Part 29

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Once I had put away my coat, hat, gloves and scarves, I went in search of my magical handbag. When I found it, I went to the shopping bags that contained out outfits. I opened them and took them out. I admired my dress before folding it neatly and putting a charm on it so it wouldn't crease. I put it back into its bag and put it at the back of my wardrobe, along with the shoes and jewelry that I had bought. I wanted the outfit to be a surprise for Draco when we went on our date. Next I copied the same charm on Draco's outfit. I managed to transfigure an old box, into a nice gift box to put in his outfit, as I had forgotten to purchase one in Hogsmeade. I was excited to give it to him. I put the gift box carefully into my bag. It was 5.50pm. I was to meet Draco in ten minutes and then we would have two hours to get back to our common rooms. I picked up my bag, told Ginny to tell the others that I'd be in the library,  though of course she knew exactly where I was going, and headed for the room of requirement.

When I opened the door to the room of requirement, Draco hadn't arrived yet. I decided I would quickly freshen up in the bathroom, so that I would at least look half decent. I ran into the bathroom and tackled my hair. I had hat hair, as I had been wearing my hat all day due to the rain. I applied a little eyeliner, mascara and some strawberry lip balm. A squirt of perfume later and I thought I didn't look like I had been dragged through a bush anymore. I left the bathroom and had just sat on the sofa, when he he opened the door and walked into the room. He walked around the sofa to face me, and when he saw me his face lit up. Quite the reaction I was hoping for. He kissed me and complemented me on my choice of lip balm. I giggled at him, "Okay, I have a little gift for you! Close your eyes!" He closed his eyes and I pulled out his gift box. "Okay, you can look!" He opened his eyes. He was looking a little surprised and asked, What exactly have  I done to deserve a gift? Have I missed something? I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. "No, I just feel guilty over last night, so I thought a gift would be a good way to tell you how sorry I am that you had to spend the day with Filch!" It was his turn to roll his eyes at me. "And how many times have I got to tell you it wasn't your fault?" "Just go on, open it." He took my order and opened the box. "Whoa! This is absolutely stunning! Thank you, Hermione! But this isn't just a little gift!" I kissed him. "You have been so amazing these past few weeks, making effort with my friends, and not retaliating what what anybody says. And also, I love you, so I thought this would look rather, nice on you! Now, go put it on! I want to see how it fits!" He kissed me and obeyed my orders.

He returned a few minutes later wearing his new outfit. "Wow, you look amazing!" "Seriously Hermione, it is gorgeous! You know me so well!" I steered him towards the long mirror beside the bathroom. "I like black on you. I must admit, I always found you looked good when I saw you wearing black shirts!" I said a little embarrassed. He let out a little chuckle and put his arm around my waist. "Hermione Granger has a type. Bad boy type." he laughed. "Oh bog off!" I chuckled.

"Now, one other thing." I said. "Yes?" he asked turning to face me. "So, the Christmas holidays will be coming around next. How would you feel about a date in the muggle world?" I asked him feeling slightly nervous about that. He smiled and said, "I would only love it!" "Its a date then!"I smiled back and hugged him.

We talked and cuddled for another hour before deciding that we should head back to the common rooms. "You know, I do like it here. But I can't wait until there is a time when we don't have to see each other between classes. We can apparate to each other every other day." He said as we reached the door to the room of requirement. "I know, it will be even better when the guys know and are happy with it. He smiled and kissed me. "Ready?" he asked me. "Yes, I suppose." He walked me to the common room and said goodbye. As usual. I hated the fact that we were seven floors apart, and that he was in a separate house. "Thank you for the outfit, Hermione. I love it, and I love you." He pecked me on the cheek making sure nobody was around, and that the Fat Lady was still snoozing, and went down to the dungeons.

I went into the common room. Harry and Ron were having their nightly wizards chess battle, Ginny wasn't there, so I assumed she was in the dormitory. "Hi guys!" I said to Harry and Ron. "Hiya!" they replied together, still concentrating on the game. I went up to the dormitory to find Ginny already asleep. It was early but everyone was exhausted from shopping. I got ready for bed and slid into it, writing my essay until I fell asleep.

The next few days flew by, I had spent a lot of time with Harry, Ron and Ginny, as I always had. But I also spent quite a lot of time with Draco. I enjoyed both. It was such fun to be with the guys, we laughed about everything and helped each other with the essays. There was times when Harry and Ginny preferred to be alone, so I would go and try find Draco. Ron had met a girl over the weeks holiday. Her name was Emma. She was a 6th year Ravenclaw. They were only meeting up a few times a week, but Ron really liked her, and I could see it going somewhere. I had accidentally stumbled upon them both during a make out session. Its fair to say that it was pretty awkward.

I was happy for both the boys and Ginny. But I felt a little bit left out. I was seeing someone, but I would be in so much trouble if the two of them found out. It wasn't fair. I had been so close to telling them both one evening when Ron wouldn't shut up about Emma. Luckily I managed to keep my cool as Ginny walked in. Ron wouldn't talk about anything like that when his sister was around. But I was definitely planning on telling them very soon as Harry and Ron were going to talk to Draco that week.

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