Part 6

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"Belle, you're so big," Liam says, lifting my baby girl up.

"Li Li," she giggles, my best mates coming over for the game today.

"How are you, Haz?" he asks, shaking my hand.

"Good. You?" He nods, says his relationship is going strong. Belle jumps and he lifts her up, Belle immediately playing with his beard.

Niall and Louis arrive and get their beer, Zayn coming in with his fiancé Perrie.

"Where's Soph?" Louis asks, Liam saying she's in London for work.

"Ni, I got sparkly shoes," Belle smiles, Niall parting his lips.

"Look at mine. They're red," he says, making Belle laugh.

We get ready for the game and Perrie takes Belle, playing with her.

Our game is tied when my phone rings, my lips curving at Faye's name.

"Harry, who you talkin' to?" Louis asks, noticing my expression.

"A girl," I smile, getting up and answering the phone.

"Hey," I grin, running my hand through my hair.

"Hi Harry. Are you doing anything after the game?" she asks, my eyes flickering to Belle with Perrie.

"Uh, I don't think so. What's up?" I ask. God, I hope she wants to hang out. I haven't been able to drive Belle to school lately so I don't see her often.

"Jack and I have been trying to set up the new TV and I'm not strong enough so I was wondering if you could come over and help him?" she asks, my heart pounding.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you soon," I say, her voice saying goodbye.

I walk back into the room and I sit, looking at the TV. All eyes are on me and I look over, all of them lifting eyebrows at me.

"I met someone," I say, Louis immediately slapping my back.

"What's her name?" he asks, my lips curving.

"Faye," I grin, cheering going on in the room. My eyes move back to look at the TV, the game finishing fairly quickly.

"Zayn, do you think you could watch Belle tonight?" I ask, his head nodding. Perrie walks into the room cradling a sleeping Belle, my lips curving.

"Don't want to let the little princess go," she says, my eyes adoring my little girl.

"We're going to watch her. Harry's seeing a girl tonight," Zayn says, Perrie smiling over at me.

"Good for you Styles," she says.

"Thanks," I smile, my friends all saying goodbye. Once they leave, I lock up the house before driving over to Faye's house.

After I park, I knock on the door and Jack opens the door. "Thank God," he says, Faye pushing him out of the doorway.

"Thank you for coming," she says, my body walking in.

"Faye has no muscles to lift the TV so I had to watch the game on my phone. It's hell," he says, my head nodding.

"I can imagine," I say, walking into the living room to help.

"We want to put it on this wall here," Jack says, the mount already on the wall.

"Got it," I say, lifting the TV to which Jack stares at me.

I look over at Faye and she crosses her arms, looking at Jack. "He can lift it by himself, you baby," she says, Jack rolling his eyes.

"Okay. I also broke a few fingers last week so they're still sore," he says, my lips releasing a laugh. He helps me mount the TV easily and we get started setting up the cable box.

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