Carl Grimes: Attitude

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You were outside helping Carol with the washing-up, you were both just finishing as rick walked past with Carl.

"Hey Rick!" said Carol, causing him to stop in his tracks as he and Carl walked over. "Is it true your taking some of the older children gun training later on this afternoon?"

You smiled at Carl who glared at you before looking away.

"Yes, I'm taking a few of the older ones out just so they can get a little practice due to the fact that many of the kids from Woodbury don't know how to shoot." He replied.

"Well Adrianna here has been asking me to take her shooting for a while now, would it be ok if the both of us dragged along?" asked Carol smiling at you.

"Of course it's ok Carol it would be nice if the two of you came along, it would be nice to have another set of hands" he said smiling at you. "At two were going to meet down at the gate, we are going to go for a drive and try and find a nice open spot where it will be easiest to learn, meet us there if you still want to come."

He walked away and Carl glared at you before following him around the corner to their cell block.

"Carol do you know why Carl hates me?" you asked picking up one of the crates and beginning to put them in their correct places.

"I don't think he hates you it's just he was the only kid in this group for a long time I think he's just finding it hard to be around people his own age" she replied lifting down another crate and putting the knives and forks away in their place two.

"Yeah I suppose but it just feels like he hates me. When you take into consideration all the glares he gives me and how much he keeps his distance form me" you replied sighing.

"Maybe he likes you and just doesn't know how to tell you" she said stopping what she's doing to look at you seriously.

Seconds later you both burst into a fit of giggles.

"Ha-ha I don't think Carl is capable of having feelings" you replied trying to catch your breath.

"Yeah but I think you like him judging but the amount you talk about him" she said becoming serious again.

"No, what makes you think that?!" you replied going slightly red and looking away.

"Well the amount you talk about him hints it and then the way you care about whether he hates you or not kind of makes it obvious"

"Well it doesn't matter what my feelings are nothing is going to happen anyway now if you don't mind I'm going to go and change" you said standing up turning around an walking towards your cell house.

A few hours later you, Carol and the few older kids that were at the prison were gathered by the gate waiting for Rick. Before long he came walking up to the five of you Carl at his side who was yet again glaring at you.

"Ok I gather Carol has handed you your guns and just so were clear you are not to turn off the safety or even take them out of their holsters until we are at the shooting ground and I have instructed you to do so, understood?" he said sternly as a few yeses and yeahs bounced around.

"Right" said Carol, "let's all get in the car and go practice shooting!"

One by one you loaded into the seven seater car and you got sat next to Carl at the very back of the car. Sighing you took your seat and buckled yourself up before turning to look out of the window knowing that you wouldn't get much conversation out of him.

"So Adrianna do you think you're going to get the hang of this then?" said Carol from the seat in front of you.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to be ok" you said smiling.

"No, you won't." You hear Carl say too quietly for anyone else to hear.

"What?!" you said turning to him surprised that he finally spoke to you but a little hurt by what he said.

"I don't think you're going to be any good at this you too quiet and shy you're the last person I would give a gun to, if it wasn't for Woodbury I don't even think you would have survived the first few days of the apocalypse. Your weak." He said before looking out of the window.

"I think I preferred it when you didn't talk" you replied turning to the window as well trying to stop the tears that were forming in your eyes trying to think about what the hell you had done for him to turn around and say something like that.

You arrived at an open field that was clear of walkers that also had a fence you could place the cans on you brought for target practice. As soon as the car came to a stop Carl jumped out of the car as fast as he could to get away from you. You were angry at what he had said to you as you listened to Rick make another little speech before he let you all shoot. You raised your gun and fired three shots knocking all three cans of in the three shots before aiming at a sign on a post and practicing on that.

"Wow" said Carol who was carrying her favourite rifle "I thought you wanted me to teach you but it's now clear to me that you just wanted a little practice, hey you ever shot a rifle before?"

"Yeah I have I used to have one before Woodbury, but then they took it away" you replied hitting your target again.

"Hey Carl" Come show Adrianna how to shoot this rifle" she said before handing me her rifle before running over to a kid that was looking straight down the barrel of his pistol finger on the trigger.

Carl walker over to you, and stopped a few feet away.

"I don't bite you know but if you get too close I might shoot your pretty little head of for what you said in the car" you said not looking at him and positioning he rifle before taking a shot hitting my target in the bullseye.

"Why because what I said is true?" he replied crossing his arms and smirking as he watched you fire another shot.

You spun around to look at him lowering your gun.

"No because I wasn't at Woodbury from the start I was alone for a while before that, the day this all began I was sent home from school early. I walked into my house to find my mother turned and eating from my father's corpse I had to use a kitchen knife to protect myself and take her out with my dad's rifle. He taught me how to shoot and he's the one that kept little 12 year old me alive the six months before I found Woodbury. I am anything but WEAK!" you said losing your temper, only then realising how close you had got to each other.

Then Carl kissed you right there and then and you liked it, he pulled away earlier than you would have liked.

"I'm sorry Adrianna it's just I didn't understand my feelings for you and I thought by keeping my distance and pushing you away as much as possible they would go away but they haven't. I'm sorry for what I said" he said taking your hands in his.

"I forgive you" you replied.

"The truth is Adrianna I love you" he said looking into your eyes.

"I love you too Carl" you replied before you both lent in for another kiss...


Authors Note

The updates will be a little slower because I have and English exam on Monday and then one on the 20th of January so my GCSEs are my priority at the moment I apologise but i will try and update at least once a week for you guys :)

Date: 6/1/2016

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