chicken out of it. Everybody that went into the testing room came back out with a head band. I already knew Sasuke would. So it didn't surprise me when he walked out carrying on at his side. He would always look so smug about his accomplishments though. But I can't be the one that points fingers cause I look smug to. The only one that didn't walk out with a head band that day was Naruto. This didn't surprise me either. Naruto was always one to slack off. Naruto and I are still friends, and we hang out at the ramen shop almost every day. Even though I already knew he wasn't going to graduate. I still felt...some what surprised. When Naruto sets his mind to something, he can normally accomplish it. And I know he had his mind and his heart set on graduation this year. But when he came out without a head band he just...looked so sad. There was nothing I could do about it though. So I told myself that I would go out to Naruto in the courtyard after school. 

After school that day the kids parents flooded the entrence of the academy. 

"Congratulations on graduating" "Were so proud of you" "your head band looks good on you." "Were going to have a feast!" 

Everywhere complements were being thrown left and right. I looked around for Naruto...but couldn't find him. So I tried to find Sasuke so I could congratulate him on graduating. But as usual, right after we were released, Sasuke was gone. He always left the school grounds without ever saying a word to any one. I normally did the same thing, only because Naruto was never around for me to talk to right after school. This is me...13 years old now. Sasuke...almost the same age as me. Just a few months older. That was always something he liked to rub in my face. I shoved my headband into my pocket and walked over and sat on that one lonely swing set in the shadows. I looked down at me feet as I could hear the complements still looming around as people gradually began to leave. Those were complements I wish I had gotten. Not from those people. No. I didn't care what they thought. I wanted to hear it from either Sasuke, or maybe my parents. That would have been nice. But I know all good and well, my parents are dead. And Sasuke, well Sasuke just doens't care.  I wondered what was going to happen next. That always seems to be the question in life. What's going to happen next? Where will the wind take me? Well the wind decide to take me on my way home. I didn't feel like celebrating with ramen that night. I was sure Naruto would understand. As I walked my usual route home Sasuke and I just happened to cross paths. We ignored each other. As usual. We were just going to pass, like strangers. But today was a new day. I decided to make it so. 

"Hey" I said out of the blue. 


We both stopped dead in our tracks. 

"Since when do you have the time to acknowledge my existence?" He asked me in a cold tone I still had to try and get used to. Even though he ha been using it towards me for quite some time now. 

"What did I ever do to make you so angry?" I asked him. 

"It wasn't you" He responded. A little less...cruelly. 

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