Part 19

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Potions surprisingly flew by, maybe because I was so nervous about what was going to happen. At 12.55, Slughorn released us from his lesson. We made our way to the great hall for lunch. I was hungry considering all I had eaten was a single slice of toast. I decided some soup would be sufficient, with a crispy roll. I was halfway through the soup when Draco entered the hall.

He dropped his bag at his table and made his way, nervously, to ours. "Er, Potter?" he said nervously. Harry looked up, startled. "Er yeah? Malfoy?" I could feel the tension building up, and realized I was holding my breath. Ron looked shocked, as did Ginny. "I eh, I just want to tell you, I'm sorry." It was Harry's turn to look shocked now. "What? I mean, for what?" I tried to look shocked too, I think I was convincing. "I want to apologize for everything. For bullying you and your friends, calling them filthy names, and every bad thing I have ever done to you lot." The others didn't know what to say, so feeling like I had an opportunity, I stepped in . "Er, its kind of you to apologize Malfoy. I've seen the write up in the paper this morning. I think its good that you and your family want to right your wrongs." "Thanks, Granger, it hasn't been easy, but I am determined. I get that you lot might not believe me right now. But I would like the opportunity to prove to you."After a moment of awkward silence, Harry spoke. "Wow, Malfoy, I definitely was not expecting that. But thank you, for that. You must know that, if I, or any of us, were to even try and forgive you, it will take time." " I understand. I just wanted it off of my chest." With awkward nods, and even more awkward smiles, Draco turned and strode back to his table for lunch.

Harry, Ron and I looked at each other. "What the bloody hell was that?" asked Ron. " I have no idea." said Harry, almost dazed. "I think I do," I said, in a small voice. They both looked at me. "Have either of you seen the Daily Prophet today?" They both shook their heads. I took out the Prophet from my bag and opened out the paper. "Here, Lucius Malfoy. Apparently the Malfoy's are trying to change their ways." I let the boys read the column, waiting in anticipation. "I guess it makes sense." said Ron. "I mean, I don't think I could believe it, but I guess he is trying to play his fathers game?" "But why come to us? Why didn't he go to one of the many other people he has bullied?" asked Ron. "Maybe he wants to start with the ones that would be the hardest to get around. The ones he felt most guilty about?" I replied. "I guess, but still, how in Merlin's name can he expect us to run into his arms?" asked Ron. I felt my ears heat up.

The fact that Harry and Ron didn't say that they didn't believe Draco was a good sign. Maybe they would be able to forgive him. All he needed to do now was to be nice to them, show them that he really wanted to try and mend things. And then I would need to do my part. Convince them that he was good for me, that it would help me.

The rest of the days classes were a bit of a blur. I had no interest, and people noticed. When the last class of the day ended, I felt humiliated. I hadn't been able to answer a simple question in ancient runes. I decided that tomorrow I must put all other thoughts out of my head during class time. Draco would have to understand. This was about my future.

But then again, it was impossible to keep him out of my thoughts, as the next day proved that. We had three classes together in the morning. The first two weren't as bad as yesterday, I managed to answer a few questions and I copied every single note down. But by the time the third class came around, herbology, the attention levels started to drop again. We were working on some new plants. We had been asked to re pot them as they needed more space to grow. Each of us were given our own tray of plants to work with. Draco was two down in front of me. We both found it near impossible to keep our eyes off of each other.

The end of class finally arrived. Luckily Harry and Ron were going to be preoccupied for the next hour, drawing up plans for the Quidditch teams practice, so they wouldn't be too bothered by my disappearance. I made my way to the seventh floor corridor, repeating yesterday's actions. Once the coast was clear once more, I walked to the space where the door would appear. Today I wouldn't need to wait for him as we both knew what we were looking for. I was waiting for five minutes when he came through the door.

"Do you think Po, sorry, Harry really believed anything I said yesterday?" he asked as he came closer to me. "Well, neither of them came out and said you were full of it. They were trying to figure out why you chose to apologize to us first. Why you were so set on us. I tried to convince them, I showed them the piece about your father in the Prophet. They read it and seemed to be getting there. But I don't think they are up for uniting us all yet." "So you saw that then? The Prophet? You never said it to me?" "I didn't need to, I already believe you. I felt that if I was to talk to you about it, that you might think that I was doubting you, or asking questions." I replied. He smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead before going to get some butterbeer. 

I thought that perhaps I should ask him why he kept on kissing me. Not that I didn't want him to, but I didn't want to be lead on either. "Um, Draco, can I ask you something?" I asked him. "Yes, of course." "Well, I was just wondering," I found it quite embarrassing to ask him this, "why you.." "Why I keep kissing you?" he finished. I blushed. "Yes." He came over and sat next to me. "Well, I guess its because I like you. And I suppose I've just been taking my chances. I know that sounds bad, but I was just too embarrassed to ask you can I kiss you!" It was his turn to blush now. "I can stop if you don't like it." he added. I shook my head, "I do like it, I just wanted to be sure of something." And then I kissed him.

"So, does that mean you would want to be my girlfriend?" he asked me. I think the shock was obvious on my face as he laughed nervously at me. I thought for a moment. How could I be his girlfriend if we couldn't be seen together? I wanted to be, but should I answer right away? There was no way though, that I wanted to say no! I'm sure we could make it work. I turned to him and smiled sweetly. "Yes, I would." He smiled back before kissing me once and pulling me in for a hug.

At five minutes to one, we thought it was time that we got back to our friends. As I was gathering things that I had taken out of my bag, he said, "So tomorrow, we have only a half day. Have you any plans?" I replied with, "No, not really. Harry and Ron are doing up tryout pamphlets tomorrow afternoon. I was just going to go to the library or something. Why?" "How about we go to Hogsmeade together? We can take one of the secret passages if you don't want to be caught. And I know the perfect little spot we could go to." "Is that where you take all your girlfriends?" I asked with a cheeky grin. "Hardly!" he replied. "Nobody else ever got this Draco Malfoy! So, is it a date then?" I pretended to think for a moment. "Yes, I think it is!" He looked excited, "Meet me at the statue of the one eyed witch tomorrow at 1pm!" "I will. Bye Boyfriend." I replied. He smiled and said, "Bye Girlfriend." I kissed him before leaving the room of requirement to go and meet Harry and Ron for lunch.

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