Chapter 26: A New Enemy, Who???

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Sora and I were sure to be keeping an eye out, just incase there were any people who felt they wanted to make their was ahead a bit early. It wouldn’t be to shocking if they had tried, nor would it be the first time ora and I would have to handle sneak attacks. We were sure to keep our backs pressed up against each others keeping out a sharp eye and ear. Sora looked at me over his shoulder and I simply glanced back. We were each worried out of our minds, though looking at Kiana she didn’t seem as bothered as we were. 

She seemed somewhat fascinated that there were so many people all in one place. Though it was something that Sora and I were quite used to by now, but it was like Kiana had been sheltered from all this for such a long time, which was something that worried me. Knowing Kiana for the short amount of time that I had, it was something that was almost supernatural to me for something so small to fascinate her so much. 


So many people, all in one place, it was almost breathe taking to me. I didn’t know that there was going to be this much competition. Did it scare me? No not in the slightest, as a matter of fact it onto drove me even more, to do my best and surpass every single one of them. (Now let’s stop and think about who she sounds like?) 

Suddenly my attention was drawn to this one single girl, out of everyone else in the crowd who sat there with an evil grin on her face. A grin that sent shivers crawling up my spine. How could the simple stare of a single person put me on such an edge. I didn’t know how to react to it. This came as something completely new to me. 


I snapped out of it and turned to see Daisuke who had been calling out my name. Shaking my head I pulled myself back into the cold world of reality. 

“Yeah was is it?” I asked him shaking of as much of the cold feeling as I could. 

“You were in a daze. Are you okay?” He asked me crossing his arms over his chest. 

Glancing back over my shoulder I could see that the girls head was turned away from me. Her terrifying gaze was no longer directed towards me. Thank god. 

“Yeah, I’m alright.” I said clasping my hands behind my back and smiling at Daisuke. 

But I could see the doubt in his eyes, the same doubt that he saw in mine just a moment ago. I smiled in a sort of nervous way as I grabbed a loose stand of hair and pulled it back behind my ear with a nervous smile. 


I could see the fear in her eyes. It was a fear I didn’t even know existed in man. Especially in Kiana. Being an Uchiha I knew how prideful she could be, it had to be something really bad in order for it to scare her this much. 

“I’ll be right back.” I told Sora who nodded his head acknowledging that he could keep on extra watch for the few minutes that I was gone. Suddenly there was an odd feeling in the air, my instincts drew my attention to a young girl who was sitting on a desk across the room. She looked at me with a menacing grin, glaring at me with her green eyes through the bangs of her strawberry blond hair. The glass of her glasses only defined the evil in them, the evil that sent shivers up my spine. I couldn’t explain it. I was never scared like this. This girl…she was bad news. 

I took a good look at the head band that rested on top of her head, and was sure that it was the sign for the village hidden in the leaves. But I had never seen her around the village. Never had I heard any description of her or anything like that. Suddenly I didn’t know what came over me, but my whole body suddenly just froze. I had made a fatal mistake, I made contact with her gaze for to long. Suddenly it felt like a strong force began to pull me towards her.  Like strong strings that were impossible to break. Suddenly, as if my body had a mind of it’s own, I began to make my way over to her. Completely against my will, though in only a few minutes I was directly in front of her. 

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