Chapter 3: Meeting the Knuckle Head; The Day Before

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Ok guys. I know in the original book this chapter was named "The Full Moon" Well I was reading over it and realized that it focused more on Kiana meeting Naruto than it did on that night. So I figured I would focus on Naruto in this chapter and "The Full Moon" Will be the next chapter. Thanks for bearing with me you guys. ^^ I'll get started with the chapter then. 

It was mid day now and I continued to sit there at the entrance gate wondering when Sasuke was going to get home. So I decided to go into town maybe walk around and get some necessities. (Maybe your wondering where I get my money from. I'll just explain that.) I guess you can't exactly call them missions because i'm not ordered to preform these tasks by the hockage. But I get my funding by doing simple tasks. Like walking dogs helping people with their yards etc. I never really enjoyed going to town to be completely honest, but it was all worth it. Especially when I reached the ramen shop. I walked through the crowds of people that filled the streets. As I was walking through I would pick up bits and pieces of conversations. No one ever really noticed me. Witch made me quite happy, witch meant if I wasn't noticed I wasn't pestered. I was just a small black speck walking through the streets of the village hidden in the leaves. Finally I reached Ichirakus Ramen shop. Walking in I looked up at the tall counter. I curse being so darn small. I struggled climbing onto the chair, but when I made it up there I sat up straight and adjusted my self looking to see if he had anything new on the menu. 

"Kiana. It's been a while. Where have you been?" The old man behind the counter asked me. 

"Home. Can I have some beef ramen please?" I asked him with a smile. 

He returned a smile to me and nodded his head yes as a response to my question. I smiled happily sniffing the air. I could smell the juice for the ramen and the noodles perfectly made from scratch. I remembered how my mother and I used to come here allot when I was younger. She would always get me such a big bowl and I could never finish it. and I would feel so bad about it that I would eat all of it than give my self a tummy ache. My mother always urged me not to eat to where it would hurt for me. In return of not eating so much she agreed to get me a smaller serving. And i've had the same serving size ever since. I smiled remembering times with my mother when the man set the ramen in front of me topping it with a pair of chopsticks. 

"There you are Kiana. Your regular serving size with the chop sticks already split. just how you like it." He said to me. 

"You know me all to well Mr. Ramen person. Thank you very much" I said with a large smile. 

I could never remember his name so I always called him mister Ramen person. That habit just stuck. But he didn't seem to mind. With that out of my mind i began to eat away at my warm steaming ramen. I savored the flavor of cooked beef with the perfect amount of egg, noodles, and ramen juice. It had been so long since I had a good serving of ramen, since I wasn't all the good of a cook I would always ruin the Ramen I tried to make. As I sat there slurping my ramen a blond boy with whiskers came and sat about one or two chairs away from me. I wasn't concerned with him in general. what fascinated me was his whiskers. I moved over into the seat next to him and continued to stare at his face. 

"The usual. Only bigger" The blond boy said ordering his meal. 

"Are those real whiskers?" I asked him out of the blue. 

He looked at me confused and rubbed his cheek. 

"Um...It's a birth mark." He said in a somewhat nervous tone. 

I was somewhat disappointed that the whiskers on his face were only birthmarks, but shrugging that off of my shoulder I continued to eat my ramen. And now the tables were turned. it was the blond boy that was staring awkwardly at me. I slurped a stray noodle and looked at him with a raised eye brow. 

"I don't think i've seen anyone chug down ramen faster than me." He said out of the blue. I gave him a slight smile, but it was kind of hard to take that as a complement. 

"By the way my names Naruto. What yours?" He asked me. 

I set down my chop sticks and finished drinking the juice from the bowl. 

"My names Kiana Uchiha" I said when I was done. 

When I finished my bowl I set down the bowl and left Mr.Ramen man the money on the counter. 

"Well it was nice to meet you Kiana." He said wavnig good bye to me as I left the store. 

I waved back to him then let out a heavy sigh when i got out of the ramen shop. I smiled and went on my way to the super market. I looked all around but none of them had any of the supplies I needed. When finally when I thought my search was coming to an end, it did, but in the good way. I bought a small cake from a small market place in the corner of the towns square. It was a pretty tiny cake that looked like it would only feed a few people. That was what I was counting on. With the cake in hand I began to walk home. Something foul lingered in the air as I stopped in the mist of the crowd to sniff the air. I smelt blood. And lot's of it. I shrugged it off thinking that a kid near by probably got a scrape or something. boy was I ever wrong. I looked to the horizon and saw that the sun was setting allot sooner then I thought It would. Gripping the cake firmly I ran back home as fast as I could. As soon as I got to the village it was already dark out. I hoped that I hadn't missed Sasuke. I did tell him that I would be waiting at the gate for him. I was concerned that he thought I was a liar and might not want to be my friend any more. but that was the least of my worries when I reached the village. 

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