Carl Grimes: I'll Fix You [Smut]

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Authors Note + Smut WARNING

I made up George I'm sorry and some of the words here may seem weird or be spelled "incorrectly" but I'm British, so they aren't to me 😉xx

Oh god there's now smut... So, this is the WARNING, I guess...

"What's up?" you asked stepping into stride with Carl, who as far as you could tell had circled the entirety of Alexandria twice now a blank expression on his face and his hands in his pockets...

He seemed surprised at the sound of your voice but kept on walking.

"Nothing I'm just thinking" he said not even looking over at you, instead keeping his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

"Well there is clearly something wrong" you said in a joking manor pushing his shoulder playfully,.

"Just leave it" he said turning and walking away from you.

You stood there watching him walking away wondering what the hell had just happened.

"Hey!" you yelled running over to him, he didn't stop walking and again he didn't look over at you.

You were starting to get mad now, yesterday the two of you had been laughing and chatting and you thought that he might even have been flirting with you. Then suddenly he wont even look at you. You stepped in front of him stopping him in his tracks, he still wouldn't look at you, instead he stared down at his shoes.

"What's going on, what have I done" you asked looking at him with a frown.

He didn't say anything just looked off to the left of you.

"Carl just look at me!" you said your tone becoming harsh as you got angrier by the second.

His eyes met yours and regret overcame you, he looked sad, no he looked broken. Your frown melted away along with your anger replaced by concern. You didn't know what to do so you hugged him, he froze for a second before wrapping his arms around you and burying his head in your neck. After a few moments the two of you pulled away.

"Hey lets go inside and talk" you said taking him by the hand and leading him to your house, the two of you walked in and up the stairs to the attic where your parents had let you have to use as den.

You walked in still holding Carls hand, you closed the door behind the two of you, let go of Carls hand and put your hands on your hips.

"Spill" you said looking at him.

He sunk down onto the sofa and looked over at you.

"I just don't know how long I can keep doing this for" he said looking down at his hands.

You slowly walked over to the sofa and sat down next to him; you took his hand.

"How long you can do what Carl, I can't help you if you don't talk to me"

"I don't know how long I can keep surviving, I don't know how long I can keep losing the people that I care about" he said looking up at you tears in his eye.

"Look losing George that wasn't your fault, he went into the factory to save someone, he did that on his own terms you didn't force him to go"

"I know but I was selfish I was so fucking selfish"

"No, you weren't how were you selfish you brought back 3 people on that trip that's more than you lost, that's 3 people you gave a new life, you gave them hope" you replied.

Your heart ached you hated seeing Carl upset, he'd been like this before back a few months ago when you failed to save two people in a hoard but this time it was different, he seemed really broken.

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now