Part 9

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Later that night, when everyone decided they wanted to sleep, I went to my own room. My parents had decided to stay the night, considering they'd all had a bit too much firewhiskey. I climbed into bed with my quill and parchment and started my letter to Draco.


I've got good news and bad news.

I shall start with the bad news, it's not terrible, but I think Harry and the others know something is up. It's your fault really as I cannot keep a grin off of my face. I think I will try and talk to them this week, before we go back to Hogwarts.

Right the good news then. I think I have found somewhere that we can meet. I will have to check it out and send you the location tomorrow, I know this is late, but I wanted to you to know.

I hope you can make it if I do find somewhere, sleep well,

Your Newly Found Friend

I sent Cetrez off with the letter and curled up in bed. I was exhausted from the past two days, so I drifted off to sleep quite quickly.

The next morning I awoke before anybody else. I showered and put on my comfiest pair of jeans and t-shirt. I grabbed a breakfast biscuit and stuffed it in by bag, which contained a quill, ink and parchment so that I could write my letter as soon as I found the perfect spot. I'd hidden away the previous letter and put a spell on it so nobody else could read it.

I left a note under Ginny's door;


Gone to find somewhere that might inspire me. Tell my mum and dad that I'll be back by 10 am.



I left the house as quietly as possible, and walked right, toward the trees. I walked for forty minutes before I came to a clearing surrounded by trees. I passed by here once or twice before some summers ago with Harry and Ron. But we never went in. I walked for a further ten minutes until I found the perfect place. It wasn't anything special, but it is very private. Even if someone was to walk by, they wouldn't see us.

I sat and wrote my letter informing Draco where to find our spot, while eating my biscuit.


I have found a place. It's about a forty minute walk from The Burrow, so I think we should be safe enough. It's to the right of The Burrow, over the hill. There's a clearning there, with large oak trees surrounding it.

If you can make it there, meet me at the clearing at 12pm tomorrow afternoon. I will be able to direct us to the spot I've found once we meet.

Hoping you can come.

Your New Found Friend

I finished the letter and took out a purple scarf. I tied it around a large tree and started re-tracing my steps back out into the clearing. It wouldn't be too difficult to find the next day. As I climbed back over the hill, I heard the familiar screeching of an owl. As I looked up I saw Cetrez making his way toward The Burrow. I picked up my pace and hurried back to the house, eager to see what Draco had replied.

When I got in through the kitchen door, I saw that everyone else had only just gotten up. And they had all looked better. The firewhiskey took a toll on them and they barely even noticed as I raced past saying good-morning and made my way up to my room. Cetrez was snoozing on my bed with Draco's letter attached to him. Poor owl, he had traveled many miles the past two nights. I let him rest as I unfolded the letter Draco had sent to me.

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