Part 8

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I couldn't concentrate on any conversation during dinner. My mind was racing, trying to think of what to say in my next letter, or where we could possibly arrange to meet that was secret enough. I didn't realise that I actually wanted to meet with him until I actually let the thought cross my mind. "Are you alright Hermione?" George asked me. I jumped, and immediately came out of my daze. "What? Why?" I asked him. "Cause you haven't touched much of your food yet. Are you feeling ill?" "No." I replied. "I'm just not feeling as hungry as I thought. It's delicious though Molly, I do intend on finishing." "Not to worry dear," replied Molly Weasley, "if you aren't feeling up to eating right now, I can heat it up later on for you." "Thank you Molly." I said.

I helped Ginny clear off the table to make way for desert, though it could have been done using magic, Molly and Arthur didn't want my parents to feel out of place. Besides, they liked to do things like normal muggles do. I decided it wouldn't hurt to ask Ginny about the area surrounding their house. And maybe then I could find a place that Draco and I could meet up.

"Ginny?" "Yeah?" she responded. "Are there many quiet areas around here? I mean is there spots that you could do normal wizarding things without muggles noticing?" The question I was really thinking was, Is there somewhere I could go to be alone, that nobody, not even one of you go to, but it was all I could think of without her thinking I was asking for somewhere that I could hide something, or do something I didn't want anybody else knowing. "Well yeah there is a few spots, none of us really bother going near them though as its pretty far out, and any sort of magic that we want to do can be done here. Neither do muggles because as far as I'm aware, it's quite a distance from any of the surrounding muggle villages. Why do you want to know?" "Oh  I was just thinking that I'd like to try my hand at writing. Some poetry, or a short story, perhaps. I was looking for somewhere quiet, where I might be inspired. I thought I'd ask you as I know you like to write too ,and maybe you had a spot or two. I think I will take a walk around before we go back to Hogwarts."

" Yeah you should, there are some beautiful spots around. You will find somewhere quiet, theres always somewhere out here." I smiled to myself, as I prepared desert and Ginny left the kitchen carrying dishes into the dining area. I had managed to get her to believe me. Feeling giddy like this always made me hungry, so I took the cake that Mrs Weasley had baked and brought it to the dining table. My dad and Mr Weasley were deep in conversation about muggle cars and my mum and Mrs Weasley were talking cakes and deserts and their cooking methods. Each just as fascinated by the others.  My Mum was also fascinated with the cake that Molly had prepared. My mum always loved cooking.

Harry, Ron, George and Ginny were all looking at me strangely. "What?" I asked. "What is wrong with you tonight?" asked George. "Nothing!" I replied, " Just been reading some funny articles in the quibbler." " The quibbler?" piped up Ron, "What are you doing reading that?" "Luna sent it to me a few days ago, " I replied, "I've always read it." " Hmph!" he muttered. I sat down and waited as Mrs Weasley dished out the desert. They knew something was up. I was going to need to talk to them soon. But how in the name of Merlin would I even bring Draco Malfoy into a conversation with them?

I was worried that this arrangement with Draco was going to mess up what I had with my friends. I couldn't let that happen, but I also couldn't just turn around and tell Draco that I didn't want to help him after all. He had made such an effort already, I couldn't turn away from him. I hated lying to my friends, but I had to until I could find a way to tell them. Besides, when I thought about it ,this would benefit them too. I just had to try and make them see it that way.
But what if I couldn't? What if they hated me for it? I couldn't think like that now, I needed to be positive, it was a good thing after all.

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