Carl Grimes: Very Unexpected

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This is a personal imagine for  PrivateZombieParish

You and Carl had been sent by Rick out to scout a nearby convenience store for any supplies that you could find. You were both quietly walking towards the store that Michonne and Daryl had cleared a few days previously.

"Come one Carl I thought you said that you wanted to get there before tomorrow, at this rate we will be lucky if we reach the place by next week!" you laughed nudging him in the side.

"Ok, I'll hurry it up then Abbie" he said speeding up to a light jog

About five minutes later the convenience store came into view, it was on the corner of the street and the carpark was packed full of cars. Most of the cars looked as though they had been there since the start of this thing, as they were all rammed together as though someone had barged them out of the way to flee the place. Plastic bags and packaging blew around the place floating on the light afternoon breeze; give the whole place a very ominous and unsettling feeling. As you and Carl approached the entrance of the shop the hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end, as Carl turned back to you.

"Come on Abbie like you said we need to hurry this up!" he whispered even though there was no need to.

"Yeah coming" you whispered back stepping into the dark store.

The store was open but there were only one or two walkers inside that you and Carl easily took out before beginning to look around the store that had clearly been picked over. There was nothing more than just a few cans of vegetables.

"Well I guess we haven't been all that lucky" you said turning to Carl, who didn't seem to be having any more luck that you.

"Yeah but at least it's something, anyway we should be heading back now" he replied smiling at you before turning towards the direction of the door.

You both made your way back to the front of the shop but as you approached the shop doors the breath caught in your throat. There was a massive heard of walkers heading straight for the shop.

"Run!" Carl yelled taking your hand and running back into the shop. He headed straight for the employees office right at the back of the shop.

After securing the door closed the two of you took a moment to catch your breath.

"That was close!" you breathed leaning your head against the wall next to the door letting out a small sigh of relief.

"Yeah that really was, but how the hell are we going to get out of here?" he said looking around the room and seeing no windows or other doors that would serve as our escape route.

"We could just-" you were cut off but the walkers beginning to bash against the wooden door separating you from them.

"What wait it out? Abbie you and I both know that the door isn't going to last that long" he replied sliding down and putting his head in his hands.

"Then we can fight them off when they get in?" you replied trying not to give in just yet.

"They will eat us alive before we so much as make a dent in that herd let alone kill enough to get through safely" he replied with a sigh.

You looked at the door and then at Carl before sitting next to him leaning you head back against the wall, that's when you noticed the large air ventilation that clearly ran throughout the whole store. You stood up and looked at it.

"What are you looking at?" asked Carl. You tuned round to see him looking up at you interested. "This building is old meaning that the ventilation shafts are large, large enough for you and me to squeeze through."

"That's actually a really good idea" he said standing up and walking over to you. "I could be our way out!"

Just as the two of you began pulling out the desk so that you both could reach the ventilation to climb in the door began to groan under the pressure of the walkers before it cracked open a little. This sent you both scrambling onto the table and hurriedly opening the vent in order for you both to climb in.

Seconds later you had both managed to scrabble up into it before you heard the door in the room you had been in come crashing down and the moans of the walkers fill the room.

"Come on" said Carl who was on his hands and knees in front of you. "Let's get the hell out of here."

You both began shuffling down the small ventilation shaft, Carl a few metres in front of you to turn and spread out the weight a little.

Finally you both came to the end of the ventilation shaft which had lead you to the building next door. You heard Carl pull of the grating and held your breath hoping that there weren't any walkers in that room below.

"It's clear" Carl yelled as he began to climb out of the vent.

Suddenly you felt the metal below you begin to give way, then the whole section that you had been on collapsed into the store below. You reached for anything that you could grab but the only thing available was the end of the vent. Your body slammed into the wall as you clung to the thin ledge.

"CARL" You yelled as your feet dangled just inches from the grasp of the walkers below you.

"ABBIE!?!?!" you heard him yell back.

"Carl GOD HELP ME" You screamed as your arms began to ache from holding onto the ledge.

You saw him reaching out his hand towards you about thirty centimetres out of reach, you could feel your hands starting to sweat from the strain of holding on and your hands became slippery against the metal.

"Oh God" you whispered tears beginning to form in your eyes as you lost your grip...

Your eyes were shut as you braced yourself for a fall that never came, opening your eyes you saw the beautiful blue eyes of Carl Grimes smiling down at you. He pulled you up and through the vent to safety.

"Carl, thank you..." you said your heart hammering in your chest.

"Abbie-" you cut him off.

"Let's just forget about it, and don't mention that to your dad otherwise I will never be allowed out again" you said going to walk to the door.

Carl grabbed your arm and turned you back towards him.

"But you need to know something-" you sighed before making a move for the door again.

He pulled you back and shoved you against the wall blocking you in with his arms, before kissing you passionately. You were stunned at first but then you found your hands tangling themselves in his hair...

 You were stunned at first but then you found your hands tangling themselves in his hair

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Authors Note

Hey yeah so I'm sorry about the last one but hopefully this one is better, I tried to make it happier but I'm not too sure about then ending so it might be changed at a later date. Anyway if you enjoyed this imagine then don't forget to vote and comment. Oh and it would be great if you could tell me if the Multimedia thing works and if you would like to see more of it on my stories. Thank you Xxx

Date: 18/2/2016

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now