Chapter 8: Two Paths

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I walked into the academy and took my usual seat at the top desk in the far right of the class. I always liked it in this back part of the class. Everyone else was normally at the front of the class so I was left alone back here. Slowly but surely the class room began to fill up with students. Eventually Iruka sensei made his way into the class room. Naruto got thrown around as usual and all the girls fought over who would sit next to Sasuke. How I would love nothing more then to just go in there and bust there bubbles and show them all up and take a seat next to Sasuke. That wouldn't be a problem if we were still friends. But instead I continued to watch all of them fight and bicker looking like they were all about to rip one another heads off. The fighting continued until Iruka sensei called for class to begin. The pink haired girl that normally won took her usual seat in between Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto had always had a crushed on the girl with the pink hair and the big forehead. Although I dont know what guys see in a girl like that. All she did was squeal and was completely useless on the battle field. After about thirty more minutes of Irkua senseis random talking he began announcing the squads. 

"Squads seven. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha" 

For a moment Naruto looked like he was on top of the world. Then he was sent crashing back down to earth when he found out that Sasuke was going to be on the same team as him. Sasuke and Naruto (if you couldn't already guess) never really always saw eye to eye. In other words they never got along. At all. I was kind of disappointed that I wasn't going to be on Sasukes team...but then again I thought that it was for the best. Sasuke and I had been growing apart for such a long time now that I thought it best that we weren't on the same team. 

"Now for our last squad. Squad 12. Kiana Uchiha, Daisuke Kai, and Sora Kai." He said. 

I looked down to the two twin brothers. Both had dark hair brushed to the left side of there face covering one of there two light blue eyes. Every feature about them was exactly the same. They looked like each others perfect reflection. I never really payed attention to the two of them. Form what I had heard they had a few friends here but other than that they were really loners. They never got together or expanded there group of friends. 


This is great, just wonderful. Not only am I stuck in a three man squad. But I'm in a squad with those two idiots. And on top of that Kianas not one of those Idiots. Now Kiana and I probably wont ever...ugh. Why am I thinking about that? I don't even like her any more. Still...well...I guess I don't have to worry about her getting into a relationship with either of them. Because from what I hear the two of them UGH WHY DO I EVEN CARE? I DON'T KIANAS GOING TO DO WHATEVER AND IM JUST GOING TO GO IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PATH.


I looked to my side to see Sasuke shaking his head and making weird random faces at the air. I wonder what had down his pants. I looked up to Kiana to see her reaction of her new team and saw that something was on her mind and that her gaze was directed towards Sasuke. That's when it clicked in me. A giant smirk plastered itself on my face. I see I see I see. Sasuke's jealous because he couldn't be on the same squad as Kiana. So he thinks that the other guys are going to try and put the moves on her. Well...I see this to be the perfect time to teach Sasuke who's the best. At both Ninja and Lady skills. I really am an evil genius. 


After the bell rang letting us all out for lunch I walked around a little stone path looking for a good spot to just sit down and eat. I stopped and sat under a nice little shaded spot under a tree. I took out my boxed lunch that revealed the delicious mouth watering homemade meal i had made for myself. I had improved my cooking over the years if i do say so myself. In the box there was a large serving of rice with a slice of tomato in the middle with eggs and other vegetables on the side along with some fishcakes. Just looking at it made me feel starved so I took out my chop sticks and began to devour the boxed lunch I had made. I heard some people talking behind me so i decided to turn and look around the tree to see who it was. Around now I'm really wishing I hadn't done that. My heart began to sink as I saw Sasuke about to kiss Sakura. SAKURA of ALL people. There lips were about to touch as picked up a rock and threw it at Sasukes forehead making him fly backwards. Afterwards he held his stomach witch made my eye brow raise as he ran off. Looked like something Naruto would have done. I shrugged it off thinking it was nothing and went back to eating my boxed lunch. Could I eat it in peace after that little encounter? No way in hell. After I finished my lunch I decided to try and clear my head. So I climbed to the top of a building to be away from all the stupidity on the ground. 

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