Part 10

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I walked toward him, and he to me. When we were close enough, he pulled me in for a hug. I didn't know what else to do, so I hugged him back. "Thank you so much, Granger." "Well, like I told you, I have questions to ask you. I want to help you, but I need to be certain that it's not going to come back and bite me." "I'm an open book for you. I Want you to know everything." he replied to me. "Right, well first lets get to this place I found. Just in case." "Lead the way then!"

We walked until we found the little spot. My scarf was still there tied around the tree. I had packed a few items for the day, using the bag with the invisible extension. I opened the bag and pulled out a blanket, large enough for the two of us, some cushions and a picnic. Draco seemed to be surprised but all he could do was smirk. He helped me lay out the blanket and cushions. We sat down beside each other. "You have no idea how this makes me feel." He said. "I never thought that you'd even speak to me, after all I've done to you and your friends. I am so grateful to you Hermione, you are one special person." It was odd to hear him tell me things like that. I responded with, "I never in all my days would have thought that I'd be here with you. But I am glad that I decided to hear you out. I really do hope that I can help you." He smiled at me, one that I never thought possible for Draco Malfoy.

"Are you hungry?" he asked after a while. "Yeah, I suppose I am" I replied, "I couldn't eat breakfast this morning." "Must have been the nerves!" he teased. As we ate we talked about different things. Things like our hobbies, school, and places we'd like to visit someday. After we cleared up the leftovers, we sat and talked again. I thought that it was about time that we get down to business, so to speak. 

"So, why exactly have you and your family decided that now is the time to change? Why not before?" I asked him. He thought for a moment before answering. "Well, as I mentioned before, I had started questioning my fathers and my family's ways in fifth year. I didn't want to be like the rest of them. My father had been part of the death eaters for so long, it became harder and harder for him to try and get away from it. He was afraid, I suppose." "Afraid of what?" I asked him. "Voldemort. He had too much influence over my family." I looked at him, I could see in his eyes that it pained him to talk about the past, but I needed to be sure that I was making the right decision.

"When Voldemort was at large, just before the battle, my mother pleaded with my father to leave the death eaters, and let us move away. Far away. But he wouldn't. He said that Voldemort would find us, and kill us all. He didn't want to be a part of a mass killing, but he couldn't leave." I would never have thought that Lucius Malfoy had a conscience, but when  I thought back the night of the Battle of Hogwarts, I do remember seeing how scared both his parents looked. And how they left before things could get any worse.

"So when Voldemort was killed,he decided it was time to finally change, move on and become a better person . He didn't want to be remembered as a failure to the wizarding world. He couldn't take the fact that every person hated him for being associated with Voldemort and his followers. My mother and I felt the same. We still do. We don't want to be associated with that kind of thing. We aren't expecting them to completely forget what we have been, but we want to show people that we are different now." "How are you going to convince them? I mean, you've never been anything but, I'm sorry to say, horrible to anyone that wasn't a Slytherin at school?

He thought for a while. "I'm not sure. I mean, I guess that's why I asked for your help. You are kind, and empathic. You know people, and you are the only person I know that could help." His kind words made me blush. "Well, if I am to do this, what would I be doing?" "Well, you could advise me on things. What to do, what not to do. Maybe even letting people know that I am trying to redeem myself. I wouldn't expect you to be on hand all hours of the day, but it would be nice to be able to talk to you about my struggles. "So, so to speak, I would be like your, sponsor?" "Yeah, I guess." He shrugged.

I believed him. I really did. It was a matter of would anybody else? It would be a hard task, and probably time consuming. This year would be an important one, but doing this, is something that I think I would enjoy. I decided I would give him a trial. To see how he would get along, for a week or two.

"Okay, here is what I think we'll do. For now, I accept. But I have conditions. I can decide to call the whole thing off if you treat me, or my friends badly. You cannot, and I mean cannot call anybody a mudblood. And lastly, you must promise me, that you will keep up your studies. I don't want to be blamed for you flunking classes. Agreed? " He smiled at me. "Agreed. Thank you so much Hermione, I promise you will not regret any of this! What can I do to repay you?" "Stick with it. That's all  I want."

"What do you think Potter would say?" asked Draco after a while. "You know he has got a first name," I laughed, "but I don't know really. I mean you two have been arch enemies from day one. I am really worried that they won't accept this." "You worry a lot Granger." he said. "I know, but that's always been me. I guess its part of what makes me, me!" "Well I like every part of you. You are the kindest person I have ever come across. Although you can be scary at times, I've witnessed that. But you are pure, and caring, and I don't know why I couldn't see it before." Blushing, I replied "Draco Malfoy all mushy, I never thought I'd see the day!" I joked. "Oh haha, Granger. But I meant what I said the other day. I care for you and I want to change. I think you are the only person that can help me." I smiled at that. It made me like I had a purpose to be in this world. Perhaps this is why I received my letter all those years ago.

"I hate leaving, but I think its time we got back. Its starting to get dark and I'm sure the Weasley's will be wondering where you've gotten to. I expect my father might be looking for me too." Unfortunately, he was right, I would have loved to stay and chat for a while with him. To get to know this side of Draco Malfoy. We gathered up my things, and I removed my scarf from the tree. We walked until we reached our parting point.

"I wish I didn't have to leave." He said.  "I know, but we will be spending plenty of time together when we get back to Hogwarts. This gives you time to think of your own tactics, about how you may help others at Hogwarts. And, if you have any questions, worries, or you just want to talk, you can always send me a letter. I'm at the Burrow until Tuesday." He smiled. " Likewise Granger, I would hope you would feel the same! Right then, I had better be going." "Okay, until Tuesday then." He hugged me thanking me once more and walked away, then he was gone. 

As I walked back to The Burrow I couldn't help but smile.

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