Carl Grimes: Dehydration

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You're stumbling along the road about to give up when you're found by a blue eyed boy. 

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: None


Plod, plod, plod, you tried your best to stay focused on the rhythmic tone your feet made against the cracked, dry tarmac. You little idea of where you were going, you just did your best to say upright and keep moving forward.

Your water ran out yesterday evening and you knew that the dehydration had begun to set in already, your mouth was dry your tongue felt like sandpaper against the roof of your mouth. You had managed to stop your lips from cracking by periodically coating them in Vaseline.

Three days they say, that's how you can last without water but with the hot midday sun beating down on you, well you really didn't think that you would last that long. A small laugh that sounded more like a rasp left your lips, as the irony hit you. After so long surviving the apocalypse you would be killed by something that people had been dying of for centuries.

Your mind drifted back towards the undead and you began to wonder how much longer you would survive in this world anyway. You felt as though you had been on auto pilot from the very moment that the dead got up and started walking around. Never stopping or allowing yourself a moment to think about the people that you had lost, the things you had lost or even the pieces of yourself you had lost.

You still had enough strength to walk and just enough to duck out of the way if one of them stumbled out of the treeline next to you and lunged in your direction. But you were slowly growing weaker and the distance between you and the small group of walkers that had amassed behind you was growing smaller, however they were still quite a way off.

Suddenly your legs buckled, and your knees smashed into the pavement, you just managed to get your hands out in front of you to stop your face from slamming into the road. Your arms ached from the sudden movement and your palms burned as the little rocks cut into them. You sunk back sitting on your feet and lifted your hands to look at the damage. Little specs of blood began to appear between the stones and dirt stuck to your hands. You rested them on your knees looking down at them just taking a minute to rest. After you took a moment to breath you put your hands on the floor by the side of your knuckles down and attempted to stand up, but you couldn't.

Defeated you sat there looking at the dry ground listening to the walkers behind you drawing nearer and nearer. You closed your eyes and waited for them, there was no more fight.

Thud, thud, thud, thud.

It sounded like something running at you, you'd never seen a walker run. You opened your eyes and there stood right in front of you was a guy. A woman stepped into your field of vision from the right a sword in her hand, she walked towards you quickly lifting the sword, your eyes grew wide as your brain registered the danger and you brought your hands in front of your eyes.

"Wait" You head the guy yell, you lowered your hands and looked up.

There was a boy standing before you his arm outstretched to the woman with the sword.

"Oh my God" you heard the woman say. "She's alive?"

You blinked at the woman and your field of vision began to narrow, the sudden increase in your heart rate mixed with the effects of dehydration made you feel very lightheaded. You placed your hands on the ground to steady yourself and breathed deeply to keep from passing out.

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