Carl Grimes: Torn

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This Imagine was requested by: XxNorthxX

It all happened in slow motion, the gun going off and then Carl collapsing to the ground. You watched in shock as Rick picked him up bridal style and ran towards the hospital. You followed behind him slashing walkers here and there. Your eyes began to water as the reality of the situation began to sink in, you stumbled through the door and watched Rick set and unconscious Carl down on the operating table his eye gone and blood pouring down his face.

An hour later you were finally allowed into the room where an unconscious Carl was lying down on the bed a bandage around his eye. You feel fresh tears running down your face and anger rushing through your veins. Hate filled your head hate for Ron and what he had done to Carl. You sat down in the chair that was next to the bed and looked over at Carl who was lying still sweat across his forehead. You took his cold hand in yours and brought it to your face, kissing it softly.

"I'm so sorry this happened Carl" you said your voice breaking as you ducked your head and let out a sob.

You looked back up at him, your eyes blurry because of your tears.

"Nobody knows if you're going to make it..." you whisper. "They say it's all down to you, so Carl? Please just wake up ok. I can't do this without you, I can't keep surviving." You take a deep breath to try and stop the tears. "I just need you to wake up right now!" you yell looking down at his lifeless body. "Because Carl I love you, I know I should have told you earlier but I was afraid of what you would say... God. Now I'm afraid I'm never going to hear you voice again, your laugh." You gave a small sharp laugh as you interlaced your fingers with his, the resting your interlaced hands on the bed next to him.

You put your head in your free hand and just sat there. When suddenly you felt Carls hand close around yours.

"Carl?" you said sitting up straight in your chair as you leaned towards him. Moments later his eye fluttered open a smirk on his face.

"Hey" he said weakly sitting up in the bed.

"Carl omg I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up-" you rambled on Carl cutting you off.

"Yes I know I heard you" he said with a smirk.

Your eyes grew wide as what he just said began to sink in.

"Which, which part?" you asked your heart hammering in your chest.

"All of it" he replied, as you noticed that your hands were still intertwined.

"And-" you asked unable to look him in the eyes.

"And I love you too Y/n and I have for a long time now" he said as you looked up at him in complete disbelief.

He smiled and pulled you onto the bed on top of him and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss happy that he felt the same way. When the both of you pulled away he smiled at you and tucked a stray hair behind your ear.

"You're so beautiful" he said trailing his hand along your jaw, you smiled and lent into his hand.

He smiled pulling you in for another kiss...

He smiled pulling you in for another kiss

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Authors Note

I'm sorry this has taken so long for me to write, I have had exams coming out of my ears since the Friday before last and I have had a stinking cold all weekend. But now I'm back and ready to write some more imagines for you to enjoy. The imagine requests should be back open soon as I only have a few left to do so if any of you were waiting for that then you won't have to wait much longer.

Also I am thinking about writing a long fan fiction for Carl Grimes but it won't be the same as most other imagines it will be written in the format of almost all of my imagines, like this one. The reader will be referred to as Y/n because I feel like there aren't that many books that keep it open for the reader. Please comment your thoughts on this, if you think it's a good idea or not. However, do not be alarmed I will be continuing this book until I run out of parts. Thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this insanely long authors note. I love you all Xxx :)

P.s. I going to try and be a little more responsive in the comments because I feel like I'm ignoring you guys, Sorry :)

Date: 7/3/2016

Still unsure whether people read these Authors Notes...

Date: 07/7/2016

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now