Carl Grimes: You Always Have a Choice...

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Running as quietly as you could you followed Carl though the alleyway the clear groans of the walkers following behind you. It became apparent that Carl had lead you both to a dead end, there was only a single rusted, red, chained door at the end of it.

"Carl!" you yelled turning to look at the walkers coming down the alley towards you as Carl desperately to break the old rusted chain. "Hurry up!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!" he replied struggling with the chain.

"Well it would be great if you floored the accelerator right now or we are going to become brunch" you replied as the walkers were no more than ten feet away.

The walkers were getting closer and closer your heart beating faster and faster until you heard Carl break the chain. The door swung open and Carl hurriedly pulled you inside. That's when it hit you, the smell was bad enough to make your eyes water.

"What the hell is that?" whispered Carl as you both stared into the darkness before you.

"Hold on I have a torch" you regretted the words as soon as the beam turned on and illuminated the room in a yellow tinged glow.

There were dead rotting bodies scattering the floor, each with a clear gunshot wound to the head. Flies buzzed around the room and the air hung in a revolting blanket all around you, the stale air and lack of air circulation allowing the stench to ferment for god knows how long. Suddenly the walkers began banging on the door behind you scaring you both half to death as you began to move through the building.

After walking around and getting a better look at the bodies you realised that from the less decomposed ones that the vast majority of the people that were here probably were never walkers to begin with they were people who had been shot. You looked across to Carl and by the look in his eyes he had realised it to.

"Come on let's get the hell out of here" he whispered taking your hand and walking over to an old fire exit.

As Carl tried to get the door open you walker into a room that was presumably an office but this one was different it had one man sitting at the desk and on the wall in the back written in a brown liquid presumably blood the words 'FORGIVE ME AND GOD HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL'. Then there was a man sitting at the desk head thrown back and gun still in hand.

"How could someone do something like this, and then ask for forgiveness?" asked Carl who had entered the room and was now standing next to you.

"Maybe he thought that what he was doing was right, that he was freeing these people from the pain of this world" you answered looking at him.

"No one had the right to decide who lives and who dies or who can survive the pain of the world we live in. some of these people could have made it...still be alive today but, he took away their choice and that's not right" he said turning to open the fire door again.

"Having a choice isn't always the best thing in the world, not nowadays anyway, how many times have we been faced with an impossible decision? Hell I wish that someone had the balls to shoot me right at the beginning ..." you replied turning around and looking at Carl, who stopped what he was doing and placed his forehead on the door.

"I know you have had to make horrible decisions in the past but" he turned around to face you taking a step closer to you. He lifted his hand to your face, wiping away a tear. "I promise you that you will never have to make them alone, I will always be here right beside you, holding your hand, for as long as you want me too"

"Forever?" you asked before he kissed you, and you felt the weight of the world being lifted off of your shoulders.



Authors note

Hey guys it been a while but I'm starting exams real soon, the final ones, my GCSEs. So updates will be a little bit slower because I will be spending a lot of time revising and all, but I'm going to post an update every week probably on a Saturday. I've put aside time in my revision schedule (yeah geeky I know) to write one of these a week, I may upload more than one a week but one's going to be the minimum. I just thought I should let you guys know and I still love you all and enjoy writing these so don't think I'm giving up with this book! Anyway thank you for sticking with me and reading this massively long authors note, but I felt like I should update you guys and tell you what's going to be happening. Thank you, don't forget to comment and vote, oh and thanks for commenting on the last update it's amazing to know that I have people reading my book from all over the world! Xxx

Date: 13/2/2016

Do anyone read these or am I just rambling to myself...?

Date: 07/7/2016

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