Chandler Riggs: Oops

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Requested by: jaydenOMGitsLevi

You looked around at the crowd of people bustling around the main area at comic con, you had wanted to come here and see the walking dead panel for so long but now you were here it was a very daunting prospect. There were hundreds if not thousands of people here today to watch the numerous different panels for almost every show imaginable. You took a deep breath and made your way into the crowd The Walking Dead panel didn't start for an hour so you had a hell of a lot of time to kill.

You weren't the greatest fan of big crowds so you stuck to the edges away from the vast majority of people. As you crept along the outskirts of the seemingly endless room you collided with something sending you tumbling to the ground.

"Omg I'm so sorry are you hurt??" said a voice, you looked up to see the one and only Chandler Riggs his hand outstretched towards you.

"Oh, um no I'm fine. It's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going!" you said taking his hand as he pulled you up.

"No it's fine I'm just trying to avoid the crowds" he said looking out at the vast sea of people.

"Yeah same I'm not all that great with crowds" you replied.

"So what brings you to comic con then?" asked Chandler leaning against the wall next to you.

"I came to watch The Walking Dead panel" you admitted.

"Oh cool!" said Chandler.

"Yeah I won't judge you if you want to run away now" you laughed.

"Nah I think I'm going to stay a while, you're good company" he said with a smile.

"MY names Jayden by the way" you said with a smile.

"And I'm Chandler" he said with a laugh "but you already knew that."

"No really I've just come to watch the TWD panel and I have no idea who's on it" you said sarcastically.

He laughed.

"Hey we have about an hour until I have to be at the panel we could go play some video games to kill some time" he said.

"Um yeah ok then" you said.

He grabbed you hand as he lead you down towards a door guarded by security, he showed his badge and you both walked through. You both then walked a little further to a room which appeared to be a recreational room. You immediately saw the xbox and ran forward.

"We should totally play Titian Fall!" you said finding the disk before turning it on.

You grabbed two controllers and sat on the sofa next to chandler.

"Ok but I'm going to have to warn you I'm not the best at this game" he said as you selected it and entered the lobby of the game.

"It's ok I will go easy on you" you laughed as the game began.

"Oh my god I have no idea what I'm doing" said chandler clicking buttons left right and centre.

You couldn't stop laughing as he died time and time again.

"When you said you were bad I didn't think you meant this bad" you said after 40 minutes of playing. "You haven't even managed to get a positive kill/ death ratio"

"Shh I'm just going easy on you" he laughed along with you.

A man with a clipboard came walking through the door.

"Chandler it's time for you to be on the panel" said the man.

Chandler gave him a quick nod and the man left the room. Chandler got up and went to leave the room before turning back towards you.

"Hey we should do this again sometime Jayden" he said with a smile. "I've really enjoyed it" he said.

You got up and stood next to him. He picked up a pen from one of the pen pots on the desk in the room and took your hand.

"That's my number, call me I demand a rematch" he said scrawling some numbers onto the back of your hand.

"I will still beat you!" you laughed as he walked out of the room with a smile and small wave.

You looked down at your hand and you knew in that moment that this was going to be the start of something truly incredible.


Authors Note

Ok so this is going to be quite a long authors note so if you don't want to read it fine by me. 

I cant believe that my story has reached and gone past 50k reads, to think that so many people have taken time out of their lives to read my book truly blows my mind. I would like to take the time to thank you all it really means a lot to me. I know I'm not the best author in the world so you guys all mean so much to me. <3

I know that everyone reading my book is a big fan of The Walking dead or you wouldn't be here. So i just thought I would tell you guys about this other Zombie apocalypse TV show that I have recently come across. Its called Z Nation its and American show and its been out for a while and there are two seasons, but its recently come onto British Netflix (only season 1) but its soo good. If any of you have watched Shaun of the Dead then its kind of a mix between that along with World War Z and The Walking dead. Basically its a comedy Zombie show.  I just though I would tell you guys about it because its quite good, its more of a light hearted approach to the apocalypse rather than the more serious Walking Dead approach. I'm sorry this has been such a long authors note, 5 stars to anyone that's made it this far. :D

Don't forget to vote and comment if you are enjoying my imagines and drop me a comment if you have watched or are going to watch Z Nation. 

P.s. If you are gonna watch the show look out for a boy name 10k ;)

I love you guys Xxx <3

Date: 14/6/2016

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