Chapter 10: My Loves First Kiss

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((Ok guys, so i decided to join these two chapters because they both seemed to be based around the same thing. So I figured heck why not?)) 


We all walked away from the training grounds. My new life as a recognized shinobi had begun. I saw Kiana walking away from training grounds with Daisuke and Sora following closely behind her. I glared over in there direction but decided to shake it off before she or the others had seen anything. I didn't need her any more. I thought this fact was true. But there was a place in my heart that longed for her. I couldn't understand my feelings for her. She was always on my mind and I always felt a certain longing for her attention but I was never willing to work for it. Was that my problem? Was I just not working...was I not deserving of her love? 


We walked past Sasuke and the others and I didn't dare look in his direction. I knew that it was over between Sasuke and I but I never wanted it to be. I wanted Sasuke to care for me like I did for him. But he would never even dare give me to the time of day to prove myself to him. I love him I really do...but it tends to get kind of hard to some one who just wont accept you. So i tried to leave it alone...but...its also hard to have to watch from a distance. 

"Since we passed, how about some ramen?" Sora asked Daisuke. 

"I'm game. How about you Kiana could you go for some celebration ramen?" Daisuke asked me. 

I looked back at the two of them and simply shook my head no. 

"No. Sorry you two but I'm really tired and I think i'm just going to see about heading home. I'll see you two tomorrow though" I said walking away and waving good bye to them. 

They both waved good bye to me as I lost sight of them as I walked over the next hill. 


"Strange girl. She seems like she always wants to be by her self" I said to Sora. 

Sora just smiled and wrapped his arm around my neck. 

"She's probably just misunderstood. Like the two of us." Sora said to me. 

I looked at Sora with a smile showing that I agreed with his statement. No one ever really understood the love I have for Sora. I just have a very strong brotherly love for him. It's the same way he feel towards me. But with all the time we spend with each other everyone thinks that were gay. Honestly I couldn't care less what any of them think. Sora and I know the truth, and that's really all that matters. 


"I'll meet up with you tomorrow" I said to kekashi sensei walking away from him and Sakura. 

A little further down the way I jumped up into a tree and leaned back up against the cold hard trunk of the tree. The bark rubbed up against the back of my neck that touched it making my cringe slightly due to the injury I had gotten on the back of my neck that day of training. I turned my head in the direction from witch I had heard a sudden rustle. Surprise surprise to me it was Kiana walking out of the bushes onto the path. Either she was deciding to ignore me or she truly had no idea I was there, considering she didn't look my way to shoot my a glare or anything. A smile plastered itself on my face as i gazed down at Kiana. She was always so clumsy. She probably had no idea how ridiculous she looked with all of those leaves and branches in her hair. I could only imagine how surprised she would be when she saw all the twigs and what not in her hair. The thought of her expression made me laugh to myself slightly. Right before I was about to jump out of the tree to help her remove all the twinges from her hair that damned Naruto came along. Walking down the path he headed into Kianas direction. I regret not doing anything now. 


I stretched out my arms finally being free of that darn rope. I couldn't believe that they forgot to untie me. They always do that, it never matters what mission were on. I'll find a way to get back at them. I stopped walking when I saw Kiana in front of me and decided to lift up a wand so I could wave to her. 

"Hey Kiana!" I yelled out grasping her attention. 

"Hey whiskers. What's up?" Kiana asked as I walked up to her. 

"Nothing much, I finally got myself untied from a pole. Wow. Crazy hair do." I said pointing at her troll like hair. 

I caught Sasuke sitting up in a tree in the corner of my eye. From what I could make out, he wasn't happy to see that Kiana and I were alone in the middle of the forest. I plastered a smirk on my face. Know was my chance to get under the guys skin. I smiled back at Kiana as I helped her pulls some twigs and leaves out of her hair and adjust it so it would fall back to her sides as it normally did. She shook the rest of her long black hair out and smiled at me. 

"Thanks allot Naruto. I probably would have walked around like that until I had gotten home and seen it if you hadn't came around" She said. 

I shook my head as a sign that it wasn't a big deal. I walked right up to Kiana and pretended like I was going to pull another twig out of her hair. When I placed my hand on her back and pulled her in close to me as I began to kiss her passionately. This wasn't just to tick off Sasuke any more. My feelings for Kiana had completely changed. Over the years I began to develop a love for Kiana. I thought it would always be like a brotherly kind of love, but then I had come to realize I had always wanted Kiana and I to be much, much more than just friends. And right here, right now, was my chance to show her how I really felt. 


My eyes widened as Naruto kissed me. OK IT'S VERY EMOTIONAL WHEN A GIRLS FIRST KISS GETS STOLEN. But I wasn't like all those other girls that freeze up. The kiss only lasted for about 3 seconds before I grabbed a large stick and bashed Naruto in the head with it causing him to crash into the ground. I didn't even know what to say to him. It took me a while to build up the courage to yell at him and ask him...

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" After that I stormed off. 

My face was fuming with anger. If my face had gotten any more red I would think that smoke would start fuming out of my ears. 


I stood up off the ground and dusted myself off. I wore a large smile on my face the whole time. One I was happy to be able to have kissed Kiana, and ticking off Sasuke was a bonus. 

"3...2...1" I counted down and as soon as I had hit one Sasuke jumped out of the tree and landed right next to me. 


"Right on time Sasuke. As usual" Naruto said to me in his childish voice. 

It was taking every single last ounce of self control that I had not to kill this guy on the spot. I clenched my fists and gridded my teeth together. I now damned the fact that it was illegal to kill your team mate. I was starting to think that laws didn't matter in this case. 

"Hey Sasuke. Turns out I just stole Kianas first kiss" Naruto said. 

That was it. He had pushed his luck far enough. I grabbed him by the shirt and punched him so hard in the face it would have woken up his ancestors and made them dance. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked away from Naruto, leaving him rolling on the ground holding his face. I walked home through crowd after crowd of people bumping into a few of them along the way witch wasn't really normal for me. What was i supposed to do? Should I find Kiana and ask her if she's ok? I quickly got home, but before I could open the door some of my anger poured out and I had squeezed the handle to my door so tight it had almost fallen off. I decided to take blow off some steam, or else my house would be nothing but a pile of ash. With that in mind i decided to head down to the training grounds. I wasn't sure what to make of all of this. Question flowed through my head as I used my fire ball jutsu to demolish several tall trees. Destruction. What has become of our friend ship. I wondered...what if we tried to go back? Would she come with me back to the good times? With a smile on my face I thought of all the possibilities. 

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