Chapter 25: Get ready! The Chunin Exams are Here!

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Half a week passed after that, and everything became anything but normal. The sensei’s were always shuffling around doing what ever it Is that sensei’s do, and us as the students worked even harder to become even better.  I torn through scroll after scroll, pushing myself, learning new jutsu that I felt would help the team. Every single day me and the boys would meet up to strategize. I became so focused I even forgot about meals from time to time and need up skipping them. But I knew it would all be worth it if we were to pass. The feeling of being able to do something as amazing as that and actually be successful, would be truly amazing. 

When the day of the exams finally came along I felt as if my whole body was going to be frozen in a solid shocked state that I would never recover from. 

My team mates and I made our away up, what seemed to be, a never ending set of stairs. With every step I could feel my breathe becoming even heavier than before. My foot steps seemed to echo through my head as I could feel my own heart trying to break it’s way out of my chest. 


I turned to see Kiana sweating. This was quite odd, being that Kiana never really was willing to show her emotions to anyone. But it was clear that she was far beyond nervous. I could see the fear in her eyes, fear of failure. Fear of letting down the rest of us. But I knew good and well that wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t even turn to look at her, just incase she were to catch the slightest hint of doubt that lingered in my eyes. 

“It’s going to be okay.” I said. 

“If we fail that that’s that and we can just try again next year. And if we pass, then we did it as a team. Same way if we failed, it was as a team. It’s never only one individuals fault.” 


I was honestly really glad that Sora gave one of his famous pep talks. Because for the slightest second there even I was beginning to think that we may have failed. 


After what seemed like a life time, we finally arrived at the floor where the exams were supposed to take place. When we got there it was very, and may I repeat, very crowded. 

“Is someone as talent less as you REALLY planning to take the Chunin selection exam?” 

I brought my head up from the ground to see the oh so familiar face of bushy brow sitting on the ground with a bruised face. 

Sure bushy brow was always a bit of a weirdo, but over all he was a really good guy. At least that was my opinion. He was one of the very few people who were nice to me when I was growing up in the village. After the death of my family and a short while after Sasuke had stopped talking to me Lee would always make it a point to swing by every once and a while just to check on me. Lee was always a really good friend, and an amazing fighter. So I couldn’t understand why it was that he was getting his ass handed to him by these guys. 

I really wanted to go and help him. But even as I fought my way through the crowd, shoving past people left and right, I still wouldn’t be there in time. 

The event happened so fast, his team mate ten ten took a straight on fist to the face. Which in all rights was completely out of line for anyone to strike at someone who was just trying to get in. 

But when I focused my attention to the sign I realized that it was simply a genjutsu. But of course I was to scared to say anything. I was afraid that if I did people wouldn’t believe me. I’ve always had an odd fear of things like that. It was one of my greatest weaknesses to be completely honest.  

And as usual, at the best of times, in came the might big head himself, Sasuke Uchiha. 

“Drop the force field illusion you’ve created, it’s not fooling anyone. I have business on the third floor.” Sasuke said with that unbearably irritating cocky tone of his. 

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