Forty four

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Over the coming weeks, Draco had regular warnings from the Ministry, telling him he was to remain in the castle grounds. If he tried to run, he would definitely be put in Azkaban. Draco had no intentions of doing such a thing. He knew there was nothing they could hold against him.

"Hermione, please, I can't have this talk again. Theres no point in me trying to fight back right now. It will only make things ten times worse. I just have to sit through the trial, and speak only when I am told to." said an exasperated Draco one Sunday afternoon in mid March. "But they shouldn't be allowed to try you! Not when they don't have evidence against you." I shot back. I wasn't taking this well, the past two weeks had been dreadful, worrying about when they were going to come in and drag him out again for more questioning, or worse. "But they do have evidence. They know I was a death eater, whether I wanted to be or not, so that's as good an excuse as any to try me." he said. "Now can we please just talk about something else?"

I sat down, sighing in defeat. This had become a daily ritual. Draco and I arguing about whether he should retaliate or not. He had assured me that they wouldn't be barging in again, that when the time came for his trial, that he would receive a letter containing all the details.

The whole school had become wary of Draco, though the truth of course had broken out, they seemed to enjoy twisting the tale. So now of course, people were coming up with their own version of the story.

"Harry and the guys are going to Hogsmeade soon. Shall we join them?" I asked him in a feeble attempt to change the subject. He nodded, "Yeah, I could do with a drink." We got up from the table in the Great Hall and made our way down along until we spotted them sitting by the door. "We are going to join you." I said. "Great!" replied Harry. They stood up to go get ready. "I'm just going to grab my jacket from the common room. Meet you back here in five!" said Draco, and away he went to his common room.

"Have you two been arguing again?" asked Ginny. I sighed. "Yes, sort of. I just wish he would at least try. He can't just let them treat him this way." I said, anger flooding through me. "Hermione he is right. If he retaliates, then they are going to think he has something to hide. And they will search until they feel satisfied, and then who knows? It will only drag this thing out longer, much longer than it has to be." said Ginny. I knew they were all right really. I just couldn't accept that the Government were allowed to do this to a person.

Ten minutes later we were heading to the front door. "Mr Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall called. As usual, whenever I heard a teacher call his name, my stomach dropped. Draco turned to her. "Yes, Professor?" "Where do you think you are going?" she asked him. "I'm just going to Hogsmeade Village, with my friends, Professor." he replied. McGonagall frowned. "I'm sorry Mr Malfoy, but I am afraid you are forbidden to leave the school grounds. I was given strict instructions by the Minister for Magic himself, to not let you leave the grounds until the trial is over." she replied sympathetically. I felt the anger return. "What a load of old rubbish! Its Hogsmeade! We have been going down there for years!" I spat. I usually never talked back to a teacher, especially not McGonagall, but this was so unfair. "I am sorry for the inconvenience, miss Granger, but unless you want Mr Malfoy here, taken back to the Ministry, then by all means, do have a good day in Hogsmeade." McGonagall snapped. "I trust you are both intelligent enough to do the right thing?" she added before she stalked off.

"Hermione, will you please calm down? You're going to get yourself thrown out of Hogwarts before graduation!" said Ginny.

"It's fine guys, I should have known Hogsmeade would be off the cards. Have a good day, anyway." he said, kissing my cheek and walking out the door. "I'm going to stay with him, guys. Do you mind?" I said. They shook their heads, and I ran out the door after Draco.

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