Part 15

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Faye laughs with Belle as the two put whipped cream on each other's noses, my lips curving as I watch them.

"Faye, I have some more," Belle giggles, putting more whipped cream on her nose.

"So do I," Faye smiles, putting some on her cheeks. Belle laughs, leaning towards Faye.

Faye whispers something in her ear and she nods, Belle reaching out to me. I grab her hands and she pulls me close, my head leaning towards her. She rubs her whipped cream nose on my cheek and Faye laughs, Belle giggling as well.

"Thanks princess," I laugh, her hands holding my cheeks. She kisses the tip of my nose before she lets me go, her body leaning closer to Faye's again.

After I wipe my face, I look back over at the two and smile.

"Harry, what was the guy you work with's name?" Faye asks, my eyebrows frowning.

"I thought you went to school with him?" I ask, her shoulders shrugging.

"I don't remember," she admits, my lips curving.


She frowns and looks over my shoulder, my body turning to see Axel looking over at her.

"I think he's following me," she whispers, covering Belle's ears first. She runs her fingers through Belle's curls and I frown, pissed that Axel's pursuing my girlfriend.

"How many times have you seen him?" I ask, her hands lifting Belle into her lap.

She moves four fingers out and I widen my eyes, her arms wrapping around Belle tightly.

"With Belle shopping, at the grocery store, on my run, and now here," she says, my feet getting up and walking over. He looks up at me and I keep a hard face, his lips curving.

"Stay away from my girlfriend," I state, his eyebrows furrowing together in fake emotion.

"I beg your pardon," he says, my hand fisting up.

"She's telling me you're following her. You better stop now or I'll take it to chief," I state, his body getting up.

"You don't tell me what to do," he says, my eyes narrowing at his. He shoves my chest and smirks, looking over at my girls.

"Don't look at them," I grit, shoving him at the door. Once out, my hands grip his tee and shove him to the wall.

"She tells me you're stalking her. Stay the fuck away from her," I state, his hands shoving me off him. He hooks his arm and punches me in the face, my anger growing.

"You shouldn't be telling me what to do. You'll regret it," he grits, my hands shoving him back. He slams into the wall and I punch his cheek, his body getting up.

"I'll never regret keeping her away from you if it means she's safe from your sorry ass," I grit, pushing him away.

"I won't forget this, Styles," he says, my eyes rolling.

"Fuck that," I groan, walking back into the restaurant. I wipe my nose, blood dripping off.

"We need to leave," I say, Faye nodding as she keeps Belle's eyes off me.

After paying and driving to my place, Faye has Belle go play in her room and she attends to my already bruising cheek.

"What did he say?" she whispers, wiping a cloth under my nose.

"I can't tell him what to do. I'm pissed," I whisper to her, her gentle fingers running over my face.

"The fact that he works with me for the police pisses me off as well," I continue, her fingers cupping my cheeks.

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