Part 28

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The next morning was wet and cold. Winter had truly started. I decided it was time for jeans, cardigans and boots. When I went down to the common room, the fire had been lit already. We still had a whole week off of studies. I had an essay to write, but it wasn't a long one, so I decided I would spend evenings doing it. This would give me time to spend with my friends and with Draco. Today I was going to Hogsmeade with my friends. Harry and Ron were already in the common room waiting and Ginny came down just after me. "Are you guys going to Hogsmeade today?" asked Dean Thomas. "Yeah we are, do you want to join us?" asked Ron. "Yeah, sure, I think Seamus is going too." "Great, why don't we all have dinner together in the Three Broomsticks then?" suggested Ginny. We all nodded in agreement. "You should ask Draco too Hermione." added Ginny. I nodded, accepting her suggestion.

We headed down for breakfast in the Great Hall. The hall was nearly packed with students, which was not surprising in the least, they couldn't be up on time for class, but they could be up early when there was no class. Although many of them looked worse for wear, as they were hungover from the prohibited alcohol indulgence from the previous night.

We took our seats at our table. I took some sausage, egg, bacon and pudding onto my plate. I looked down the hall toward the door, just as Draco walked in. He saw me too, and smiled at me. I smiled back, my mouth full of egg. I was such an idiot at times, especially around him. I looked back and he was laughing. He took a seat beside Blaise and ate some egg. I laughed. "You alright Hermione?" asked Dean, "You sounded like you were choking!" I lightly slapped his arm and said, "Oh ha ha!" He along with the others laughed at me. When the laughter ended, after quite a while to my embarrassment, I looked back to Draco, he was talking with Blaise, I was happy to see him be happy.

When I finished breakfast, I decided to go get ready for our trip. "I'm just running to the bathroom. Meet you in the common room?" They all nodded in agreement. I stood up and made my way out of the Great Hall. I had just reached the first floor landing when I felt an arm snake around my waist. "Hello, beautiful!" It was his voice. I turned and was looking into his grey eyes, the eyes I loved. "Did you know, that you look beautiful, even when your mouth is full of fried egg?" he laughed. "Oh, very funny!" I looked around to make sure nobody was around, and sneaked a quick kiss. "I missed you last night." "I missed you too." he replied. "Oh, I've got good news!" I said pulling out of his grasp and inviting him to walk with me. "What?" he asked me suspiciously. "Well, Harry has convinced Ron, to hear you out. For you to tell them everything you have been telling me." "Really? Wow, I honestly wasn't expecting that. Er, when?" "Whenever you can I guess. We're going to Hogsmeade in about fifteen minutes, I have a voucher to use!" "A voucher? Where did you get your hands on one of those?" he asked me. "Oh my god, I forgot to tell you! Neville and I won best dressed last night! We each won these vouchers for any shop in Hogsmeade!" "Wow, well done, knew it would be you." he said winking.  I giggled at this remark. "Do you want to come? To Hogsmeade?" He frowned. "Ah, I would love to but, I can't."

Just as I was about to ask why, we were rudely interrupted by Mr Filch. "Sorry to break up your little chat, but you Mr Malfoy are late!" I looked questioningly to Draco. "Late for what? We don't have class for a week Mr Filch." He looked irritated. "Class, no not class! Mr Malfoy here has detention, with me! We'll be mopping floors together all afternoon!" he said in his old grimy voice. "Hurry up Malfoy or it will be midnight before you finish!" he said as he stumbled off with Mrs Norris, his old cat following. "You got caught? Last night?" I asked him feeling guilty. "Yeah, he was on the second floor. That stupid cat gave me away!" I frowned. "Oh Draco I am so sorry! This is all my fault! Let me tell him, I should be punished too." I tried to walk after Filch but Draco grabbed me spinning me to face him. "Don't its fine. Its not your fault. I wanted to see you, you were comforting me. Besides, its not my first detention. I bet I'll only be there an hour and he'll be bored and let me go!" "I feel so bad." "Stop will you," he laughed, "I'm fine. But I'd better be going. Enjoy Hogsmeade, I love you." "I love you too." He pecked me on the forehead and went back down the staircase.

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