Forty Eight

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The weeks were flying past by now. Things had never been better, aside from the fact that I was now back in full panic and cramming mode for my N.E.W.T.s. Everyone else was so laid back, but they didn't have anything to be worried about. Harry, Ron and Draco all had jobs secured for when they graduated. Ginny had applied to the Holyhead Harpies, their captain was coming to see Ginny in action. They were very interested in her. She would definitely make the team.

Things with Draco and I were better than ever. We spent a lot of time together, both alone and with our friends. Draco was catching up with work he had missed out on and had devised a study plan. He was going to do well, though he often made it known that it didn't matter what happened in these exams, but he played along for my sake.

The day before the first exam was to commence, McGonagall posted notices in all the house common rooms. It was the date for our graduation and a timetable of events for that night. It was hard to believe that the time had almost come for us to leave this place. So many things had happened to us since that first night in the Great Hall. How could things be the same outside of here, knowing that we would not be returning? It was now May 24h. Graduation was May 31st, and we would leave for home, our new home, on June 1st.

"I know it's not going to be the same, not seeing the guys every day, but we have got a lot to look forward to." said Draco. We were sitting on the sofa in the room of requirement. Though everyone knew about us and were perfectly fine about it, it was the only place we could be that would mean we would have alone time. I felt bad about using it, we were using it quite often lately, because it more than likely meant that other people couldn't use it. I wasn't exactly sure how it worked anymore. Things changed every now and then in it, but it still felt like our own. I just hoped our new home would feel like that too.

"I know, I am excited, I really am. I just can't imagine not seeing them every morning when I wake." "Well, on the upside, you will definitely see me when you wake in the mornings." Draco chuckled. I giggled, "Yes, I know. And while that is something to be extremely excited for, we haven't even been in the same Hogwarts house. What if we don't make compatible co-habitants? What if you hate the way I sleep, or hate my routines?" I was genuinely worried about this. We really hadn't spent more than a few nights together, not nearly enough to know whether we would be okay or not.

"I can put up with any of your habits. Merlin knows I have been through enough, had to put up with enough. I think I can handle you snoring." he teased. "I do not snore! I bet you are the one that snores." I laughed back. He pulled me closer to him. "We'll be fine. You know it. You're just sad that we are leaving here, but I promise you, life outside of Hogwarts will not disappoint you." he said. I was cuddled into him by now, relaxed. He had that effect on me. He knew how to calm me down. Perhaps we would be compatible together, we had proved much harder things throughout our ten months together.

"We really ought to be studying you know?" I murmured after a few minutes. "There is plenty of time for study, love. You for one don't need to. You've got every book memorized, and well, we already know that I have a job." he joked. Though of course I knew it was no joke. I was fairly confident that I could pass all of my exams, and Draco did have a job lined up. So for the first time ever, I chose not to spend my night studying, well not all of it, but instead slumbered upon his chest. My favorite place in the world.


"How did runes go Hermione?" asked Ginny as I entered the Great Hall the next evening. "It was good. Though I think I misspelled a word." I replied. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Oh dear lord. Hermione is going fail!" she mock fretted. "Oh haha. How was divination? Make any predictions?" I replied with a sarcastic air to my tone. "In fact, yes I did." she replied. "Go on, entertain me then." A cheeky grin spread across her face. "Well. I saw something in the near future. You are going to ask me something very important. I am not too sure what they question is yet, but you will ask Me." she replied. "You're right Ginny. There is something I really need to ask, and well I wasn't sure how to phrase it. But now that you know I have something to ask you, would you please pass the gravy boat?" I replied back as innocently as I could. What was Ginny hinting at?

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