Leaf Vs Sand

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I nodded my head at sensei. He was right I was reckless and I didn’t stop to observe. I didn’t think my attack through. What was wrong with me? It was probably because Sora wasn’t around. I'm always out of whack when he’s not with me in battle.

“Are you alright Daisuke?” Sensei asked me.

I nodded my head and wiped the blood off my face. It was just a scratch. Unless the blade was poisoned then I shouldn’t have anything to worry about. But what I was wondering was…where did it come from? I scanned the area and saw that there were traces of chakra leading back into one of the trees. I grabbed out some kunai attached to them were bombs. I threw them at a tree in the distance. There was an explosion as the tree fell to the ground and I traced a figure move from that tree to another.


An explosion came from the forest that Daisuke was in. IT made me worried. Had something happened to him? I hope not. No he was fine. I could feel it. Daisuke and I were twins so it’s very normal for us to be able to tell when one of us is in danger.


I looked over to Sora who was looking to the forest concerned. There was a small gust of wind and Sora’s black hair moved in front of his face covering his green eyes. I smiled and patted his shoulder.

“Hey” I said.

Sora snapped back to reality and looked down at me.

“They’re going to be alright. Ok?” I said to him.

He smiled warmly at me and nodded his head.


I flashed over to the tree that the figure landed in and I stood behind him. The idiot must have not been too bright he didn’t even hear me come up behind him. Either that or this was a trap. I pulled out a kunai and held it to his throat.

“Alright now what’s the big deal with the whole trying to kill me?” I asked tightening my grip on the kunai.

“You think your so cleaver don’t you? You think it’s just going to all go according to your little plan. You were going to force me out of the tree with a bomb. Then sneak up behind me and plan to capture me. Well. I have to say it was a very well thought out plan.” I heard the man say. I tightened my grip even more too where I could snap the kunai in half if I wanted to.

“Your being over confident. I have to say I quit admire it though.” He said then vanished.

I sharpened my hearing and moved right before the branch I was standing on blew up. With my hearing still sharpened I heard some people talking in the background.

“How was that Gaara?” I heard a boy say from behind some bushes.

“Just finish this” I heard another say.

Just hearing his voice made my legs go numb. His voice sounded like a dagger plunging through ones heart. I couldn’t explain it. It was just so…cold. After but a few moments I saw a boy who looked like he was dressed in a full body neko costume without the tail. He had the ears and everything. And to make it even creepier he had on the weirdest face paint I’ve ever seen.

 “Alright little boy, you’re going down. And by me, the names Konkuro.” The man said.  

He pulled on his charka strings that were attached to his finger to bring out a puppet. A puppet master? Well I hadn’t cared to study up on them I guess I'm paying for that now. But a puppet master? Where was he from? What did he want? Why was he after me and my team?

“Wait Konkuro.” I heard the other say.

A boy with black lining around his eyes and red hair and I don’t know what was written on his forehead came walking out of the forest. He held a large gourd on his back and wore strange clothing. But I guess I'm not one to talk. To others what I wear might seem weird. Although I found it quite normal. I wore a black shirt with a vest over it. Near the center top of the vest there was my clan’s emblem. A raven that had taken flight. MY pants were baggy with chain hanging from the sides. I held a kunai and shuriken pouch on the back of my pants and wore casual ninja shoes. I know I'm not really good at describing fashion but oh well.

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