Part 39

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I awoke the next morning with a slightly sore head, and found that I was still wearing my dress and make up. I had drank more than usual last night. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, and then back to my room to dress choosing a comfy pair of jeans, converse and a hoodie. I usually didn't agree with using a charm to remove a hangover, but thats because I had never had the need for it. So that morning that's what I done.

Feeling much better, and hungry, I went down to the kitchen to find my parents and Molly in the kitchen. "Hello darling, we didn't see you come in last night? Were you out late?" asked my mother when she saw me. "Uh, no, I was in about 12.15. I was just so tired and I saw you were all enjoying yourselves so I just went straight to bed." I replied with a smile. "Care for some breakfast dear?" asked Mrs Weasley with a warm smile. "Yes please. I am starving!"

After my breakfast of bacon and eggs, I decided to go and find Ginny. I couldn't wait to blab about my date! I knocked on her door, no answer. I knew what this meant. I barged into her room and found her sprawled face down on her bed. I laughed to myself. "Ginny! Time to get up!" I poked her. "Goway 'Mione." she groaned. "Not a chance! Come on, I have gossip I need to spill!" I chuckled. Ginny always did this to herself. But I knew she wouldn't pass up an offer for a bit of gossip on my love life!

After twenty minutes of calling her and finally dragging her from the bed, she was up and I had just cast the hangover removing charm on her. Of course I told her it was a one off thing, I never mentioned the fact that I had used it myself. I liked to keep myself looking responsible!

Once she was cured and looking somewhat alive again, the questions started.

"So, how was it? Did he like Muggle London? Did he like muggle food? What did he make of the cab drive?" she asked exactly in that order, without giving me the chance to reply to any of them. "Ginny, calm down!" I giggled. "It was amazing! I loved it, and so did he." I went on to tell her about the whole night. "He said he wants to do it again sometime. I also promised to invite him to mine to cook for him over Easter. Once everybody knows and is fine with it." I finished, slightly breathless as I was so excited to tell her everything.

"Whoa, you have him whipped Hermione! Draco Malfoy eager to get back into the muggle world!" laughed Ginny playfully. "He is not whipped! He just wants to embrace the muggle world. I am happy he wants to, I mean I am from there, if we are to get to know each other better and make a proper go of things, then he will need to understand me and where I come from. Just as I do for him." I replied. "I know, I'm just kidding, but I think you really are the reason that he has stayed on track and changed. He took a turn for the better, and it is down to you Hermione Granger."


After my conversation with Ginny yesterday, I had been feeling wonderful. It was very flattering and prideful to think that Draco had changed his ways because of me.

I had received an owl from him early this morning, telling me how he was sorry he couldn't send one yesterday, something came up with his mother and he would explain in a later letter, and not to worry about sending a reply as he would be sending another owl in a few short hours.

This worried me of course, as he hadn't said whether what happened was good, or bad. I hoped it was the former. Draco didn't need drama right now, not when things were so close to being right.

I spent that whole day trying to take my mind of off Draco. I was extremely happy, but as equally worried. That is until I received his owl just as I was going to bed.

Hello my Gryffindor Princess,

Sorry, I know I said it would only be a few short hours, but things escalated in regards to my mother  and my aunt.

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