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The first school week after the holidays was probably the best we had ever had. For the first time since we had started at Hogwarts, there was no drama, no secrets and nothing to be worried about. Apart from the meet with Narcissa Malfoy, of course.

Draco and his mother had arranged for us to meet in The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade for lunch on Saturday. It would have been one of the last places I'd have expected to find Narcissa Malfoy, as it wasn't exactly luxurious, but then again, Draco had changed, perhaps his mother had too?

On Saturday morning, as per usual whenever something big was about to happen, I started freaking out. "Mione it's 7am! On a Saturday! Can you please stop pacing the room and calm down!" said a groggy Ginny. "Oh, sorry Ginny, I didn't mean to wake you." I replied. "Well you did. And I am not going to be able to get back now, so come on, what is it now? We already established that she is also a changed woman, that she will love you, that she will tell you how much she regrets what happened to you under her roof. So what now?" asked Ginny rather impatiently. It was true, I had spent the past two days having the same conversation over and over with both Ginny and Draco. "Well, I'm not sure what I should wear." I lied, not wanting to have to make her have the same conversation again. I was sure she'd clobber me one.

"Really? That's your big emergency this morning? An outfit?" she asked, obviously unconviced. But she played along. "Here, go shower, put this on, and then we'll go for breakfast." she said as she thrusted my nicest pair of jeans and cardigan at me. I nodded, sighed, and went to shower.

I decided to stop thinking about what was looming. It was going to happen, and I just had to deal with whatever the outcome was. Either way, whether she liked it or not, I was dating her son, and we were in love.


"Ready?" Draco asked me as we stood outside the door to the Three Broomsticks. I took a deep breath and nodded. He squeezed my hand, and we stepped inside.

I didn't see her at first, a surge of relief ran through me, thinking that perhaps she couldn't make it. That sounded bad, but I realized then, that I wasn't fully over what happened to me. I was then very grateful for the fact that I didn't have to go near that house yet. Just as the thought that she wasn't there sunk in, Draco spotted his mother sitting in a dark corner. "There she is." he said smiling. And sure enough, there she was.

She looked different. Older. I assumed that this was due to the battle, and all that had happened ever since.

Draco led me to his mother. She was reading the Prophet, and hadn't seen us come in. "Mother?" said Draco quietly. She looked up and into her sons eyes. She stood to give him a hug, still not noticing me behind him. He pulled out of her embrace and said, "Mother, I have brought my girlfriend, as arranged. I'm sure you remember her." I stepped out from behind him, not daring to let go of his tight grasp. I could tell from the way he held my hand that he was a bit anxious too.

His mother looked at me, a look of slight shock in her thin face. "Miss Granger. I am glad to meet you under better circumstances. " she said, with a small smile. She stepped forward to pull me into a hug. Stunned, I let go of Draco's hand and hugged her back.

We finally pulled away from each other. "Please, sit dear." she gestured to me. Draco pulled a chair out for me to sit, before taking a seat himself. "Well, I must admit, it is quite a surprise. But you must know that I am in no way against the two of you being together. I am sure you know by now, from Draco, that I am no longer, not that I ever really was, in support of the old ways. I do not hold prejudice over blood status." she said. I nodded. "Yes, your son has taught me a great deal about your family. And I have the utmost respect for you both. I know how hard it was for Draco to ask for help, to prove himself, so I assume it was just as difficult for you. I am happy for you both, Mrs Malfoy." I replied. I had no idea where that had come from, but it seemed Narcissa was pleased with my little speech.

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