Carl Grimes: The Barn

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You had been friends with Carl since the day he found you wandering down the train tracks towards terminus. He had stopped you and informed you about what had unfolded at terminus, he had saved your life and since then the two of you had been close.

Life on the road had brought the two of you even closer together, and no matter the danger you both trusted each other with your lives. You both had someone to keep you strong the same could not be said for the others in the group. You feared that Carls father was close to loosing it and was fairly sure that Abraham was more than ready to split the group into two as soon as the opportunity arrived.

"Hey, are you okay?" you jumped slightly frowning before turning in the direction of the voice.

Carl was standing just a foot away from you with a concerned expression on his face.

"Um... Yeah. Yea I'm good" you said standing up wiping your hands on your shirt before flashing a smile at Carl.

He looked you up and down unconvinced but nodded before adjusting Judith who was perched on his hip.

"You need any water?" he asked offering you a crumpled half full plastic bottle.

"Yeah" you said taking the bottle. "So, we've been walking for ages you have any idea where we're going?"

You unscrewed the cap of the water bottle and brought it to your lips before taking a sip of the warm water. It was not refreshing but it was clean and helped sooth your dry throat. Only taking a few sips you handed the water bottle back to Carl.

"There has to be something left, some place safe like the prison" he said drinking the rest of the water and looking over at you again.

"Yeah" you said with another unconvincing smile but at this point you were too tired to do all that much of anything.

He looked at you wanting to say something sympathetic or something that would give you hope, but he couldn't find the words.

"We should get going" he said turning and starting in the direction of the other group members.

You followed a little behind trying to delay getting back on the road.

It was a few hours later, you and Carl had said extraordinarily little as the two of you walked. But then again no one had really said all that much. It just seemed like everyone was defeated and deflated. All of you just trudging along until you could no longer stand upright.

You had been so lost in thoughts of impending doom that you had not noticed that Maggie had stopped walking in front of you and almost crashed into her. You opened you mouth to ask if she was okay but before you had the chance you noticed why she had stopped.

Stepping to her right you looked down at the water bottles sitting in the middle of the road. Your eyes were wide and the dull ache of your dry throat became more intense as your dry tough scraped against the inside of your mouth like sandpaper.

You glanced over at Carl who was standing away from the group still holding Judith his eyes scanning the treeline his gun in his free hand. Stepping towards him you glanced back at the group who were exchanging angry words.. Just as you opened your mouth to speak a flash of lightening rippled through the sky followed by a mighty clap of thunder. Causing silence to fall over the group.

A few seconds later the rain started, falling suddenly in great sheets soaking all of you to the bone. Everyone began laughing and you tilted your head back and let the rain sooth your throat, glancing over at Carl who held out hi upturned hat as Judith laughed.

Another lighting strike lit up the sky however it was far closer than before, with the thunderclap following a mere moment behind.

The trees to your left began rustling and the group raised their weapons just as Daryl came rushing out of the undergrowth.

"COME ON THIS WAY!!" he yelled motioning for everyone to follow him before he turned on his tail and rushed back into the trees.

A deafening thunderclap was enough to spur everyone into motion and you all dashed into the trees after Daryl. The ground was now slippery, and it was difficult to keep your footing as your ran through the forest following the sound of the others crashing thought the trees. Their movements just barely audible over the sound of the rain cascading down from the canopy of tree above.

Before long you noticed that they had stopped just ahead in a small clearing. Stopping yourself you noticed that they were outside the door of a large old dilapidated barn. Daryl threw opened the doors and all of your dashed inside out of the rain just as another thunderclap rolled across the land. Rick spun and did a quick head count before he and Daryl pushed the doors closed giving you shelter from the elements.

You watched as they secured the door with a large wooden beam. Carl stepped next to you and you turned to greet him with a smile. a genuine one this time and he returned it.

"See I told you things would work out" he said with a cheeky smile elbowing you softly.

"Yeah" you sighed looking up at the roof of the barn.

His eyes followed yours as you both scanned the roof to ensure that it would hold up.

"I however am not a big fan of the sound of this storm thought" your eyes dropping from the roof to his face.

His damp shirt clung close to his toros and tiny droplets of rain dripped from the end of his hair. He felt your eyes on him and he turned his head towards you a smirk creeping across his lips.

"Don't look at me like that" you whispered glancing over at the others who were engaged in their own actions of sorting out a place to sleep.

"Why not" he whispered in a tone that made the hairs on the back of your neck.



Authors Note

This ones kinda short I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it or not what do you guys think should I keep it, add more to it or delete it?

Date: 22/11/2015

I think I'm going to keep it, it seems you guys want me to and I kinda like it although I may add more to it in the Future  :)

Date: 07/7/2016

Carl Grimes and Chandler Riggs ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now