Carl Grimes: Crushin' hard

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You and Carl headed towards the baby shop, there were a few cars scattered around the car park in front of the line of shops ahead of you. Even though you were more than used to living in the apocalypse it was scenes like this that really hit you hard. The place would have once been bustling with people from all walks of life, people with children heading in to the kids store or people heading out to get a family pet. But now it was all gone and this desolate scene served as a stark reminder that things would never be the same way again.

You had been so deep in thought that you hadn't realised that Carl had stopped and you had walked straight past him for a few steps before he had grabbed you by the arm and pulled you back. Knocking you back to reality.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked his hand still gripping the top of your arm as he looked at you with concern filled eyes.

"Yeah" you said with a small smile.

He looked you up and down before frowning a little, he didn't believe you but didn't push the subject further.

"So dad said that he, Michonne and Daryl are going to check the other stores while we head into the baby store and pick up anything useful for Judith" he said pointing at the Mothercare store in the middle of the line of shops.

Just looking at the store sent a shiver up your spine. The big glass windows in the front had the metal shutters pulled down meaning that we would have no idea what we are walking into.

"Don't worry, they came by yesterday and made sure it was all clear" he said noticing your apprehension.

You nodded as the two of you walked towards the door, he pulled a key from his pocket and undid the padlock keeping the door closed. A soft breeze blew across the open carpark. You watched as an old weathered crisp packet blew past you in the wind. The breeze was cold and it sent a shiver up you spine and set your teeth on edge as an uneasy feeling crept up your spine. You glanced about, looking through the thin line of trees out to the road where the car you had arrived in was parked. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, a least not for the apocalypse.

You both entered the store and you glance back out at the road once more before Carl closed the heavy door and bolted it from the inside.

"It looks untouched do you think they could still have some baby food?" you asked looking into the dimly lit store.

It had been cleared yesterday with Daryl claiming that there wasn't anything inside and it had been left untouched. Your eyes found a happy smiling baby poster and your heart broke a little. No one in the apocalypse was thinking about children so why would the mother and baby store been raided. You tried not to think about the number of young children who had likely perished in the apocalypse. Instead you though about the task at hand. Grab as much stuff as you can but make sure that it is all useful.

"Yeah more than we can carry" he replied.

"Okay, you start loading up with that and I will gather some of the infant clothing and blankets along with some teddy bears" you said heading towards the shelves and looking at what they had on offer. It had been an age since you had seen so many items on the shelves. Most stores were picked clean of everything you could imagine.

"Wait!" said Carl.

You froze and turned slowly towards him wide eyed your hand on your gun.

"Is there a walker?" you whispered scanning the room for any sign of movement.

"No" he said with a little laugh "this is the first time that we have been along in a little while why don't we make the most of it?"

He stepped forwards you and put his hands or your waist and smiled. You were about to lean in for a kiss when you heard a walker bash against the shop window. The apocalypse had made you far less jumpy that you had been before this whole thing, but you just couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that you had when standing outside.

Carl sighed as you both walked towards the front of the shop only to notice that there wasn't just one walker there was a whole heard walking past the front of the shop beginning to be attracted by the sound of the first walker thankfully the previous owners of the shop hand pulled down the strong metal shop window protectors so there was no way for it to get it regardless of how hard it bashed against the window.

Your eyes grew wide as they scanned across the endless wave of walkers.

"What the hell is attracting them to us?" asked Carl in a hushed whisper, turning and looking into the store. "And where the hell did, they all come from?"

"I'm not sure" you replied scanning the shop window for anything that could have caught the first walker's eye, panic beginning to set in.

You noticed a baby changing mat one of the ones that was covered in silver foil for easily clean was hung up, it was catching the evening light as the sun was about to set. As quickly and as quietly as you could you took it down.

"Oh" said Carl looking at the mat shaking his head.

The radio buzzed scaring the crap out of the pair of you. You both stumbled to the far back of the shop to e away from the walkers and listened. It was Rick talking to the pair of you.

"Y/n and Carl do you copy?" Rick said through the walkie-talkie, his voice laced with mild panic.

Carl lifted it to his mouth, pressed down the button and spoke.

"Yes dad we're fine" he said in a loud whisper.

A few moments passed before Ricks voice came through the walkie talkie again, you let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok there is a big heard of walkers outside the front of the shops there's no point in risking going out of the back because were already losing the light. So, were just going to sit tight till morning make sure to barricade the door and don't go anywhere until we come and get you in the morning ok?"

"Yes dad, Wait do you mean were staying here the whole night?"

"Yes" he replied.

You heard someone take the walkie-talkie then you heard Daryls voice come through the talkie.

"Now don't get up to anything you two" said Daryl with a laugh.

You heard Rick sigh and snatch the talkie back.

"Look we'll come get you in the morning we'll radio you just before. Sleep tight and stay safe, over and out."

"Well" said Carl "it looks like we have a little longer than we bargained for"

"Stop it" you said with a laugh "We need to make the store secure, so nothing gets in and rips us apart." You said walking to the door of the store and securing it with a rope.

You heard Carl start moving the shelves around to make a little walled area. After checking the rope around the door about five times you went to go and join Carl who was laying out the mattresses from the baby beds onto the floor to make a makeshift bed.

"Beats sleeping on the floor" he said when he noticed you staring.

You smiled and walked over to the baby blankets that were surprisingly big and collected a few and began laying them on the bed with the help of Carl. Then he went and got some pillows and placed them on the bed. Then Carl threw back the covers and motioned for you to climb in, once you did, he climbed in next to you. He wrapped you in his arms and you both snuggled together to beat the cold night air.

"So" said Carl "I think I could get used to this."

"So could I" you said into the crook of his neck hiding your smile.

"Y/n I think I would like that kiss now." He said.

You felt his arms move from your waist to you head as he kissed you passionately and fireworks erupted in your heart as your crush suddenly became a whole lot more.


Authors note

Is anyone else tired of the ads on Wattpad? You try and read a story and then it's all like "a short video will play" and then when you get to the video it takes like 2 minutes to load and you cant skip it and if you don't click out of it carefully then you click on the ad and then have to go back. It's a complete nightmare!

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now