Part 23

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My spirits were high for the rest of the day. At lunch time, Luna asked Neville to accompany her to Hogsmeade this coming weekend, and Harry and Ron didn't push me on the subject of Malfoy, and I didn't push them, though I did wish they would speak to him.

Thursday afternoon, I rushed to the room of requirement, knowing that Draco would be there. I opened the door and almost ran in. I couldn't wait to tell him about Ginny and Luna. But when I got there, it wasn't what I expected. He was there alright, but he looked sad. "Draco? Whats wrong?" "I can't do it, I just can't." I was startled. "What can't you do? Whats happened Draco?" "I can't convince anyone that I've changed! They don't believe me. They never will. I'm ruined because of my stupid family traits!" He was angry, and hurt. "Draco, listen to me, they do believe you. I told you it would take time to get around some of them, but we will. Together." "I've heard them talking Hermione! That I'm full of it , I'm just trying gather people apparently. Either because my father is the new dark lord, or because I'm desperate for friends!" "Draco, its not true! They haven't seen the real you. Like I have. Please Draco, please don't let them tear you down! I need you to be strong." He seemed to soften at my words. I hated seeing him so upset, so frustrated. "Come sit with me." I held out my hand and motioned for him to join my on the sofa.

"Luna knows about us." He looked startled at those words so I added, "But we don't have to worry. She is on our side. She can see the difference in you." This made him smile a weak smile. "Ginny also knows, but again, she is on our side. She's rather happy about it actually." "Ginny Weasley? But doesn't she blame me for Fred's death? And the fact that you used to date her own brother?" "No, she doesn't. She told me it wasn't your fault. As I told you already, she also said that the war was inevitable. Also, no, she wasn't angry that Ron and I didn't last, whether we did or not we will always remain friends. So you see, people do believe you. We just have to find more. Once there is enough people to see the real Draco Malfoy, Harry and Ron will too. But I have decided, that whether or not they like it, I am not letting them pull us apart." He hugged me. "You really are the best thing that could have ever happened to me, Hermione. I really, honestly don't think I could do this without you. I don't even deserve it, not the way I have treated you." "Draco, I have told you. You are a good person, you do deserve to be happy. And I am happy to be here for you, you may not know it, but you have helped me in so many ways already. Ways I didn't know were possible." I replied.

By the end of the hour, he was feeling better. He was thankful for Ginny and Luna, he knew if they could see it, then he knew it was possible for others to eventually see it. It was comforting to me as well, knowing that I would have someone to talk about things to. It was quite draining, having so much excitement, worry and frustration building up all at once.

The next few weeks had their ups and downs. Harry and Ron still hadn't decided whether they would listen to what Draco had to say. Luna and Neville were hitting it off well, and the fact that I could talk to Ginny about Draco made things all the better. And Draco and I were getting to know each other a lot better. We spent what time we could together, getting a little too attached at times and ended up skipping classes to be together. I knew that this would have to stop, I needed to pass this year, though I was keeping on top of my work through late nights, I worried that he wasn't.

As the third week in October approached, the weather began to turn bad. The rain had started about a week ago, but now the air was chilly and the rain was heavier. We rarely got to go to the clearing in Hogsmeade anymore, but now that people started realizing that I talked to Draco, it wasn't too risky to go to Madam Rosmerta's with him for a butterbeer. Harry and Ron wouldn't go even if I asked them. They'd make excuses saying something about Quidditch or homework. They still didn't know that we were together, but they knew that I was helping him. As far as they were aware, we only met on weekends to discuss how he managed not to attack anyone during the week, as they would say.

The weekend before Halloween, we went to Hogsmeade together, as we usually did. This time Draco wanted to visit some other shops too. I agreed as I thought it would be nice for a change. By now people thought of me as a sort of sponsor for Draco, so after a week or so they didn't find it too weird to see us together. "It is so nice that we can actually walk outside together and go to Hogsmeade, isn't it?" I asked him. "It sure is. I just wish I could hold your hand. Or put my arm around you, you look cold." I was cold, but we couldn't be seen doing things like that. Yet. "We will soon enough." I replied.

We arrived in Hogsmeade and tried to decide where to go first. "How about some lunch first?" he asked. "My treat?." "Go on then." I replied. "The Three Broomsticks is a nice little spot, fancy going there?" he asked. "Yeah, okay, I don't mind." When we got to The Three Broomsticks, Neville and Luna were there. "Oh hi Hermione, hi Draco. Would you like to join us?" asked Luna. I looked at Draco, he shrugged. "That would be lovely Luna, thank you. How are you Neville?" I replied. "I'm good thanks, better than good actually." "That's great, Neville, I'm really happy for you. For you both." Neville turned to Draco. "Er, Draco, I just want to say that, I'm happy. For you I mean. I am happy that you have found Hermione, and that you have become a better person. Don't worry, I won't tell anybody that you are together. Also I need you to know that I  don't hate you because you were related to Bellatrix. You are the opposite of her. I am on your side, and I am trying to convince others too." Draco looked slightly shocked at how fast Neville came out with all of that. "Thanks Long_ er, Neville, it means a lot that you believe me. And thank you too Luna, you were the first to know about us, and you've helped in so many ways already." "It's been my pleasure." Luna replied with a smile.

A warm feeling spread through my body. I couldn't suppress the smile that followed. Things were getting better, I just needed to convince two more people and then I'd be truly happy. I grabbed Draco's hand and held it under the table. I was really very proud of him. I just wished he could be proud of himself. He struggled sometimes. He tried not to let it show, but I knew he really did. The word was out that he was trying to change, but not every person was willing to believe. They hadn't seen enough to believe it. Not yet.

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