Part 33

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The next morning I awoke at 8am. I went around the dormitory making sure I had everything I needed to bring home with me for the holidays. Once I was sure everything was packed, I went and got ready for breakfast. "Oh Hermione, are your parents coming today?" asked Ginny as I was drying my hair. I was a small bit confused by this question, but Ginny caught on. "Oh sorry, I mean are they picking you up at Kings Cross?" "Oh, Yeah, they are." Ginny smiled, "Brilliant, Mum wants to organize a few things for Christmas." My parents had accepted the offer of spending Christmas at the Weasley's. We were all looking forward to it, but I was also sad at the fact that I wouldn't see Draco as often. We could apparate to meet one another, but that wouldn't be very much, it was Christmas after all and our families would want us around.

Ginny and I waited for Harry and Ron. Harry was also going to the Weasley's house for Christmas, but like me, he would be going home with his aunt and uncle, as they wanted to spend a little time with him. It was odd how they wanted to be close to him. We all figured that they felt guilty of never fully understanding just what he had been through. That realistically they were his only living family. Well, by blood anyway. He was going to apparate to the Weasley's on Christmas Eve, which was the next day. Harry and Ron arrived down the staircase five minutes after us, and then we all headed to the Great Hall for breakfast.

The Great Hall was buzzing with chatter. People were excited that Christmas was finally here, something cheery to celebrate, and that they would get to see their families later.

We ate breakfast in silence. Ginny and Ron tried putting on brave faces, but I knew and Harry knew that seeing Fred's name in the memorial garden would re-open wounds. It was going to be hard on us too, Fred was like a brother to me and Harry.

George, Charlie, Bill and Fleur would be all there in the Weasley house for Christmas. Charlie had gotten time off of work in order to make Christmas at home. This would be their first Christmas without Fred, which is why I had figured they wanted us all there, to try numb the pain. It would also be the first Christmas that Harry, Ron and I would actually be able to celebrate in two years, considering last year Harry and I were being attacked by Bathilda Bagshot, who was actually a snake, in Godric's Hollow. And then Ron was hiding out from Snatchers after he had left us.

I spotted Draco over at his table, I smiled and waved at him. He waved back, but I could see that he was still worried about what was happening with his father. I was worried too, I didn't really believe that he could go to Azkaban, he hadn't done anything. He could prove he was forced if he was to take Veritaserum. Though again a problem might arise due to the fact that he could use occlumency. If anyone knew that then he would be accused of thwarting the test. I was worried about the effect it would have on the public, that they would always see him as a death eater, and that might ruin him. He was fragile, and I wanted to keep him safe.

We finished breakfast and headed back to the common room. I was to meet Draco in thirty minutes. Some students were exchanging gifts as they would not see each other over the holidays, some were staying at Hogwarts, but most were going home. I had gotten the Patil twins matching scarves from the new shop in Hogsmeade, so I decided to give them their presents while they were in the dormitory. "Thank you Hermione, we have one for you too!" Replied Padma when I gave them their gifts. "Thank you guys, hope you have a lovely Christmas!"

As I would see Ron, Harry and Ginny tomorrow, I decided to wait to give them theirs. I was also going to wait and give Draco his when we met up for our date. It was 9.55, I decided to head to the room of requirement and wait for Draco. "I'll be back in a bit guys, going to see Draco, he was a bit down yesterday, and I want to wish him a Happy Christmas." I said to the others as I walked toward the portrait hole. "Hey Hermione?" called Ginny. I turned around. "Yes?" "Could you give this to Draco for me? I got him a little something." "Oh Ginny, that's so sweet! He'll be delighted!" Ginny smiled. I headed out the portrait hole and made my way along the seventh floor to the room of requirement.

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